IIHMR University, Jaipur is primary a Research University. It is dedicated to the improvement in standards of health through better management of health care and related programs. Recently, it was acknowledged as the Star of Industry Award for Excellence in Education by ET Now. Each day at IIHMR is like a new day in here, read on to know the latest happenings or developments – 

Celebrating 38th Foundation Day of IIHMR, Jaipur 

IIHMR University Jaipur

Date: October 10, 2022

Indian Institute of Health Management Research (IIHMR) was established on 5 October 1984. To commemorate this special day IIHMR University celebrated its 38th Foundation Day on October 7, 2022.

The event was graced by the benign presence of Chief Guest, Dr. Vishwa Mohan Katoch, President, JIPMER, Puducherry, Chairman, AIIMS, Madurai, Chairman LEPRA Society, Former Secretary, Department of Health Research, Government of India and Director General, Indian Council of Medical Research. 

The Programme commenced with Saraswati Vandana which was followed by welcome address by Dr. P.R. Sodani, President of IIHMR University. Dr. Sodani welcomed the dignitaries, faculty, staff, and students. He shared some of the notable achievements made by the University during the year. The programme was then followed by a digital presentation of reflections of IIHMR journey, since its inception in 1984 to 2022. 

It was a proud moment for the University when Dr. Vishwa Mohan Katoch, Chief Guest, released the Book on Healthcare System Management: Methods and Techniques published by Springer, a renowned global publisher. The Editor and Associate Editor of this most coveted book are Dr. S.D. Gupta and Dr. Anoop Khanna respectively. Dr. Vishwa Mohan Katoch congratulated the authors for putting untiring efforts to produce this piece of literary work in the field of Healthcare Management and said that the Healthcare sector awaits many more such contributions from researchers and academicians in the field of healthcare management.

Adding to the delight was the occasion of first anniversary of IIHMR Foundation which supported Healthcare Innovations and startups with Health Innovation Support Grant and Seed Investment worth 11 Lacs. In the foundation day ceremony, four selected healthcare startup ideas were given funds worth Rs 2 lac each for developing their ideas into a working prototype and one of the startups received Rs 5 lakh seed investment for upscaling. IIHMR Foundation supported these ideas under the category of mHealth, Tech Led innovation in healthcare, Digital therapeutics, and wellness and organic product categories. On this occasion, Dr. P.R. Sodani, Director IIHMR Foundation said that we at IIHMR are now supporting healthcare startups and providing them with mentorship, domain expertise, linkages and monetary support.

To acknowledge, honour and felicitate the outstanding Alumni and to celebrate the achievements of inspiring achievers and contributors who have made their alma-mater proud, the University instituted the Distinguished Alumni Awards this year. The award was conferred to Dr. Manvir Singh Pal, Former COO, of Thumbay Group, UAE and Ms. Nidhi Pundhir, Vice President and Director of HCL Foundation, by Dr. S.D. Gupta, Trustee Secretary, Indian Institute of Health Management and Research and Dr. P.R. Sodani, President IIHMR University.

Thereafter, the students of IIHMR University left the audience mesmerized and thrilled with their vivacious and pulsating cultural performances.

The Programme concluded with a Vote of Thanks by Dr. Piyusha Majumdar, Chair cultural committee, IIHMR University.

38th Foundation Day Celebration of IIHMR

IIHMR University Jaipur

Date: October 07, 2022

IIHMR University is happy to share with you that we are organizing the 38th Foundation Day Celebration of IIHMR on Friday, October 7, 2022, from 6.30 pm to 8:30 pm (in-person) in the Auditorium of the University. Dr. V.M. Katoch has consented to be the Chief Guest of the program. On this occasion, we have scheduled the following:

  1. Book Release: Healthcare System Management: Methods and Techniques, Editor: Dr. S.D. Gupta; Associate Editor: Dr. Anoop Khanna
  2. Health Innovation Support Grant for Startups by IIHMR Foundation
  3. Distinguished Alumni Award 2022
  4. Cultural Performances by Students

IIHMR University, Jaipur confers 278 students with degrees during Convocation 2022

Date: August 6, 2022

The IIHMR University, Jaipur hosted its annual convocation on August 6 2022 for PhD Program and the two years (MBA Hospital and Health Management, MBA Pharmaceutical Management, and MBA Rural Management) programs. On this occasion, Shri VP Agarwal Gold Medal and Silver Medal has been awarded to students of all programs in recognition of their academic excellence. 

President of IIHMR University, Dr. P. R. Sodani delivered the welcome address and annual progress report of IIHMR University. He congratulated all the students and wish them great success in the years to come. He said that the Government of India has initiated Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav to celebrate 75 years of independence. For India, the next 25 years are for healthcare. India will become the Hub of Healthcare due to technological advancement and skilling India programs and our students are going to play key role in the healthcare industry for the next 25 years. Dr. Sodani told the students to “Be bold, be courageous, be your best.” 

Presiding the convocation, Shri Sudarshan Jain, Chairperson IIHMR University, Jaipur and Secretary General, Indian Pharmaceuticals Alliance congratulated graduating students. He said in this VUCA world lets adapt and change. He said let’s follow these five points in life; Stay foolish, Stay hungry - challenge the status quo, Stay Resilient, Stay healthy, and Stay right.

