MAT, also known as Management Aptitude Test is an entry-level exam to get admission in Management Institutes to study MBA. The exam is designed to assess the fundamental competency that will facilitate you to build successful management careers.

We are aware that the management profession demands certain cognitive, psychological and emotional acumen to deal with the challenges of the industry successfully. MAT is one of the litmus tests that enable the institutes to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses that need to be addressed during your MBA study tenure.

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Before you begin to prepare for the MAT exam, it helps to know what the content of the exam is all about. In this article, we will discuss at some length about the subjects of this exam.

Language Comprehension

This section tests your English vocabulary that includes antonyms-synonyms; fill in the blanks, and jumbled words among others. It also includes questions based on comprehension passage and jumbled paragraphs.

To do well in this section, you have to master the English language. Read English newspapers, magazines, watch English movies and listen to English channels to be in charge of the Language Comprehension section in MAT.

Mathematical Skills

Extensive maths practice is the secret to crack this section in MAT. You need to have a solid understanding of mathematical fundamentals and formulas. Common topics in this section are related to profit and loss, age problem solving, and ratios among others.

There are plenty of short-cut tricks available to help you solve problems without losing valuable time. When you sit for mock exams, use a stopwatch to monitor the time you are taking to solve this section and try to increase your speed with more practice.

Data Analysis and Sufficiency

This section tests your mental agility and acumen for data interpretation. Understanding the question clearly can hold the key to your success in this part. You are given to analyze data in different formats like pie charts, tables, line graphs, and bar graphs.

The more you practice, the better equipped you are to be in command of this test section.

Intelligence and Critical Reasoning

This 30-minute test section will assess your intelligence and critical reasoning skills. Here, most of the questions are based on analytical reasoning, blood relations problems, alphanumeric series, direction-based questions, and verbal reasoning among others.

Also, over and above what is mentioned, there have been questions on diagram-based membership and representation, cubes, coding-decoding etc. to get the measure of your thinking skills in a limited span of time.

Indian and Global Environment

This is fundamentally a general knowledge test. To be abreast of the current affairs and trending happenings in the country and around the world in politics, business, industry, sports, art, and culture among others.

Reading the newspaper and watching daily news along with a dedicated effort to strengthen your memory muscle will prove extremely beneficial for passing this section with flying colors.

Our Takeaway:

MAT is not a typical syllabus-based exam and therefore rote learning is of little use to crack this exam successfully. Focus, clarity in thinking, mental agility and sharp cognitive intelligence can help you not only to cross over this test with ease and confidence but also in the learning journey of becoming successful management professional.