Shri Datta Meghe Polytechnic (SDMP) is one of the leading Polytechnic colleges in the State of Maharashtra. SDMP was established in the year 1983 with a missionary zeal of Shri Dattaji Meghe who is in active public life for more than 30 years and has represented the people of Maharashtra in Lok Sabha for 3 consecutive terms and presently, he is a member of parliament (Lok Sabha).SDMP strives for providing quality standard of education in diploma. SDMP is a strong believer that in today’s world it is not only academic excellence that matters but also over all personality of the student. The faculty at SDMP has international experience; they are student friendly and always ensure overall development of the students. To groom the student for being successful engineers, various activities are conducted for providing students with exposure to the real world and match with industry standards such as project-based learning and problem-solving abilities in real time. The college encourages visits to modern industries, participation of students in competitions and organizing or participating in workshops. Students are encouraged to innovate and implement new ideas to provide engineering solutions.
Facts and Figures of Shri Datta Meghe College of Education, Nagpur, Maharashtra
Year of establishment |
1983 |
Affiliated to |
Nagpur University |
How to reach |
Hingna Road, near MIDC square. |
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