The chief guest of the program Shri Gautam Khanna, Chief Executive Officer, PD Hinduja Hospital and Medical Research Centre said, “Change is the only thing which is constant in this world. Healthy nation is a backbone of a successful nation. His four-focus mantra for students were; Continuous learning and collaborations, Failures and experiences will make you a successful person in future.

Guest of honour, Dr. Sudhir Bhandari, Vice Chancellor, Rajasthan University of Health Sciences said, “It happens to be a trend setting moment in the state of Rajasthan. Culture of the soul is the first thing best man can have and IIHMR University provides the same and it adapted to changing demands. He said to students, take challenges of life with enthusiasm, strive for joy and truth.”

Guest of honour, Shri Vikrant Shrotriya, Managing Director & Corporate Vice-President, Novo Nordisk, India said, when youth get empowered and educated from prestigious and world class institutes like IIHMR it creates magic. He said, there lies immense opportunities, and this day is beginning for you and keep the drive alive to perform. 

Dr. Ashok Aggarwal, Founder and Trustee, of the Indian Institute of Health Management Research said, one must always be innovative and to be innovative you have to remain student. He said, wherever you go, innovate, and do something different. No matter how small or big it is, pursue it. 

Dr. S.D. Gupta, Trustee Secretary, Indian Institute of Health Management Research and renowned public health expert congratulated all graduating students on their success. He said this is a unique batch who learnt and acquired skills in covid times and receiving their degree now. We learnt new pedagogy of teaching and learning

IIHMR University host Annual Global Conference “Pradanya 2022’’ on future of healthcare and education

IIHMR University

Date: February 14, 2022

IIHMR University, Jaipur organizes its 26th Pradanya the Annual Global Conference on Innovations in Healthcare and Education: The Decade of Acceleration for Global Goals, which commenced on February 9th, 2022, and concluded on February 11th 2022.

Dr. P.R. Sodani, President, IIHMR University welcomed the Chief Guest Dr. Rakesh Sarwal, Additional Secretary (Health), NITI Aayog, Government of India who delivered the Valedictory address. Dr. Sarwal highlighted India’s performance over the Global innovation index which has been increasing since 2019. He also focused on the India innovation index where NITI Aayog published two editions in 2019 and 2020. Dr Sarwal shared the ways to accelerate innovations and their impact by increasing access, affordability, equity, reliability, continuum of care and sustainability. The involvement of all stakeholders is essential in this journey.

During the Valedictory session, Dr. Sodani highlighted that we had very meaningful, powerful and stimulating sessions where 30+ globally distinguished speakers shared their work on innovations and best practices to more than 2000 delegates. May students pursuing their hospital administration and public health courses globally including the United States of America, and the United Kingdom joined this conference. We had four tracks in the conference: 1) Primary Health Care Management; 2) Hospital Management; 3) Pharmaceutical Management, and Promoting Academica-Industry Collaboration. As the next decade is going to witness significant growth in innovations in health and education, IIHMR University has taken a lead in initiating to promote a culture of innovation as a key stakeholder. This conference had been useful in contributing towards the Government of India’s push for adopting innovative best practices in Health and Education to achieve SDG 3 and SDG 4 by 2030. The conference had been fruitful to develop new programs and policies for fostering innovation in the health and education sectors of the economy, provided platform and collaboration opportunities for different stakeholders. 

Before the Valedictory session, the conference had a stimulating session on the education sector for Promoting Academia-Industry Collaboration which was moderated by Dr. Jai Prakash Narain, Senior Visiting Fellow, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia & Former Director, Communicable Diseases, WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia. The panel speakers included Mr. Sharad Goswami, Senior Director, Policy and Public Affairs, Pfizer shared his thoughts on Role of Industry in Boosting Collaborations with Academia; Prof. Arvind Sahay, Professor of Marketing and International Business, IIMA focused on Examining Guiding Principles, Mechanism Design and Implementation Issues in Academia-Industry Collaboration for India; Prof. Sanjay Zodpey, Vice President, Public Health Foundation of India focused “Pathways Towards Enhancing Collaborations Between Academia and Industry”; Dr. Shiv Tripathi, Vice-Chancellor, Atmiya University, Rajkot shared his thought on Co-Creating Knowledge in Management: Need for Innovative Academia-Industry Collaboration”; Prof. Ashish Chandra, Professor of Healthcare Administration, College of Business, University of Houston - Clear Lake, USA shared his thought on” Innovations, Issues, and Challenges in Promoting Academia-Industry Collaboration in the COVID era – Lessons Learned”; Prof. Adnan Kisa, Professor of Health Policy and Economics, School of Health Sciences, Kristiania University College, Norway focused on the topic” University-Industry Collaboration in the COVID era: European Experiences”.

At the end of the Valedictory Session, Dr. (Col) Mahender Kumar, Dean and Proctor, IIHMR University presented the vote of thanks to all the dignitaries, academicians, and other stakeholders. The conference was halted by the Indian National Anthem.

