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Daud sir helped me a lot during my cet crash course.. chemistry has been fun with him and makes me feel more confident than ever !! Thank you sir
Best acedemy in Nashik which Offers Offline & Online Coaching Classes for IIT JEE NEET CET IIT JAM CSIR NET,GATE SET and SPPU ICT HU BHU MSc Entrance Exams along with BSc and MSc classess. Best teachersI have met ever and it gonna be defiantly shine in future
Thank you very much sir for your valuable guidance, Sir Because of you and daud's chemistry academy ,Chemistry became very easy for me , Organic chemistry which is the most difficult section of chemistry became very easy because of you. So surely, dauds chemistry academy is the best class for chemistry And teachers also
Excellent choice..!! You'll never regret being here. A review from a student who was haunted by Chemistry and especially those huge structures of Organic Chemistry n now it's just been 4 months joining DCA and the scenario is totally different. From a person who hated Chemistry now finds it so interesting. So concluded .."It's not the subject, just proper mentoring can result into such transformation..!! " Should definitely give it a try..!!
Best coaching platform for Chemistry subject and DCA has excellent interaction and doubt solving session!!
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