Csquare has helped my Child Grishm to improve and develop his Mathematical and Cognitive skills. Thanks to the tutor Jagath Royal and the institution for your continuous support.
It's a best place to find qualified tutors for the best teaching experience. It is very honor to work under this and I would say it is the best platform to the teacher and parents too to select or avail their requirements...
I have working as a tutor from last 8 years and i have been working with C Square from last 2 years. Best place to share your knowledge, team of experience faculty's. Classes are very smooth with legal agreement papers. Always a supportive hand from the top management.
I am junior developer working for CsquareEducation. I found it extremely convenient for parents students as well as tutors as it is a common platform for all. Best tutors available from every locality is a plus point for the students.
I worked as a home tutor from csquareeducation. I got very good support whenever i called to admin.. Thanks csquareeducation..
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