The 7th Udai Pareek Memorial Oration held today on Organization and Leadership in a BANI World

IIHMR University Jaipur

Date: February 11, 2022

Jaipur, 10 February 2022: The 7th Udai Pareek Memorial Oration was delivered virtually by Mr. Sanjiv Mehta, Chairman & MD, Hindustan Unilever Ltd. (HUL), on a current subject; of “Organization and Leadership in a BANI World.” The lecture was presided over by Padmavibhushan Dr. Raghunath Anant Mashelkar, National Research Professor and Chairman of the National Innovation Foundation.

Mr. Sanjeev Mehta spoke at length on BANI(Brittle, Anxious, Non-linear, Incomprehensible), which explains complex changes, such as those triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic. The VUCA concept guides developing organizations in a scenario of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity to give meaning in the face of uncertainties in a world of constant change, increasingly interconnected and digital. However, the COVID-19 pandemic created a scenario that made even VUCA seem like an insufficient descriptor. These two terms, VUCA and BANI, were designed to explain the turmoil of their time, from a post-cold war world to the coronavirus pandemic. Categorizing uncertainties with concepts like VUCA and BANI is so essential. The BANI concept gives a way better explanation for what is happening around. It could be a starting point for developing proactive solutions and roadmaps to this overwhelming new world.

The oration began with the lighting of the lamp and paying a flower tribute to the late Dr. Udai Pareek. Sh. Apurva Kumar, Chairman, Udai Pareek HRD Research Foundation, gave a small brief on the vision of Udai Pareek HRD Research Foundation. The oration, which was organized by National HRD Network (NHRDN), Headquarters and Jaipur Chapter in collaboration with Udai Pareek HRD Research, was attended by distinguished personalities including Mr.Prem SinghRegional President (North), NHRDN, Mr. SV Nathan National President, NHRDN, Mr. SV Nathan, National President, NHRDN. Dr. Suresh Chandra PadhySecretary, NHRDN Jaipur Chapter, extended the vote of thanks.

“One of the key concerns that emerged in recent times is issues of employability. It is estimated that at the global level, aging of world economy would create a skilled manpower shortage of 56.6 billion but India alone would have a labour surplus of 47 million. Hence India is set to reap the benefits of demographic dividend with its huge working age population provided its youth is competent and employable. Having realised thee concerns, we decided to invite this year a leading scholar from the corporate world and fortunately Mr. Sanjiv Mehta, Chairman-HUL,” said Dr. Ashok Bapna, President National HRD Network, Jaipur Chapter.

It is to be noted that the Udai Pareek Memorial oration is held every year in memory of the late Dr. Udai Pareek. He was an internationally acclaimed academician who sowed seeds of HRD in India and gave new dimensions to HR and OB discipline in terms of HRD integrated system. An Advisor to numerous National and International Organizations was a former Professor of IIM and Distinguished Visiting Professor at the Indian Institute of Health Management Research (IIHMR), Jaipur, India.

IIHMR University host Annual Global Conference “Pradanya 2022’’ on future of healthcare and education

IIHMR University Jaipur

Date: February 11, 2022

JAIPUR: IIHMR University, Jaipur on Wednesday inaugurated its 26th Pradanya Annual Global Conference on Innovations in Healthcare and Education: The Decade of Acceleration for Global Goals, a 3-day conference attended by 30 speakers from 25+ country and over 2000 delegates. Dr. P.R. Sodani, President, IIHMR University welcomed the guest, speakers, and delegates in the inaugural session and introduced the conference theme and tracks to the audience. Dr. Sodani highlighted about the SDG’s and emphasized on Health and Wellbeing (SDG 3) and Quality Education (SDG 4) and shared its pivotal role.The conference deliberations will be useful for government institutions, development partners, NGO, policy makers, UN agency and professionals, educationists, researchers, and students from across the globe.

Dr. Sudarshan Jain, Chairperson, IIHMR University emphasized on the six areas for Healthcare Innovation processes in India and on the New Education Policy. He also highlighted that India will be the epicentre of innovation with tremendous demographic advantage and IIHMR University will play a pioneering role in this regard. 

On this occasion, Dr. S.D. Gupta, Trustee Secretary, IIHMR stated that Pradanya is a much-awaited event across the country and has been appreciated every year by professionals, academicians, and students. He highlighted his vision over the National Health Policy2017 and National Education Policy 2020 and said both the policies were highly reformative and have a vision for 2035. He also highlighted that we should create an enabling environment and India should become an educational hub and be a leading economy in next few years.

After the inaugural session, conference further preceded with the first track for the panel discussion which was moderated by Dr. Anuradha Jain, Technical Advisor, Health Systems Strengthening, USAID along with the panellist team headed by Dr Swati Mahajan, Chief of Party-NISHTHA, Jhpiego focused on the topic “Leveraging Primary Health Care Systems for Pandemic Response: Learnings from NISHTHA”; Dr. O.P Tiwari, State Nodal Officer-CPHC. M.P shared his innovative thoughts on “Investment in Primary Health Care for Universal Health Coverage”; while Mr. Padam Khanna, Senior Consultant, Knowledge Management Division, National Health Systems Resource Centre(NHSRC)focused on the Primary Health Care Management innovations,Dr. Dnyaneshwar Shelke, Chief Operating Officer, Maharashtra Emergency Medical Services, Government of Maharashtra shared thoughts on Strategies Adopted by Maharashtra EMS in Response to Covid 19 PandemicMr. Neeraj Jain, Country Director, PATH India shared thoughts on Innovative Solutions for Strengthening Primary Health Careand Vote of thanks was extended by IIHMR Faculty member, Dr. Tripti Bisawa, Professorto all the invited speakers, session chair, guests and participants for their insightful presence to contribute to the discussions in the 26th Annual Global Conference Pradanya-2022.

