MICAT 2023 Exam Pattern: Sections, Syllabus, Marking Scheme, Recommended Books

MICAT 2023 Exam Pattern consists of 3 sections: Section A, Section B, and Section C. Any candidate appearing for the MICAT 2023 Exam is required to appear for any one of the following National Management Entrance Exams: CAT 2020/XAT 2023/GATE (2019 onwards). See: MICAT Eligibility 

  • Out of the three sections in the paper sections, Section A (Psychometric Test) is the initial qualifying Round. if the candidate manages to clear this section of the paper, they shall be considered for admissions.See MICAT Selection Process
  • Section B of the paper is Descriptive based, in which a candidate has to answer 2-4 Questions as an essay, argument, or story. See MICAT Sections
  • Section C of the paper consists of 4 sub-sections: Divergent and Convergent Thinking, Verbal Ability, Quantitative Ability, and Data Interpretation, and General Awareness. See MICAT Syllabus
  • The stages of MICAT 2023 are: 
    • Any one of the following: CAT 2020/XAT 2023/GATE (2019 onwards) 
    • MICAT Admission Test
    • Group Exercise and Personal Interview.

MICAT 2023 Registrations are open till January 16, 2023 for phase 2. Candidates can visit MICAT Application Form 2023 for direct links.MICAT I exam would be held on December 3, 2022. MICAT 2023 Results would be declared on December 21, 2022. Check MICAT Exam Dates

MICAT Exam Pattern

MICAT 2023 Exam Pattern

Mode  Online - Computer Based Test
Exam Level National Level
Duration 165 minutes or 2 hrs 45 min
Nature of Questions Objective / Descriptive
Number of Questions Varies
Total Marks varies
Marks Awarded 1 Mark for every correct answer
Negative Marking -0.25 marks for every wrong answer in quantitative ability, verbal ability, divergent convergent reasoning and general awareness section
Medium English
Courses Offered PGDM and PGDM-C 
MICAT Eligibility Minimum 50% in bachelor’s degree
MICAT Sections

MICAT 2023 Sections

Section Test
Section A Psychometric Test
Section B Descriptive Test
Section C Divergent and Convergent Thinking
Verbal ability
Quantitative ability and Data Interpretation
General awareness
  • MICAT 2023 Section A, Psychometric Test, is a qualifier round. 
  • If Aspirant qualifies for Section A, their relative performance in CAT 2020/XAT 2022/GATE (2019 onwards) will be considered. 
  • If the candidate qualifies for the above, then only section B will be considered. 
  • Scores in Section C will be considered of the candidates who qualify the basic cut off for Section B. 
  • Based on scores of Section C, candidates will be shortlisted for the GE and PI Round of MICAT 2023. 
  • GE & PI candidate list will consider the Composite Score formula of 50% CAT/XAT/GMAT and 50% MICAT scores. 
MICAT Marks Distribution

MICAT 2023 - Section-wise Marks Distribution

The duration of the MICAT 2023 wl be 2 hours 15 minutes, and the total number of questions in the exam will vary within the range given below and as per the difficulty level of the section.has not been announced by MICA yet. It is expected to be reduced keeping in mind the current scenario. The exam duration has been reduced from the earlier 2 hours and 45 minutes to 2 hours and 15 minutes. It is, however, subject to change as per the government directives. 

Here is the expected section-wise distribution of marks for MICAT 2023 - 

Section Subjects Number of Questions Time Allotted
Section A Psychometric Test 32-36 35 Minutes
Section B Descriptive Test 2-4 25 Minutes
Section C Divergent and Convergent Thinking 27-30 105 Minutes
Verbal ability 21-25
Quantitative ability and Data Interpretation 21-25
General awareness 21-25
MICAT Syllabus

MICAT 2023 Syllabus

Section Subject Topics Covered
Section A Psychometric Test Personality Factors, Behavioural Patterns, Career Goals, Life Goals, Situational Judgements, Personality Traits etc. 
Section B Descriptive Test Essays, Arguments (For and Against), Personal Opinion, Provide story based on pictures given
Section C Verbal ability Passages, Reading, Comprehension, Inference and Conclusion, Summary, Vocabulary etc. 
General awareness Contemporary Events of National and International Significance, Art and Culture, International Affairs, Historical Events of significance etc.
Divergent and Convergent Thinking Argument - Premise and Conclusion, Inference, Relationships and Analogies, Contradictions and Equivalence, etc. 
Quantitative ability and Data Interpretation Basic Algebra, Mensuration, Statistical Estimation, Graphs, Numerical Information, Ratio and Proportion etc. 

Visit: MICAT Syllabus

MICAT Recommended Books

MICAT 2023 Recommended Books

MICAT 2023 is a very vast and expansive exam. It is advisable for the candidate to start preparations early in order to ace the exam. The competition is quite high, as approximately 9 thousand students attempt the paper every year. To get a jump start on preparation for the different sections of MICAT 2023, it is highly recommended that the candidate refer to these books - 

MICAT 2023 Section A & B Recommended Books

Subject Name of Book Publisher/Author
Psychometric Test How To Pass Psychometric Tests Andrea Shavick
Psychometric Tests For Dummies Liam Healy
Descriptive Test 151 Essays Gupta S. C.
101 Creative Writing Exercises Melissa Donovan

MICAT 2023 Section C Recommended Books

Subject Name of Book Publisher/Author
Verbal ability Word Power Made Easy Norman Lewis
High School English Grammar and Composition Key Wren & Martin 
General Awareness Manorama Yearbook 2023 Manorama 
Current Affairs Yearly 2023 Arihant 
Divergent and Convergent Thinking How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for CAT Arun Sharma
Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning RS Agarwal
Quantitative ability and Data Interpretation Universal's Elementary Mathematics (Numerical Ability) Jain Prateek
Quantitative Aptitude RS Aggarwal

MICAT 2023 GE & PI Recommended Books

Name of Book Publisher/Author
GD PI Handbook Thought Educate Pvt. Ltd
Crack – GD / PI / WAT for MBA Admissions Varun Saxena
Exam Pattern FAQs

MICAT Exam Pattern 2023 FAQs

Ques. Is MICA affiliated to XLRI, GMAC or IIM?

Ans. MICA, or Mudra Group of Communications Ahmedabad is an independent organization. MICA is in no way affiliated with XLRI, GMAC or IIM. 

Ques. How will candidates be shortlisted for GE and PI?

Ans. The candidates will be shortlisted for MICAT GE & PI based on their performance in section C(quantitative ability, verbal ability, divergent convergent reasoning and general awareness). 

Ques. How is the final merit list prepared?

Ans. Admission will be granted on the basis of merit in all the sections, CAT/XAT/GATE and GE and PI followed by which their choice will be considered. 

Ques. How is the composite score calculated? 

Ans. The composite score is calculated in the following manner: 

  1. CAT/XAT/GMAT: 20%
  2. MICAT: 30%
  3. GE: 20%
  4. PI: 30%

Ques. Is it possible to attempt both MICAT 1 and MICAT 2?

Ans. It is possible to attempt both MICAT 1 and MICAT 2 in a single year. The higher score will be considered. 

Ques. I have attempted CAT, XAT and GATE. Which will be considered? 

Ans. If a candidate has attempted more than one in XAT, CAT or GMAT, the better of the two or three will be considered for admission. 

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.


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