News and Articles

According to the Digital 2022 research, we spend an average of seven hours online each day or nearly an entire working day. This makes distance learning a more suitable option when it comes to the pursuit of higher education due to how much time individuals spend online

Finding a career path that corresponds with our interests and values is an important part of determining our life's purpose. Sitting on your hands is not an option - you want to be constantly thinking, learning, and growing. And there's no time like the present to start thinking about maximising your career growth

Education is a never-ending learning process that has always been a part of our lives. The best education can lead to a brighter future. If students want to get the most out of their university experience, they should look beyond their local college. Studying abroad is a holistic experience that includes more than just education. When a student completes a study abroad program, the benefits of education follow them back home! Earning an international degree means broadening your career and personal horizons and having a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Here are some of the reasons why you should think about studying abroad:

As of 2022, over 63% of the world’s population has internet access. And that means your geographical location can’t stop you from chasing your dreams anymore.

Modern learners often find themselves overwhelmed and easily distracted. However, the silver lining is that they are highly motivated to learn. Many of them have adopted a "self-serve" approach to learning, which enables them to take control of their own learning journey. It is worth noting that over 60% of learners seek personalised and timely content. Meanwhile, more than 56% prefer to learn on demand.

IU’s newly launched Study Abroad Alliance offers students international opportunities in North America, Europe and Australia to all students.
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