IIHMR University organizing Annual Global Conference Pradanya 2022

Date: February 08, 2022

IIHMR University is organizing its prestigious Annual Global Conference ‘PRADANYA’ on “Innovations in Healthcare and Education: The Decade of Acceleration for Global Goals”. The Global Conference will be held from February 9, 2022 to February 11, 2022 from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm IST in virtual mode. The conference aims to disseminate innovations and best practices in healthcare and education worldwide and potential imperatives for India in realizing UN SDGs. The conference would provide recommendations to strengthen India’s innovation landscape in healthcare and education. There are four tracks for the discussion in the PRADANYA. The name of those themes are as follows:

  • Primary Health Care Management
  • Hospital Management
  • Pharmaceutical Management
  • Promoting Academia-Industry Collaboration

Dr. R.S. Sharma, Chief Executive Officer, National Health Authority (NHA), Government of India, is invited as Chief Guest in the inaugural session. He would also deliver the inaugural address. Dr. Rakesh Sarwal, Additional Secretary (Health), NITI Aayog, Government of India, is also a Chief Guest invited to the valedictory session. He would deliver the valedictory address.

How to Register? The participants are directed to fill out the provided registration form. Further, participants will receive a zoom link for attending the conference through the provided email after completion of the registration. Registration for all days of the Conference can be done via a single link. Apply Here

The conference will benefit from the presence of Dr. S.D Gupta, Trustee Secretary, IIHMR, and Mr. Sudarshan Jain, Chairperson, IIHMR University. The conference will witness 30+ globally renowned speakers who will share innovations in healthcare and education for accelerating the journey of achieving global goals. Read More

IIHMR University selected globally for 2nd phase of TDR PG Training Scheme to train the next generation of PHLs

IIHMR University

Date: January 13, 2022

IIHMR University, Jaipur has been selected from India to implement the second phase of TDR’s Postgraduate Training Scheme (2022-2026). TDR’s Postgraduate Training Scheme will provide a full academic scholarship through IIHMR University for selected students from Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs). Students will obtain master’s degrees focused on implementation research on malaria, TB and neglected tropical diseases. 

TDR is a Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases. As a global programme of scientific collaboration TDR helps, facilitates, supports and influences efforts to combat diseases of poverty. It is co-sponsored by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO). _IIHMR University, Jaipur has been selected from amongst many potential applications, which were reviewed as per a structured process of TDR’s scientific working group for research capacity strengthening. The scientific working group selected the IIHMR University based on multiple criteria; including university’s profile; expertise in implementation research; experience of faculty in teaching implementation research; sustainability, the relevance of the proposal and feasibility. This is the only university from India identified to implement the second phase of TDR’s Postgraduate Training Scheme (2022-2026).

Dr. S.D. Gupta, Trustee Secretary, IIHMR and Distinguished Professor, IIHMR University, said that this distinction is testimony to the contributions made by this institution in the field of public health and that the program will usher in a new era of creating resilient and responsive health systems by instilling implementation research capacities among future leaders in public health. 

Dr. P.R. Sodani, President, IIHMR University stated that IIHMR University will be one of the pioneering institutions in India to train the next generation public health leaders and programme managers in implementation research, to establish careers in research and public health in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs). We take pride in this recognition and to help prepare confident and competent implementers.

Dr. Vinod Kumar SV, Dean-In charge SD Gupta School of Public Health, IIHMR University termed this as an important milestone to help deliver a top-class master’s program in implementation research which will go a long way in strengthening the implementation skills of public health professionals in countries where is most needed.

IIHMR University's webinar on Meeting India’s Target of Eradication of TB by 2025 by Testing and Treating the Missing Millions with TB

IIHMR University

Date: January 13, 2022

IIHMR University a premier Health Care Research institution with a prime focus on delivering skill-based knowledge and about the future of healthcare organised a Webinar – Meeting India’s Target of Eradication of TB by 2025 by Testing and Treating the Missing Millions with Tuberculosis.

Consocia Advisory and IIHMR University co-hosted the webinar. Dr. Sheenu Jain, Associate Professor, Marketing and Chair, Centre for Innovation, Incubation, and Entrepreneurship (CIIE) at IIHMR University gave away the welcome address. She said, ”There was a dire need for eradication of TB in the country and talked about the facts that the mortality was at 30 per 100,000 and the DALY had increased to 1125 per 1,00,000 population.” She mentioned supporting the PM mission of End TB by 2025.

