Don't fall in the trap guys! There is no faculty no management. They only collect fees and then vanish. No AC. KIDS are fainting while studying. No lift. No safety in case of any mishappening. They save money while giving the worst basic infrastructure forget about the teaching.
My experience with the faculty has been absolutely phenomenal. Moreover, the environment to give the mocks was well stimulated to feel like the actual clat centre.
CLAT POSSIBLE has got the best of the mock papers and it really helps a lot....
Clat Possible, Pitampura Centre, is an excellent coaching centre for students seeking admission to the best institutions for Law in the country. The faculty is not only extremely competent but also fully involved and invested in the students. The centre is very ably helmed by the centre head, Sonali Sabharwal. She brings to the table experience, intelligence, empathy and organisational skills. I will recommend the centre to each and every one looking to get admission to the National Law Universities.
I am very much satisfied with the faculty and management. The teachers here are really superb and friendly. Must recommend everyone to join this institute for your clat prep.
Basic Information About the Institute