MHT CET Syllabus 2023 (OUT): Download Syllabus PDF and Weightage of Topics for PCM and PCB

MHT CET Syllabus 2023 PDF has been released by the State Cell on the official website- MHT CET Syllabus 2023 PCM is based on topics from Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. MHT CET Syllabus 2023 PCB is based on topics from Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Check MHT CET Exam Pattern 2023

  • MHT CET Syllabus 2023 is going to be based on the complete Class 12th syllabus and a few topics from Class 11th syllabus. Candidates can check MHT CET Syllabus 2023 PDF in the article below.
  • The difficulty level of MHT CET exam is going to be at par with JEE Main for PCM and with NEET for Biology. Candidates are advised to practice previous year MHT CET question papers to prepare for the exam. Download MHT CET Question Paper PDF

Must Read:

Syllabus 2022

MHT CET Syllabus 2023 PDF

A detailed syllabus is very helpful for the candidates in preparation. They can outline the exact topics they are required to prepare. MHT CET 2023 syllabus will also help the candidates to figure out the important topics and make sure they do not miss out on any topic. MHT CET Syllabus for Engineering, Pharmacy, and Agriculture courses will be as per the class 11th and 12th syllabus. The chapter on Complex Numbers from Mathematics is no longer part of the MHT CET syllabus.

  • The syllabus will include all the topics from class 12th Maths/Physics/Chemistry/Biology.
  • The topics from class 11 that are needed to be covered by students are mentioned below.

MHT CET Class XI Syllabus

  • Mathematics Syllabus: Trigonometric functions, Trigonometric functions of Compound Angles, Factorization Formulae, Straight Line, Circle and Conics, Sets, Relations and Functions, Probability, Sequences, and series.
  • Physics Syllabus: Measurements, Scalars, and Vectors, Force, Friction in solids and liquids, Refraction of Light, Ray optics, Magnetic effect of electric current, Magnetism.
  • Chemistry Syllabus: Some basic concepts of chemistry, States of Matter: Gases and liquids, Redox reaction, Surface chemistry, Nature of chemical bond, Hydrogen, s-Block elements(Alkali and alkaline earth metals), Basic principles and techniques in organic chemistry, Alkanes.
  • Biology (Botany) Syllabus: Diversity in organisms, Biochemistry of cell, Plant Water Relations and Mineral Nutrition, Plant Growth and Development.
  • Biology (Zoology) Syllabus: Organization of Cell, Animal tissues, Human Nutrition, Human Respiration.

Must Read

MHT CET Class XII Syllabus

  • Mathematics Syllabus: Mathematical Logic, Matrices, Trigonometric functions, Pair of straight lines, Circle, Conics, Vectors, Three-dimensional geometry, Line, Plane, Linear programming problems, Continuity, Differentiation, Application of derivative, Integration, Applications of definite integral, Differential equation, Statistics, Probability distribution, Bernoulli trials and Binomial distribution
  • Physics Syllabus: Circular motion, Gravitation, Rotational motion, Oscillations, Elasticity, Surface tension, Wave motion, Stationary waves, Kinetic theory, Wave theory, Interference and diffraction, Electrostatics, Current electricity, Magnetic effects of electric current, Magnetism, Electromagnetic inductions, Electrons and Photons, Atoms, Molecules and Nuclei, Semiconductors, Communication systems.
  • Chemistry Syllabus: Solid State, Solutions and colligative properties, Chemical Thermodynamics and energetic, Electrochemistry, Chemical Kinetics, General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements, p-Block Elements, d and f Block Elements, Coordination Compounds, Halogen derivatives of alkanes (and arenes), Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers, Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids, Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen, Biomolecules, Polymers, Chemistry in Everyday Life.
  • Biology (Botany) Syllabus: Genetic Basis of Inheritance, Gene: its nature, expression and regulation, Biotechnology: Process and Application, Enhancement in Food Production, Microbes in Human Welfare, Photosynthesis, Respiration, Reproduction in Plants, Organisms and Environment -I. 
  • Biology (Zoology) Syllabus: Origin and the Evolution of Life, Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance, Genetic Engineering and Genomics, Human Health and Diseases, Animal Husbandry, Circulation, Excretion and osmoregulation, Control and Coordination, Human Reproduction, Organisms and Environment-II

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Weightage of Topics

Weightage of Important Topics from MHT CET Syllabus

Based on the papers of previous years a rough idea about the weightage of different sections is provided below. By going through the weightage of different topics you can get an idea of the most and least important topics. 

