Aryans College of Law, Chandigarh - Hostel Details

Chandigarh, Chandigarh
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Aryans College of Law Hostel

Fee: ₹40,000 - ₹84,000
For General Category
For 4 or more seater room (food +accomodation) Rs. 30000/- Per Semester (Yearly Rs. 60,000/-)
For 3 seater room (food +accomodation) Rs. 36000/- Per Semester (Yearly Rs. 72,000/-)
For 2 or one seater room (food +accomodation) Rs. 42000/- Per Semester (Yearly Rs. 84,000/-)
Only Accomodation (Without Food) Rs. 20000/- Per Semester (Yearly Rs. 40,000/-)
For SC/ST Category
Only Food (Accomodation free) Rs. 20000/- Per Semester (Yearly Rs. 40,000/-)

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