Shoolini Institute of Life Sciences and Business Management

Mrs. Saroj Khosla is the President at Shoolni Institute of life science and Business management, Himachal Pradesh. She is an educationist with vast experience in administrating educational organization. She shares her knowledge and experiences with the students of her institute and provides them a way to attain the achievements they desire for.

Being the President of SILB, what is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

“Participative leadership with managed decorum in the institute among the students”

Being the President of the Institute, I have to work at two levels – the teachers and the students. I strongly believe that both should be given an opportunity and environment to develop which is best for them. I try to give them full freedom but sometimes I have to be a bit strict so that nobody can take things for granted and forget their duties. They must know and realize that work is worship and hard work is key to success.

How does the curriculum of SILB ensure the best practice of the industry?

“Association with several industries and firms to offer activity-based learning and development”

Shoolini Institute is an affiliated Institution of Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla and therefore the curriculum is prefixed. There is very little scope of deviation. Industrial exposure and linkages are developed by inviting Industrialists for guest lectures and interaction with our students and also industrial and educational visits are organized frequently so that students get firsthand knowledge of everything.

Any insights into how your institute could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?

“College promotes anti-racism and support the motto of unity in diversity”

Himachal is a beautiful state and we attract students from different places, classes, states and castes, and religions. We have a dress code so that all look alike irrespective of their financial status. This gives them a feeling of equality and pride.

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What do you think should be the institute’s top priority over the next 10 years?

“To offer human values for upbringing a great change to every students’ life and career”

During the next 10 years, our Government has already announced the National Policy on Education (NPE) which will be going to make tremendous progress in the field of education. My dream is also to make my Institute an institution of high standing where scholars do not come just to have degrees but achieve human values, enjoy doing research in the fields of ancient Indian culture which is a forgotten story today.

What are some of the biggest challenges you see, both for higher education in general and for SILB specifically?

“The gaining usage of social media and distraction from learning”

The greatest challenge for higher education in my opinion is that students go for higher education not because of their aptitude and interest but for social status and financial gains. Therefore the standard of education is down as compared to the global achievements. SILB also faces similar challenges.

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

“There is no loophole to success, one must work hard to achieve it”

My inspirational suggestion to my students is to always work hard with devotion and dedication without any negativity. Everybody can do anything provided he/she has strong will power to do that. Never feel defeated and don’t be afraid of failures as only those people never fail who never try. Failures and successes are the two sides of the same coin and go on rotating, so never give up. 

What are some plans that you’re currently (or will be) designing for SILB international affairs and/or students?

“To hold the position in the top institutes across the country to provide quality education”

SILB is seventeen years old. I am very proud to say that its students compete with the best students studying at Himachal Pradesh University and other Govt. Colleges. SILB students are always merit holders amongst them. They are placed in good positions; earn laurels for the Institute and the families. I feel proud of them and wish them all the best in life. 

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When you first came to SILB, what was your vision for the university? Has it evolved, and how far along in implementing that vision are you?

“With evolution, the vision changes to a bigger objective”

In 2009 the Shoolini University which is coming up very steadily and strongly is among the top known Universities of India today. Our vision is to be among 200 global Universities by 2022. I pray and hope we reach our target.