UPCET Exam Pattern 2022: Marking Scheme, Syllabus, Preparation, Books

UPSEE (UPCET) Exam Pattern 2022 is defined by the NTA. UPCET 2022 will be held as a computer-based entrance test for a duration of 120 to 180 minutes depending on the course.

  • UPSEE (UPCET) Syllabus 2022 differs for each of the UG and PG programs. Check UPCET Syllabus 2022
  • UPSEE (UPCET) 2022 question paper will include objective-type questions i.e., Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
  • The question papers of UG courses and Integrated MBA and Integrated MCA will be bi-lingual (both in English and Hindi) while question papers for PG level exams will be in English only. Also Check UPCET Cut off

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UPCET Exam Pattern Highlights

UPSEE (UPCET) Exam Pattern 2022: Highlights

UPCET Conducting Body NTA
Mode of Examination Computer-based Test
Exam Duration 2 hours (B.Pharm exam for 3 hours)
Medium of Exam (UG/ Integrated MBA/ Integrated MCA) Bilingual(Hindi and English)*
Medium of Exam (PG courses) English only
Nature of Questions Objective type (Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs))
Number of Questions 75- 150 (depending on the paper)
Total Marks 300 to 600 (depending on the paper)
Marking Scheme +4 for every correct answer
Negative Marking None

*Note - In case of any ambiguity, the English version shall be considered as final

UPCET Exam Pattern

Course-wise UPSEE (UPCET) Exam Pattern 2022

The total number of questions in UPSEE (UPCET) 2022 varies for each paper depending on the course. The section below covers the detailed UPCET Exam Pattern 2022 for each course.

UPSEE (UPCET) Exam Pattern 2022: BHMCT, BFA, BFAD, B. Voc., BBA, and MBA(Integrated)

Exam for Admission to Subject No of questions Total Marks Duration
BHMCT, BFA, BFAD, B. Voc., BBA, and MBA(Integrated) Numerical Ability and Analytical Aptitude 25 100 2 hours
Reasoning and logical deduction 25 100
General Knowledge and current affairs 25 100
English Language 25 100
Total 100 400

UPSEE (UPCET) Exam Pattern 2022: B.Des

Exam for Admission to Subject No of questions Total Marks Duration

B. Des
Numerical Ability and Analytical Aptitude 20 80 2 hours
Reasoning and logical deduction 20 80
General Knowledge and current affairs 20 80
English Language 20 80
Design 20 80
Total 100 400

UPSEE (UPCET) Exam Pattern 2022: B.Pharma

Exam for Admission to Subject No of questions Total Marks Duration
B. Pharm Physics 50 200 3 hours
Chemistry 50 200
Biology/Mathematics 50 200
Total 150 600

UPSEE (UPCET) Exam Pattern 2022: MCA

Numerical Ability and Analytical Aptitude 25 100 2 hours
Reasoning and logical deduction 25 100
Mathematics 25 100
Computer awareness 25 100
Total 100 400

UPSEE (UPCET) Exam Pattern 2022: MCA (Integrated)

Exam for Admission to Subject No of questions Total Marks Duration
MCA (Integrated) Numerical Ability and Analytical Aptitude 25 100 2 hours
Reasoning and logical deduction 25 100
Mathematics/Statistics/Accounts 50 200
Total 100 400

UPSEE (UPCET) Exam Pattern 2022: B.Tech (Lateral Entry)

Exam for Admission to Subject No of questions Total Marks Duration
B.Tech (Lateral Entry for diploma holders): Engineering aptitude 100 400 2 hours
Total 100 400
B.Tech (Lateral Entry for B.Sc. Graduates) Mathematics 75 300 2 hours
Computer concepts 25 100
Total 100 400

UPSEE (UPCET) Exam Pattern 2022: B.Pharma (Lateral Entry)

Exam for Admission to Subject No of questions Total Marks Duration
B.Pharm (Lateral Entry) Pharmaceutical Chemistry-I 50 200 2 hours
Pharmaceutical Chemistry-II 50 200
Total 100 400

