For overall quality, Please go to ACE or Made easy if you would like to crack any exams.Overall quality is required for cracking exams. If you would like to grab concepts l, You can join this institute for thermal only.If you would like to crack exams and is your ultimate aim, Pls go for made easy or ace or any reputed institutions.
It is very Good The way Kulkarni Sir teaches it's aweosme. I haven't seen any teacher or professor teaching as good as him. Very passionate teacher . And the most important thing is he will start teaching from the basics and slowly take you to the top so that you will get confidence to solve tough numericals. Sir gives neat notes which will help you make short notes afterwards. Join there and learn the subjects with full focus and don't make too many friends and don't focus too much on the biryanis, only subjects, light and proper 7 hours of sleep is enough to Crack Gate or IES with top ranks. Thanks.
This is the only Coaching Centre in India which gives genuine knowledge (from Basics to High level including all types of questions whether it is from Gate and IES) regarding subjects of Mechanical Engineering because a great faculty of mechanical engineering (Kulkarni Sir) who taught 7 to 8 subjects and he had a good comand of these subjects, special whole Thermal Group subjects and FM are the mind blowing subjects.
No doubt Kulkarni Sir taught every subject Thermo, HMT, RAC , IC Engine, Powerplant, SOM , Design extremely well .Being a below average student I did not understand anything when I read RAC, IC engine, powerplant from book . When legend Kulkarni Sir taught those subjects, I understood concepts well. Parigan Sir taugth TOM extremely well, moreover he is very friendly with us. Kulkarni Sir & parigan Sir gave a new dimension to mechanical engineering.
Am from hyd n am with 20+ backlags in btech..thankgod he shows me the way to kame ..even i feeled the subject n fall in love with subject n enjoyed it..because of kulakarni sir..hatsaff to ur energy n the way of explaining subject sir..i wish (request)to continue and run the institute (temple) ..upto last breath sir ..and show the way to weak students like me ..and give the confidence in them ..i gained confidence i got it thank you sir..
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