The keynote speaker was Dr Ravinder Dewan, Director NITRD. Other eminent panel members included Dr Bjorn Lomborg, President, Copenhagen Consensus Centre, Dr. Arvinder Singh, Country Manager India, Human Diagnostics GmbH, Dr. Praveen Aggarwal-Director and Co-founder, Consocia Advisory, Dr Manorama Bakshi, Head Health Care and Advocacy Consocia Advisory.  Key discussions in the webinar included - 

  • Testing, treating and digital adherence to TB (can weave around Technology led smart and affordable solutions to remove most of the barriers in TB diagnostics)
  • Challenges and progress in identifying TB patients. Role of Counselling and adherence to treatment.
  • Prioritizing on TB mandate, R&D, Diagnostics

Mr. Bjorn LomborgPresident, Copenhagen Consensus Centresaid, “It is the time to step back and think not only about the medical side but the cost-benefit, which tells that TB is one of the best investments in the world.” He exclaimed, “To cut the TB death by 95%, $43 of social benefit can be acquired for every $ spent. In India, the Copenhagen Consensus Centre had worked in Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh in cooperation with Tata Trust. In Rajasthan, they found out that TB investment was the best idea, and for every Rupee, The Rajasthan govt spends, they can get 171 rupees back for social good. He further said, “No matter, which way you slice it, spending on TB is the world’s best investment”. Dr. Ravinder Kumar Dewan, Director, NITRD, said, ”GOI had announced the political will to attain TB eradication by 2025 which was acknowledgeable, and the current pandemic situation had caused a dent in their efforts.” He also stated that the report shows define as compared to previous years and It will be even worse in 2021-22 because of the pandemic. He also discussed the strengthening case-finding methods for both active and passive. Also stated, early detection is vital to interrupt transmission of TB disease and the testing for TB must be increased to a great extent, and hence strategies towards testing were also discussed. The remaining challenges in TB were discussed. The major concerns related to TB were raised in a very good manner.

Dr. Arvinder Singh, Country Manager, India- Region Human Diagnostics GmbH, exclaimed, ”Diagnostics was a very important area of intra and extrapulmonary TB. There has been tremendous growth in various molecular platforms, and it was important for policymakers to look at these new technologies and innovations as it would help in the reduction of the chain of transmission and decrease the burden of missing millions.” 

Dr. Praveen Aggarwal, Director and Co-Founder, Consocia Advisory, concluded the webinar by thanking the speakers for the insightful session. He said, “The target to achieve TB eradication by 2025 was absolutely possible, but they need to bridge the gap by identifying the missing millions and making the resources available at all the PHCs and CHCs in every region of the country.” He further said, “it was imperative to appreciate the value of life, which along with the resources and advocacy using the media can help in achieving the target.”

Over 500+ attendees joined us for the webinar which included TB champions, people from government organizations, the medical fraternity, medical students from across the country. The webinar was quite informative with lots of questions related to HIV and TB, diagnostic tools, TB vaccines which were answered by panelists.

All the attention and resources directed at the COVID pandemic at the expense of TB had led to increase in the number of cases as well deaths due to TB. The investment in TB as explained by Dr. Bjorn Lomborg gave meaning to their efforts.

7th  ML Mehta’s Oration on: Sensitivity in Governance and Life organized by HCMRIPA and MLMMF

IIHMR University Jaipur

Date: December 07, 2021

Jaipur, 5th December 2021. The ML Mehta Memorial Foundation (MLMMF) and Harish Chandra Mathur Rajasthan State Institute of Public Administration (HCMRIPA), Jaipur held the 7th ML Mehta Memorial Oration on December 4, 2021, at 6:00 p.m. in Jaipur in commemoration of Shri M L Mehta, former Chief Secretary of the Rajasthan Government. The Oration was conducted in a hybrid mode on both online and offline platforms and was attended by colleagues, family, and friends of Late Shri Mehta.

Mr. D. R. Mehta, retired civil personnel and former Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Board of India and Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank of India spoke on "Sensitivity In Governance and Life," making the occasion relevant to society because of the key roles they play as executive arms of the government's welfare agenda.

Mr. DR Mehta, a former colleague of M. L. Mehta, provided several examples of M. L. Mehta's sensitivity being translated into state policy, particularly the Antodaya Scheme, which focuses on the last man in the line and benefits millions of marginalized people.

Mr. DR Mehta went on to describe the current state of civil service workers in terms of sensitivity or lack thereof in many forms, including corruption, and the paradoxical current mixed scenario, believing that despite all the negative events, a constructive trend can be seen. Democracy and socialism are strongly intertwined. Whether public employees are sensitive or not, the democratic process assures that policies are sensitive, people-friendly, and beneficial. Sensitive governance is exemplified by universal education, the movement toward universal health, Mahatama Gandhi NREGA Scheme, pensions, subsidies, and assistance to the handicapped. The Supreme Court's interpretation of the fundamental right to live in dignity has given this movement a boost. Indeed, the emergence of positive, empathic, and decent governance is a widespread phenomenon, and as time passes, this process will grow and with greater velocity.