UPSEE (UPCET) Exam Pattern 2022: MBA 

Exam for Admission to Subject No of questions Total Marks Duration

Numerical Ability and Analytical Aptitude 25 100 2 hours
Reasoning and logical deduction 25 100
General Knowledge and current affairs 25 100
English Language 25 100
Total 100 400

UPSEE (UPCET) Exam Pattern 2022: M.Sc. (Maths/ Physics/Chemistry)

Exam for Admission to Subject No of questions Total Marks Duration
M.Sc. (Maths/ Physics/Chemistry) Core subject opted (Maths / Physics / Chemistry) 75 300 2 hours
Total 75 300

UPSEE (UPCET) Exam Pattern 2022: M.Tech

Exam for Admission to Subject No of questions Total Marks Duration
M.Tech. (Civil Engineering / Computer science & Engineering/IT / Electrical Engineering / Electronics & Communications Engg. and Mechanical Engineering Core subject opted (Civil/ Mechanical/ Electrical/ Electronic and Communications/ Computer Science and Engineering/ IT)


2 hours
Total 75 300

UPCET Marking Scheme

UPSEE (UPCET) Marking Scheme 2022

UPSEE (UPCET) Marking Scheme 2022 is the same for all papers. For each correct answer in UPSEE (UPCET) 2022, a candidate is awarded +4 marks. There is no provision for negative marking in UPCET 2022

Type of Answer Marks
Correct Answer +4
Incorrect Answer 0
Unanswered Question 0

UPCET Preparation Tips

UPSEE (UPCET) 2022 Preparation Tips

It is necessary for the candidates to plan their preparation schedule and focus on the important topics that carry maximum weight. To score well in UPSEE (UPCET) 2022, aspirants are advised to read the preparation tips given below:

  • Read the instructions carefully. This is to make sure that you are able to know any changes in UPCET Exam Pattern 2022.
  • Do take mock tests twice a week to check how much you have improved.
  • Know your strengths and weaknesses.
  • After going through your syllabus once, increase the number of mock tests you take.
  • Also, nowadays there are test series available online too. Join and strengthen your UPCET preparation to crack the exam.

Frequently Asked Questions

UPSEE (UPCET) Exam Pattern 2022 FAQs 

Ques. What is the marking scheme of UPCET 2022?

Ans. UPCET 2022 Marking Scheme will be uniform across all the courses. Candidates will get +4 marks for each correct answer. There is no negative marking for Incorrect/unattempted answers. 

Ques. How many questions are there in UPCET 2022?

Ans. The number of questions in UPSEE (UPCET) 2022 vary depending on the paper/ course for which the candidate is appearing. The number of questions will vary from 75- 150.

Ques. In which mode will UPCET 2022 be conducted?

Ans. UPCET 2022 will be conducted as a computer-based entrance test. 

Ques. Will there be any negative marking in UPCET 2022?

Ans. No, there will be no negative marking in UPCET 2022 entrance examination. However, the authority keeps a record of incorrect answers of each candidate separately and uses it (if required) at the time of releasing UPCET merit list for the tie-breaking process.

Ques. What is the syllabus for UPCET MBA exam 2022?

Ans. UPCET MBA Syllabus for the 2022 session is expected to remain the same as the last year. UPCET Syllabus for MBA will comprise of 4 sections- Numerical Ability & Analytical Aptitude, Reasoning & Logical Deduction, GK & Current Affairs, and English Language.

Ques. Is UPCET Exam Pattern the same for M.Sc and M.Tech?

Ans. Yes, the exam pattern for both M.Sc and M.Tech is the same, however, the syllabus is different. Both papers have 75 questions carrying 300 marks. The core subject opted in M.Sc will be from Maths/ Physics/ Chemistry. However, the core subject for M.Tech will be from Civil/ Mechanical/ Electrical/ Electronic and Communications/ Computer Science and Engineering/ IT.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

Fees Structure

Structure based on different categories


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