Good reputation for my field of interest.
Course Curriculum
Good, though there is definitely room for improvement. Elective courses often have poor selection and are not relevant to main program courses.
Mostly excellent with a great deal of knowledge on their specific free, with a few unnecessarily rude/antagonistic professors who treat students poorly.
I do not live in residence, I live Off campus, renting from the private market with roommates. The residence was far too expensive to be an option for me. There are a number of apartment buildings near the school that provide housing for most college students.
I didn't take any tests before applying to colleges.
Tuition is $10,000/per year with $5,000 being payed each semester. Supplies each year are around $50 at minimum.
OSAP, Ontario Student Assistance Program provides a combination of grants and loans to students in Ontario.
Examination Structure
Few exams for my program as it is arts-based, but other programs have a fairly typical exam structure, with a reading week preceding a week of exams that are usually in a different room than the regular class.