Information is not given properly And the spoken language is not proper... Bhagirath Academy will be a reputed academy in competitive exams but while getting information we realized that name big sign is fake condition of this academy as we were not given any kind of information properly. The staff there has a great attitude, they should first learn how to speak and how to work..
Best academy for mpsc and upsc exam preparation. Best and friendly staff, experienced teachers make this academy unique in Maharashtra. Mr Ranjan Kolambe is very hard working and brilliant Sir...proud to have his guidance.
I would say this academy is one of the topest academy of Maharashtra. Why this I am posting so confidently because the way academy groom students by providing high quality standard teaching on each and every topic and the way they prepare the students for exam is exceptionally excellent , have not seen such welll planned preparation in anyother academy, and that is why the students of this academy always be on top of all competitive exams. Thank you Bhagirath IAS Academy.
Bhagirath IAS Academy is the best institute in pune. Very good teaching & guidance for competitive exam .
I am very happy to connect with bhagirath academy and kolambe sir .... It was great experience with kolambe sir and other teachers ....
Basic Information About the Institute