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Pretty old place. One stop solution for your religious needs like shraddh and stuff. Located at a well connected area. But really, nothing else of interest.
Monks are so compassionate and loving.Everybody is so sincere.Place is ideal for obsequial rites and rituals
This famous building affiliated to Lord Sri Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is located near Rashbehari 4 point road crossing of South Calcutta, and very near to the popular "Bachan's Dhaba" restaurant. It's adjacent to Kalighat metro station.
Beautiful placid devotional place. Very impressive. You can feel the sound of your heart. I love very much. It is a Baishnab Devotional place. Chaitannya mahapravu, prabhu sil pad. Must visit. Established in 29th june 1964. Founded by Dr Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan.
Nice n calm, should have airconditioner option, parking is a real challenge for self driven cars.
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