Weightage of Topics from Mathematics Section

Important Topics Weightage of Marks
Integration 9%
Trigonometric Functions 8%
Three Dimensional Geometry 8%
Differentiation 7%
Probability Distribution 8%
Matrices 5%
Circles 6%
Conics 5%
Vectors 7%
Continuity 5%
Applications of Derivatives 5%
Differential Equations 6%
Bernoulli Trials And Binomial Distribution 4%
Pair Of Straight Lines 5%
Line 3%
Plane 4%
Linear Programming Problems 2%
Applications of Definite Integrals 4%
Statistics 3%
Mathematical Logic 3%

Weightage of Topics from Physics Section

Important Topics Weightage of Marks
Kinetic Theory Of Gases And Radiation 12%
Oscillations 8%
Atoms, Molecules, And Nuclei 8%
Rotational Motion 7%
Electrostatics 7%
Magnetic Effects Of Electric Current 6%
Electromagnetic Induction 6%
Semiconductors 6%
Wave Motion 5%
Magnetism 5%
Circular Motion 4%
Surface Tension 4%
Interference And Diffraction 4%
Current Electricity 4%
Gravitation 3%
Stationary Waves 3%
Electrons And Photons 3%
Elasticity 2%
Wave Theory Of Light 2%
Communication Systems 1%

Weightage of Topics from Chemistry Section

Important Topics Weightage of Marks
Chemical Thermodynamics And Energetics 15%
p-Block Elements – Group 15 To 18 9%
Coordination Compounds 9%
d And f Block Elements 8%
Alcohols, Phenols, And Ethers 8%
Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen 8%
Solid State 6%
Solutions And Colligative Properties 6%
Chemical Kinetics 5%
Halogen Derivatives Of Alkanes And Arenes 5%
Aldehydes, Ketones And Carboxylic Acids 5%
Biomolecules 4%
Polymers 4%
Chemistry In Everyday Life 5%

Recommended Books

Recommended Books MHT CET 2023

MHT CET is based on the curriculum of class 11th and 12th of Maharashtra state board of secondary and higher education. Most of the questions are directly asked from the syllabus of Maharashtra state board textbook. A candidate needs to practice at least twice from the textbooks as it will help in the preparation of most of the basic concepts ensuring 100 marks in the exam. Next 100 marks can be achieved by following dedicated competitive books for MHT CET as mentioned below-

Books for Physics

Book Author Publication
Objective Physics MHT CET R.P Biradar S.J Chandele Pradnya PLPN
Physics (MCQ) MHT CET A.J Rajput Marvel Publications
MHT CET Prep Guide Physics M.K Dikshit Arihant Publications

Books for Chemistry

Book Author Publication
MHT CET Chemistry Navneet Navneet publication
Chemistry (MCQ) MHT CET Mayur Mehta 
Chitra Joshi
Marvel Publications
MHT CET Prep Guide Chemistry Arihant Experts Arihant Publications

Books for Maths

Book Author Publication
Mathematics (MCQ) MHT CET Hemant G. Ainapure Marvel Publication
MHT CET Prep guide Mathematics Arihant Experts Arihant Publications
Navneet MHT CET Mathematics(Part 1 and 2) Navneet  Navneet Publications

Books for Biology 

Book Author Publication
Objective MHT CET Biology Nikhil M. Sriwastava MTG Publication
MHT CET prep guide Biology Arihant Experts Arihant Publication
Biology (MCQ) MHT CET  Dr. K. Shankaran
Devki Rama devi
Marvel Publication

Check Other Books for MHT CET

Exam Pattern 2022

MHT CET 2023 Exam Pattern

The question paper will be set on the whole syllabus of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics subjects of class 11 & 12. To attempt 3 papers you will get 180 minutes in total. In the maths paper, for every correct answer you are awarded 2 marks and in other papers 1 mark will be given for a correct answer. Know More MHT CET 2023 Exam Pattern

  • No. of Groups in MHT CET: 2 i.e. PCM & PCB
  • Papers in PCM Group: 3 i.e. Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics
  • Papers in PCB Group: 3 i.e. Physics, Chemistry, Biology
  • Weightage of Paper 1 - Mathematics Questions: 50
  • Weightage of Paper 2 - Physics & Chemistry Questions: 100
  • Weightage of Paper 3 - Biology Questions: 100
  • Maximum Marks to PCM & PCB: 200 each
Particulars Details
Mode of Examination Online Mode (Computer Based Test)
Time Duration of Exam 180 Minutes
Question Paper Type Multiple Choice Questions
Total No. of Questions in PCM 150
Total No. of Questions in PCB 200
Negative Marking No
Medium of MHT CET Exam
  • Paper 1: English 
  • Paper 2 and 3: English, Marathi, Urdu

