A dynamic teacher with strong management skills, Dr Vasanthi Palanisamy is serving as HOD (Civil Engineering) at ADHI COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, Kanchipuram. With several years of teaching experience at various national-level institutions, she has utilized innovative teaching methods to encourage student learning objectives. Also, she has published a number of research papers in various journals, and has attended several seminars, workshops and conferences. She has completed many NPTEL Certifications as well. 


Being the HOD of the civil department, what are your roles and responsibilities?

“Ensuring day-to-day operations to run smoothly and effectively”

Looking at day to day activities relating to teaching and other workloads of the department along with the teaching and non-teaching staff is my prime responsibility being the HOD. I observe and collect feedback, and report to the Principal regarding all the requirements of the department such as Faculty Member, supporting staff, equipment’s, books & journals, maintenance, etc. Monitoring, leading, training, and managing the staff to take classes on time and regularly, and also conducting research activities with specific targets are my duties. 

How do you try to bring in a practical approach towards subjects?

“Outlining effective student learning activities”

It’s crucial to teach students a combination of academic and practical skills to produce employable graduates. Also, there are great benefits to gain from an industry-focused education that concentrates on both academic and practical skills. We undergo problem-based learning, flipped learning and student-created content activities to help students acquire practical knowledge and skills. Collaborative learning and competency-based education help us teach students in a more comprehensive and intellectual manner. We provide work-integrated learning opportunities and get students out into the real world.

How do you strategize the curriculum to make it beneficial for the students?

“Constant improvement with latest strategies”

I regularly analyze current teaching practices and learning goals for the students. Our department re-examines the links between goals and course design and reconsiders the role of assessment of this course for the wholesome benefit of students. Then, I along with other faculty develop teaching strategies and approaches, and formulate, deliberate, and assess the possible Reform Models to upgrade the content and information as per the present scenarios. 

How does the civil department prepare students for the future?

“Implementing practical exposure to various fields”

To nurture the students to face the challenges encountered in the continuous and ever going global infrastructure and technical development, we impart education based on functional design, computer-based analysis, and fieldwork problems. Students are equipped with relevant standards, execution of housing, industrial, irrigation and environmental structures pertaining to I.S codes. Also, we take the venture of self-entrepreneurship and foster collaborations to enhance diversity.

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How do you help your students to cope up with the high competition outside?

“Building mutual learning a habit for all”

We encourage students to get out of their comfort zones and compete against themselves. Showing students how to learn from their mistakes and being transparent about competition performance help students get a flair for outside competitive world and situations. We always create a culture of cheerleading and good sportsmanship that disperse peace and harmony among our students. 

What necessary skills should students possess in order to face challenges?

“Various interpersonal and professional skill”

Civil engineers are typically very skilled at problem-solving. Throughout each project, they have to solve complex technical problems and come up with creative solutions. These solutions have to be safe, efficient and cost-effective. Technical Skills, Project Management, Communication Skills, Creativity, Problem Solving, Leadership skills, Organizational skills, Attention to Detail are required at the utmost. 

Some of the skills and qualities that a student must positively gain for the benefit in the career and personal life include:

  • Adaptability - Working with different types of people
  • Cooperation - Problem-solving and influence
  • Prioritization – Teamwork and Time management
  • Public speaking - Giving feedback
  • Listening – Leadership and Ability to follow instructions

How does the curriculum of the civil department ensure the best practice of the industry?

“Integrating successful practical changes and actions plans”

We recognize the leverage afforded by engineering designs and move to take advantage of it; implement a comprehensive and coherent product realization process. Our department utilizes a carefully chosen set of contemporary design practices; creates a supportive environment for design; establishes dedicated functional change agents to implement new practices and organization. We actively promote and support the continuing education of the engineers; aggressively support research and development activities in engineering design; and formally seek and incorporate the best practices as they evolve and adopt modern management accounting systems as well. We also organize a number of Industry visits per semester to enhance student abilities and exposure. 

What interventions do you bring in apart from curriculum to train the students?

“Emphasizing and interesting skill approaches”

Interventions use a specific program or set of steps to target an academic need. They’re often used to help students who have trouble with reading. Instructional interventions help struggling students and measure their progress. We inculcate critical thinking that includes the ability to observe and reason effectively. We use systems thinking to make judgments and decisions and solve problems. Visualization, Cooperative learning, Inquiry-based instructions and Differentiation are key approaches to assist the student learning process. Technology intervention, Behaviour management and Professional development are being done. 

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What valuable advice would you give the students to have a prosperous career?

“Cultivate perseverance and positivity”

Emphasize teamwork, build positive relationships and step outside of your comfort zone to succeed enormously. Get ready to learn every day and adapt to workplace changes. Observe others and view every person you meet as a door that may lead you to a new opportunity. Think of yourself as a lifelong learner, deeply consider your career path. Search for the value in feedback or criticism.