Tony Buzan once said that “Learning how to learn is life’s most important skill.” For me, growth has always been an important aspect of my existence. After having earned my degree in Economics, I decided to pursue an MBA for this sole reason. I knew I had the abilities, but I needed a platform to enhance my skills and make me thoroughly prepared for the corporate world. I knew it for a fact that AIMS Institutes situated in Peenya, Bangalore could provide me with a foundation strong enough to mold me into the best version of myself both in terms of my career and as an individual personality. Here at AIMS School of Business- MBA, I got to see the “Big Picture” of life. It’s not about winning or losing; it’s about everyday hard work and about thriving on a challenge.
The MBA curriculum here is structured in such a way that the main focus is not only on academics and textual learning but on the all-round development of the students. As a fresher, I could see the wave of diversity that prevails in every nook and corner of this institute and how equal opportunities are provided to every individual here to bring out the best in them. As a writer and a poet, I was not aware that my creativity could also be a part of my journey to the corporate world. At AIMS School of Business, my artistic abilities were not just identified and appreciated in such a short period, but also put to use most productively.
I was given the opportunity to be a part of the core report writing committee for the 31st Annual National Management educational Convention organized by the Association of Indian Management Schools and the “Best National Management Week Award, 2019” was handed out to our institute. One of the main highlights of the AIMS School of Business- MBA is the Value Added programs that are being offered to us. The learning here is not just strictly bounded to the books or the college boundaries. In just a couple of months, numerous industrial visits, guest lectures by renowned personalities, and intense workshops had been organized for us. The classroom environment here is something that I have never experienced before. The professors are highly interactive and provide us with a pool of knowledge required to become the finest managers. As quoted by Henry Mintzberg “Management is, above all, a practice where art, science, and craft meet”. AIMS School of Business is the rendezvous for the dreamers and the achievers.
By Arjama Roy
MBA Class of 2019-21
AIMS School of Business