Dr. Naveen Kumar Malik is presently serving as the Director Principal at Hindu College of Engineering, Sonepat. With an extensive experience of several years, he is a profound leader, guide, mentor and educationist. Along with handling all the Statutory as well as Operational duties of the college, Dr. Naveen Kumar Malik has been a proactive member for successful organization of the institution.

Hindu College Of Engineering

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector? 

“Serving the world for the better”

Academic world has many wings. Learning and teaching is the core for the future generation and for the nation to grow and develop with full potential. We need skilled personnel for better living and huge allocations in order to invest in it and make world a socially and economically sound place for each one of us. 

How would you describe your leadership style?

“Democratic and interactive style of leadership”

For any institution or organization to work smoothly there must be a participative and interactive set up to create a sense of belonging among the team members. Each individual must be given role in the decision-making process for better contributions. I personally interact with faculty members, staff and students to get real time feedback for overall benefit of everyone in the college.

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How does the curriculum of your College ensure the best practice of industry? 

“Interactions and skill enhancement at industry levels”

At HCE, we regularly interact with corporate, industry and alumni to enhance our productivity in terms of practical knowledge and skill boosting. We also plan workshop and other relevant session like vocational trainings with local as well as outside industries to incorporate the new innovation with our curriculum. Guest’s lectures and expert talks from industry personnel’s are organized for better understanding and boosting confidence of students. 

What do you think should be the College’s top priority over the next 10 years? 

“Quality education with better skill among students”

The long term goal of the college should be providing excellent technical education with campus recruitment. We aspire to have international collaborations for students exchange and grooming up skills during a technical degree to provide them better opportunities in future. We also have made few new plans for developing innovation and entrepreneurship skills in students. 

What do you think your roles and responsibilities towards the students are? 

“Mentoring students to paramount their growth”

My duty is to develop and execute the best practices of Academics and Research in the college to guarantee a holistic development of the students and faculty. Helping students in their orientation, encouraging them to publish their good work, help them finding financial support for their future studies and recommending their names for advance studies is something I take responsibility within.

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Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth?

“Be patient and more open to learning every single day”

Today, Youth is having a strange mindset of earning more in less time and less efforts. They need to understand the importance of patience and hard work. At times you need to be more observant to get better results. My suggestions to current youth are to be more serene and less selective when it comes to learning. Learn everyday to enhance your knowledge.