GS College of Commerce and Economics

Dr Sunil Kumar Pahwa is the Principal of GS College of Commerce and Economics. He has an experience of 38 years and has held key positions in prestigious universities. Dr Pahwa also has been a keynote speaker and a resource person for various national and international seminars and conferences. 

What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

“Teamwork is the key to success”

Any leader has to follow certain principles. As a leader, we need to follow the rule of ‘Lead by Example’. If I set an example for my team to follow, the results will reflect on the student. One also has to be a strict disciplinarian especially in an institute of higher education. Dealing with the students in the age group of 18-22 years, who are the ambassadors of the country is different from other organizations. 

How do you strategize about the key programs and plans for the marketing and administration of your school?

“Our brand name has been doing the work for us”

A successful institute is about much more than classroom teaching and learning. Co-Curricular activities are the backbones. The overall growth of the students can only be possible when he/she has physically presented in the college campus the interpersonal skills. An individual’s behaviour in a particular society plays an important role in his/ her overall development. As far as marketing is concerned mouth publicity is the best practice. Our work, our faculty, our co-curricular activities in house facilities have always been the pillars of success.

How does the curriculum of GS College of Commerce and Economics Jabalpur ensure the best practice of industry?

“Introducing courses that inculcate relevant skills in the students”

As far as the syllabus is concerned we have some limitations as we have to follow the guidelines of the state. The educational institute has not given much freedom to change or enhance the syllabus. We have to work within a particular framework. However, after gaining the autonomous state, we are trying to bring in add-on courses of certificate level which helps students in developing the skills and are able to fulfil the needs of the industry.

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What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the Institute and the students are?

“Keep the student updated with the changes taking place around them”

As a principal, my prime role is to achieve the greatest heights every year. The need of the hour is to maintain discipline, improve teaching-learning practice, and enhance infrastructural facilities. Promoting skill development amongst the students, giving them on the job training, arranging more and more industrial visits also comes under my responsibility. With regards to faculty, we motivate them to upgrade themselves not only by teaching-learning but also by accepting the change and upgrading themselves technically and adjusting to the latest technology as early as possible.

What do you think should be the Institute’s top priority over the next 10 years?

“To gain a strong national and international recognition”

Every institute has a short term and long term goal. In the next 10 years, I would like to see my college as one of the best college imparting commerce education both in Hindi and English medium. This is the first college in the state of MP which started commerce education in Hindi. I would see that my college collaborates with other institutes of higher education within the country and also abroad. I am proud to say that many of our alumni have settled abroad, bringing them on one of the platforms will be the key plan. 

When you first came to GS College of Commerce and Economics Jabalpur, what was your vision for the university? Has it evolved, and how far along in implementing that vision are you?

“Change and growth are a continuous process”

When I came to this institution, I had the vision to see this institute rise. Yes, the institute has grown in all aspects and established itself as a centre of excellence in commerce education. There is still a lot to be done. I hope with the support of all stakeholders we will be able to achieve every vision.

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What are some of the biggest challenges you see, both for higher education in general and for GS College of Commerce and Economics Jabalpur specifically?

“Adoption of unfair means has hindered the growth”

. Higher education has undergone many changes over a period of time. Challenges are multi-phased and one has to work irrespective of it. Higher education being a state subject lacks policies that are conducive for growth, to be honest. In between, there has been a mushroom growth of private players and some of them have spoiled the fair practices.