Amit Gupta is the Examination Incharge of Reena Mehta College for the last 5 years. As part of his educational qualifications, he has done M. Com (Management), MA (Economics), MBA (Marketing), B.Ed. and is currently pursuing PhD. Before joining RMC, he has worked with Indian Assistance and worked with Shri Ram College of Arts, Commerce and Science.

What keeps you connected with the education sector?

“Satisfaction and happiness that comes as a perk after educating young minds”

I am very passionate about teaching youths and inculcating good values in them through my guidance and support. I believe that education is the most important and crucial tool for students because it can help them to bring a positive change in society. Coming to my experience with RMC, it has been an amazing journey till date as my efforts and contribution towards the betterment of students and college are acknowledged on time and my colleagues are also very supportive. 

What are your roles and responsibilities towards the students?

“To ensure smooth execution of classes, exams and events”

Being the HOD of Reena Mehta College, I am responsible for supervising all exam-related activities. I also have to ensure that the timetable is prepared in advance before the exam dates and it is posted on all the notice boards of the college. Lastly, I am accountable for the smooth conduction of lectures and to provide my support to all students and faculties whenever required. 

What extracurricular activities are organized in college to enhance the skills of the students?

“We conduct programs like presentations and group discussions”

Our college does organize a lot of co-curricular activities ranging from viva voice and power-point presentations to improving their communication and presentation skills. And our focus is also on developing leadership and interpersonal abilities in them. We also conduct various group-related activities to inculcate the spirit of teamwork in them.

How does the curriculum of your college ensure the future preparedness of students?

“We draft and update it after rigorous analysis of industry and students' needs”

We not only take into account the current requirements of students and industries but also take care of possible future expectations while drafting and updating our curriculum. We ensure to include the latest programs, training and more hands-on projects every semester to boost the subject knowledge of students. We also encourage our students to keep themselves updated with the latest happenings and developments in society and the corporate world.

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How do you introduce a practical and industry-oriented approach towards subjects?

“By assigning them projects and addressing their concerns on an individual basis”

I strongly believe the best action which I can take is to offer the learning experience to students based on their individual needs. Therefore, I address their concerns and queries on an individual basis and take the help of real-life case studies, journals and projects to make them aware of industry demands.

Which approaches do you use apart from curriculum to teach the students?

“I ensure active participation of all students during classes”

I always use active learning tactics, because this strategy improves student participation in daily classes. At the end of every semester, final projects, and standardized examinations are conducted, which are designed to measure student learning on a wide and absolute level. Also, I use the concept of a regular feedback mechanism to guide my students about their strong areas and where they need to work more. 

Anything would you like people to know about Reena Mehta College?

“We are unique in terms of education, faculties and infra”

We have developed appropriate quality policies and strategies and put them into action by involving faculties to put forward their ideas and suggestions to improve college infrastructure in terms of the latest technologies and education quality. We have different kinds of clubs including Research Cell, NSS unit, Cultural forum, Photography Club, Social Media Team, and many more to organize various activities for better growth and development of our students.

What do you see as the greatest strengths of your college?

“Our goal is to impart the best quality education”

Our goal of imparting the best quality education and ethical values in students is what makes us strong. And our collaboration with many NGOs and different industrial organizations is what constitutes another important pillar of our strength. Overall, everyone who is working for us and working with us is the reason for our strength.

What are some of the biggest challenges you see for higher education in general?

“Students continuously shifting focus from one field to another”

In general, the desires and expectations of future students are drastically different from those of earlier pupils. And it would be a bit tough for institutions to live up to those new expectations by implementing modern learning methods. 

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Any suggestions which you would like to give to the current youth and aspiring students?

“Learn new skills and don’t use shortcuts to achieve success”

I would like to suggest to my students that they learn new skills, but one at a time. Don’t run blindly behind what others are doing, as only you know your strengths better. Also, don’t stop trying new things because of the fear of failures, only these failures will make you a great person in the future and will help you to fulfill all your goals.