MHT CET Helpline

In case of any queries, you can contact on the helpline numbers mentioned below:

Directorate Of Technical Education, Maharashtra State, Mumbai

3, Mahapalika Marg, Post Box No.1967,

Opp. Metro Cinema, Mumbai - 400 001

Tel: (022) 2264 1150, 2264 1151, 2262 0601, 2269 0602

Fax: (022) 2269 2102, 2269 0007


Frequently Asked Questions

MHT CET Syllabus 2023 FAQs

Ques. Which is the hardest section to crack in the Mathematics paper of MHT CET 2023?

Ans. Over the years the students found the Mathematics MHT CET Syllabus difficult to complete. It is the lengthiest and time-consuming section. The candidates must spend a considerable amount of time preparing this section.

Ques. Do the authorities release MHT CET Syllabus 2023 PDF?

Ans. The authorities have released the official MHT CET Syllabus 2023 PDF. The students need to visit the official website for checking out the same. On completing the syllabus, they must practice as many practice papers as possible to ace the exam.

Ques. What is the distribution of questions in the Physics section of the MHT CET Syllabus 2023?

Ans. A total of 50 questions will be asked from the Physics section of the MHT CET Syllabus 2023. These questions will be MCQ-type. For each correct answer, the students will be awarded one mark. There will be no negative marking from this section.

Ques. Is MHT CET Syllabus 2023 similar to the CET Syllabus of other states?

Ans. No, the pattern and syllabus of other states CET and MHT CET 2023 are different. The candidates won’t find any similarity. They need to visit the official websites to check the syllabus of each exam.

Ques. What is the weightage of chapters in MHT CET ?

Ans. As the level of difficulty of MHT CET has changed to match that of JEE Main and NEET, so chapter-wise weight cannot be accurately determined for MHT CET 2023. Prepare for the entrance as of the level of JEE Main to secure a good rank. Check List of Participating Colleges in MHT CET

Ques. How much time will I get to attempt 3 papers in MHT CET?

Ans. You will get 180 minutes to attempt 3 papers in MHT CET 2023. The syllabus will be from 11th and 12th standards. The difficulty level of the exam will be high so all the candidates need to prepare well. Once you go through the exam pattern and syllabus it will become very easy for you to prepare for the exam. 

Ques. In what ratio should I prepare from class 11th and 12th syllabus for MHT CET 2023?

Ans. 20% weight will be given to standard XI curriculum and 80% weight will be given to standard XII curriculum while setting the question paper. So you can prepare according to this and give more importance to class 12th syllabus. You can merge your preparation for MHT CET 2023 with JEE Main and NEET because the difficulty will be the same as of these exams.

Ques. Can I carry a calculator with me in MHT CET for the Maths Paper?

Ans. No, you cannot carry any electronic device with you for MHT CET. If you are found with any then this may lead to your disqualification from the exam. All the rules and regulations will be written in your Admit Card. Read them carefully and follow them. 

Ques. What are the languages in which MHT CET question papers are written?

Ans. MHT CET question papers are available in 3 languages, ie: are English, Marathi and Urdu. 

Ques. Which topic in mathematics has the highest weightage in MHT CET?

Ans. Based on previous years trends, Calculus (with an emphasis on integration) has one of the highest weightages in MHT CET Mathematics. 

Ques. Which topic in Physics has the highest weightage in MHT CET?

Ans. Based on previous years trends, Kinetic Theory of Gasses and Radiation has one of the highest weightages in MHT CET Physics. 

Ques. Which topic in Chemistry has the highest weightage in MHT CET?

Ans. Based on previous years trends, Chemical Thermodynamics and Energetics has one of the highest weightages in MHT CET Chemistry. 

Ques. What are the best books to refer to while preparing for MHT CET?

Ans. MHT CET prep guides by Arihant experts are a very good source to help candidates prepare for each subject in MHT CET 2023. 

Ques. What will be the marking scheme of questions in MHT CET?

Ans. MHT CET 2023 marking scheme is as follows. 2 marks will be awarded for every correct answer in the mathematics paper and 1 mark in other papers. There is no negative marking in any of the papers. You have to attempt 3 papers in 180 minute each and each paper will have 50 questions.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

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