Bachelor of Science [B.Sc] (Programming & Data Science)
total fees: ₹1,00,000
3 YearsPart Time
(Based on 576 views last year)
36 Studentshave shown interest in the last 30 days
Total Fees
₹1 Lakh
Course Details
Once the learner successfully completes 40 credits from Degree Level courses, they can exit with a BSc Degree in Programming & Data Science from IIT Madras.
Course Duration: 1 - 3 years (10 hrs/course/week)
11 courses: 40 credits
Credit Requirements
Learners have to complete a minimum of 40 credits at the degree level:
4 credits from mandatory course titled “Styrategies for Professional Growth”
credits from 2 Core Courses of 4 credits each. There are 3 pairs of core course options to pick from.
24 credits from Elective Courses - 6 courses of 4 credits each or more courses of lesser credits.
4 to 8 credits from Free Electives. These are to be completed on NPTEL and the credits transfered to this degree program.