Dr. Ashok Agarwal, presided over the oration and Prof. Rashmi Jain, the Foundation's Managing Trustee, organised the event. Once a year, an oration is given in honour of Late Shri M L Mehta, an innovator par excellence who was able to engage civil society actors and his contributions towards society. His efforts for the revival and resurgence of the HCMRIPA as one of India's preeminent training institutions as well as his generosity and sensitive nature towards the marginalized will always be remembered. Mr DR Mehta further emphasized public policy, responsible governance, increased educational access, and social impact assessments of significant government programmes. He believes in an era so crucial and with global ease of doing business, economic inequities are still rising and said Empathy coupled with Action gives Greater Reward to the Giver than even the receiver.

IIHMR Organized its Silver Jubilee Reunion of the First batch 1996-1998

IIHMR University

Date: November 30, 2021

The first batch of IIHMR University, Jaipur (1996-98), celebrated their Silver Jubilee by reuniting at the IIHMR University campus, Jaipur on November 28, 2021. A total of 12 Alumni - Manvir Singh, Administrative Director at Thumbay Group, Dubai, Shibu John, Dean, school of management and business studies, Aarti Gupta, Business Development and Credit, Self-Company, Himanshu Bansal, Consultant, and many more attended the alumni meet who are now at successful positions in reputed organizations and some even owning their own entrepreneurial ventures.

The reunion of the batch of 1996 was planned to celebrate the success stories of the former students of the prestigious institution IIHMR University. Dr PR Sodani, President, IIHMR University, said “I feel elated to have this first set of IIHMR participants join us today on this special day of Silver Jubilee Celebration. We started off with a specialized management programme that was unique and not offered anywhere in India. We are delighted to see young minds that once graduated from IIHMR University to have reached pioneering positions in their career. It's been so many years, I still remember my first batch in 1996, your faces are still so fresh, and all of you are very welcome in this alumni of your University. The purpose of organizing the Reunion on this prestigious occasion of completion of 25 years is to celebrate old moments and old relationships as well as to start a chapter on new relationships and refresh the old memories.”

Dr Manvir Singh, Administrative Director, Administrative Director, Health Care Division at Thumbay Group, said, “Finding the proper path to success at the appropriate moment is critical, and IIHMR University was my choice for that. I became a competent guy because of the welcoming environment and systematic approach to delivering the information that we were taught here. The extensive choice of curricular and co-curricular activities, as well as the support from our professors, have been extremely beneficial to my future. Surprisingly, we were overjoyed at the gesture we received today after 25 years. We were made to seat by our roll number, which brought back memories of our former days.”

Dr Sodani further said, “Finally, I'd like to commend everyone of you who are seated here for your various duties. In the audience are directors, doctors, entrepreneurs, directors, freelancers, and others. I'd like to express my gratitude for all of your efforts toward the advancement of our society, and I thank you for justifying your time at IIHMR University."

IIHMR University invited Experts On Addressing Stroke- A pathway to achieving SDG 3


Date: November 8, 2021

On account of World Stroke Day, IIHMR University and Consocia Advisory have come together to organize a panel discussion. The discussion was on “Addressing Stroke- A pathway to achieving SDG3” on the pertinent health issue with the experienced and important stakeholders. The panel was invited to discuss Stroke as a major public health issue, prevention & treatment and the latest innovations with the #StrokeFAST. The Panel discussion had three important panels discussing an array of topics on Stroke Awareness, Stroke Treatment and Stroke Control. Each panel discussed various aspects such as Prevalence of Stroke in India, Prevention, Causes and Symptoms, Diagnosis, Thrombolysis, technical innovations-MT, Stroke treatment, Minimizing Deaths and disabilities, Evidence for stroke policy & Recovery for the Stroke patients, Engaging local communities & front liners. Participants from the medical fraternity, ICMR, state health departments, technologists, innovators, business professionals, and civil society representatives attended the virtual panel discussion.


In India, approximately 1.7 million new stroke cases occur annually. Many Stroke survivors face significant challenges that include physical disability, communication disabilities, changes in how they think and feel, loss of work & income, as well as caregiver burden. Other studies are indicating a vast degree of incidence of strokes. In the Journal of Stroke Medicine, a study titled ‘Recommendation for the early management of Acute Ischemic Stroke’, taken up by several Indian researchers, the prevalence rate of strokes is between 84 and 262 strokes per 1 lakh persons in rural areas, and between 334 and 424 strokes for 1 lakh population in urban areas.

Panelists include Dr GB Singh, Director Health Services (SI), Punjab Government, Dr Sanghamitra Laskar, Associate Professor- Department of Neurology, VMMC and Safdarjung Hospital, Dr Rahul Sharma, Additional Director (Interventional Cardiology), Fortis Hospital, Jaipur, Dr JS Thakur, Chairman, World NCD Federation and Professor, Department of Community Medicine, School of Public Health, PGIMER, Chandigarh, Dr Kalpesh Shah MS, M CH (Neurosurgery), Neurosurgeon, Zydus Hospital. Dr Manorama Bakshi, Head- Public Health & Advocacy, Consocia Advisory delivered the opening and welcome remarks. The panel discussion was conceptualized by Dr. P.R. Sodani President, IIHMR University, and Dr Manorama Bakshi, Head Consocia Advisory. _At the outset, Dr Manorama Bakshi in her opening remarks raised concern that due to Covid, India along with many other countries has lagged on global commitments to tackle premature deaths from chronic diseases, such as strokes, diabetes, lung cancer, and heart disease. She said that the NCD Countdown 2030 report states that the pace of change is too slow to achieve SDG 3.4 in most countries including India. While addressing the audience she said, “Every second delay is critical when it comes to Stroke. If you spot the signs of stroke, call an ambulance immediately.”

