SMC Chennai, NEET PG Cutoff 2023 for OBC Category is listed below. The overall cutoff rank for NEET PG is 409 - 45887
Courses | Round 1 (Closing rank) | Round 2 (Closing rank) |
Compare | 409 | - |
Compare | 952 | 962 |
Compare | 1330 | - |
Compare | 2568 | 3239 |
Compare | 3056 | - |
SMC Chennai, NEET Cutoff 2023 for General Category is listed below. The overall cutoff rank for NEET is 2002
Courses | Round 1 (Closing rank) | Round 2 (Closing rank) | Round 3 (Closing rank) | Round 4 (Closing rank) | Round 6 (Closing rank) |
Compare | 2002 | 5320 | 8424 | 16628 | 23613 |
SMC Chennai, NEET SS Cutoff 2023 for General Category is listed below. The overall cutoff rank for NEET SS is 118 - 2699
Courses | Round 1 (Closing rank) |
Compare | 118 |
Compare | 218 |
Compare | 605 |
Compare | 789 |
Compare | 1051 |
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