New Horizon College of Engineering Bangalore

9th March 2018, Bangalore: The International women’s day is the event intended to bring together all the women from the campus and celebrate women’s efforts and importance in our lives. The event was conducted by extra-curricular clubs at NHCE.

The event was held on 8th March 2018 in the Auditorium at 02:00 pm. The decorations for the event were made by the Art club members. The decorations depicted the stages of a woman’s life and her growth along with balloons and various craft work.

International Women’s Day 2018 celebrated at NHCE

The Special Guest was invited for the day, Mrs. Sucheta Pal, Global Brand Ambassador of Zumba Fitness. She is the First Lady Awardee by the Government of India, and Women Super Achiever 2017. The event kick-started with Invocation, followed by Lighting of the Lamp from all the women heads of the departments. Dr. Sowmya Narayan shared her experience by quoting her life experience. She said that dedication and commitment can take towards success and happiness.

Mrs. Sucheta Pal, Special Guest for the day felicitated by the college. She spoke about Passion, slow and steady towards your goal, and perseverance. After that she made everyone shake their bodies with Zumba style. All the Lady staff members and girl students enjoyed the session.

Varieties of performances took place in the event like group signing, group dance, Fashion Show. The Fashion Show students were mesmerized the crowd with their beautiful performance and dashing costumes.

The event seemed to be a huge success everyone enjoyed and relaxed especially the women. This was the day where all the club’s worked together showing unity and teamwork, thus making this event possible a great success.