COL(Dr) Mahender Kumar, Dean, IIHMR University stated that “Addressing Stroke- A pathway to achieving SDG3” has been selected for discussion with a major focus on the theme of the World Stroke Day- ‘Minutes can save lives. Stroke is the third leading cause of Deaths in India. Stroke is the 6th leading cause of DALYs in India. Among NCDs, Stroke is the 3rd leading cause of DALYs in India. Various observations have been laid down by the National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases & Stroke (NPCDCS) its Guidelines for Prevention and Management of Stroke. It states that, amongst the leading cases of mortality and disability, Stroke is the leading cause amongst Non-Communicable Diseases. The Government has issued both Clinical and Program guidelines for interventions at Health and Well Centres and the population level. Globally one in four adults can have a stroke in their lifetime. According to the Indian Stroke Association (ISA), worldwide every year close to 17 million people suffer from strokes, out of which 6.2 million die and 5 million suffer disabilities.”

Dr Sanghamitra Laskar, Associate Professor- Department of Neurology, VMMC and Safdarjung Hospital, explained briefly what stroke is and who is at risk. She elaborated that, “80% of the strokes can be prevented with care. There are two risks associated with stroke a) Controllable medical risk factors can be controlled through medication for example High BP if diagnosed can help prevent strokes b) Lifestyle risk factors which can be prevented and controlled by improvising our lifestyle. This can be prevented through an increase in activity, reducing obesity and even changing smoking habits to non-smoking habits. An emergency response system must be good to know if a person is suffering from a stroke. She highlighted that when someone has a stroke the brain isn't getting the blood it needs therefore it is important for family members or the community to know the common symptoms of stroke, she said one should know the FAST test to check for the symptoms. Face: Smile and see if one side of the face droops, Arms: Raise both arms. Does one arm drop down? Speech: Say a short phrase and check for slurred or strange speech and Time: If the answer to any of these is yes, call the helpline or rush to the hospital.”

Dr Rahul Sharma, Additional Director (Interventional Cardiology), Fortis Hospital, Jaipur, spoke on Stroke Awareness where he highlighted the reasons and the prevention of stroke. He elaborated, “Average patient loses 1.9 million neurons for each minute delay in restoring blood flow after a stroke. To be a bit quicker one must adopt the BEFAST approach in case of a patient suffering from a stroke. Stroke can be prevented by controlling/managing/treating hypertension/Diabetes and smoking- which are leading contributors of strokes.”

Dr Kalpesh Shah MS, M CH (Neurosurgery), Neurosurgeon, Zydus Hospital said, “Incidence of stroke has increased almost 100 % in the past 5 decades however, technology has changed a lot. Effective treatment of stroke can prevent long-term disability and save lives. I think making treatments affordable through subsidies must be made a top priority under NHM. Standard treatment protocols must be devised and operational guidelines must be done. There must be support to states through policy and approving PIPs that provide treatment of Strokes. The government must introduce Stroke Ambulances as they have for the Heart. There must be better infrastructure equipped to manage strokes and training around advances in treatment and inclusion in the medical curriculum. Another aspect is better awareness amongst the masses as well as healthcare professionals around technological advances including mechanical Thrombectomy as an effective & minimally invasive procedure. With Mechanical Thrombectomy as a standalone or in combination with IV-tPA in lieu of the current administration of IV tPA alone, the treatment window can increase by 4-5 times, and hence the possibility of recovery is higher. He said in his hospital they have Code Stroke Alert which enables medical officers to quickly act on stroke patients.”

Dr. Kalpesh assessed that with Mechanical Thrombectomy as a standalone or in combination with IV-tPA in lieu of the current administration of IV tPA alone, the treatment window can increase by 4-5 times and hence the possibility of recovery is higher.

Dr. GB Singh, Director Health Services (SI), Punjab Government, said, “Central and State Governments are taking steps for early identification and treatment of Stroke. Stroke is an important component of the NPCDCS Programme of Govt. Of India. The State governments are responsible for creating awareness about stroke and treating patients. Punjab is providing Thrombolytics to patients with Stroke free of cost at Government hospitals where Stroke Units have been established. Dr Singh further added that Stroke Treatment is probably not part of the government health schemes in all states. Punjab is giving this treatment to its patients at hospitals that have Stroke Units. We are in the process of establishing Stroke Units in all districts in the coming months In Punjab we are looking at implementing Stoke Ambulances. Last but not the least would be introducing mechanical Thrombectomy in government hospitals and delegate public-private partnership in education and awareness creation.”

Dr JS Thakur, Chairman, World NCD Federation and Professor, Department of Community Medicine, School of Public Health, PGIMER, Chandigarh, spoke on Evidence for stroke policy and surveillance & Recovery for Stroke patients. He said, “Access to treatment and diagnosis is a challenge in our country where the tools and equipment are outdated especially in the PHC’s. Even though policy and programs are in place but everyone needs to Act, one should not think that only doctors or the Ministry of health or the department of health are responsible. Primary prevention of stroke includes lifestyle modifications and measures to control blood pressure, cholesterol levels, diabetes mellitus, and atrial fibrillation. Lowering blood pressure in patients with hypertension prevents both hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke. There is a need for how experts can work with the government to make the availability of the latest technology available to the public. the need for evidence for policy formation and how to engage local communities and amplifying patient voices in awareness and advocacy campaigns.”

Dr. Praveen Aggarwal, Director and Co-founder, Consocia Advisory while summing up the webinar said that Stroke is a public health issue still not accorded appropriate attention in India causing deaths and disability. He raised concern that the Incidence of stroke has increased almost 100 percent in the past five decades therefore World Stroke Day is an opportunity to raise awareness. It is also an opportunity to advocate for action by decision-makers at global, regional, and national levels that are essential to improve stroke prevention, access to acute treatment, and support for survivors and caregivers.

Mr. Sudarshan Jain, appointed as Chairperson of IIHMR University, Jaipur

IIHMR University

Date: October 26, 2021

Mr. Sudarshan Jain took over as the Chairperson of IIHMR University, Jaipur, a renowned postgraduate research University. The University is a pioneer higher education institution in the country dedicated to the improvement in standards of health through better management of healthcare and related programmes through management education, research, training, consultation, and institutional networking in a national and global perspective.

Dr. P.R. Sodani, President, IIHMR University welcomed the new chairperson Mr. Sudarshan Jain in a formal function organized in the University. Dr. Sodani said that the IIHMR University will be able to achieve new heights in the higher education space under the dynamic leadership of Mr. Sudarshan Jain, a renowned global healthcare expert who has significantly contributed to building businesses, brands, teams, and people. He has been instrumental in shaping healthcare policies and improving access to healthcare with government and global partners. Mr. Sudarshan Jain is the Secretary-General of the Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance, Senior Advisor - Apax Partners and Board member of multiple organizations. Mr Jain is also the Chair of the International Generic and Biosimilar Medicines Association (IGBA) for 2021. He has served in several leadership positions for over 40 years in the healthcare industry and was formerly the Managing Director at Abbott Healthcare Solutions.

On taking over as the Chairperson of the IIHMR University Mr. Sudarshan Jain, said, “IIHMR University is a leading Health Management Research institute in the country and has established its name due to significant work done in creating leaders and managers for the healthcare industry and providing evidence for policy-making and programme management. It gives me immense pleasure to be a part of an institution of such high stature. After the COVID-19, the Healthcare industry has seen a tremendous shift and there is an urgent need to revisualize and strengthen the healthcare sector in India as well as to adapt to the changing times and I am sure that IIHMR University will lead this change in India.” He also added that “I feel very privileged to take on this role at such an exciting time for our country, where the needs of healthcare are increasing rapidly, and we will be working towards developing IIHMR University into the healthcare hub of India.”

On this occasion, Trustee-Secretary of IIHMR Dr. SD Gupta was also present and said, “IIHMR University is in the hands of a stalwart industry professional with a diverse experience and expertise. The governance of IIHMR University will be more institutionalized and prioritized with an experience that is brought in by Mr. Sudarshan Jain.”

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, USA in cooperation with IIHMR University inaugurates its 9th Cohort of Master of Public Health

JHBSPH in cooperation with IIHMR University

Date: October 19, 2021

JHSPH-IIHMR MPH program will allow students to join a global network of over 24,000 alumni

IIHMR University, Jaipur in cooperation with Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (JHSPH), Baltimore, USA E-Inaugurated Cohort 9 of the admired international postgraduate degree program, Master of Public Health (MPH). The MPH program has been designed by leveraging the core strength of JHSPH and IIHMR University, to meet the needs of Indian students as well as those confronting public health changes in the Southeast Asian Region. 

The overreaching goal of the 2-year academic session is to provide students with critical multidisciplinary training to help them solve global public health problems. In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, where millions of students across the globe have been driven out of their university spaces the 2 Universities tried to lay special emphasis on practical training, whereby the students are required to conduct a significant practicum experience in population-based health before graduation. The Johns Hopkins University's MPH curriculum is delivered jointly by distinguished faculties of JHSPH and IIHMR University with an aims to develop students' competencies in core areas of public health and management.

Dr. Marie Diener - West, Chair-Master of Public Health Program John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA while congratulating the students and the faculty members conveyed her greetings for a program of Cohort 9. She said, “With the partnership of 2 esteemed universities for the Global MPH program which encourages representing the best for the graduates, for the necessary skills and competencies not only in public health but also special expertise and knowledge in health management.” She then mentioned the Study and travel scholarship for attending Winter Institute at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA where the students will travel to Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (JHSPH), Baltimore, USA Institute in January 2022. Dr. Marie expressed her gratitude for being associated with the University's partnership to confer the bright minds who will shape the future of our ecosystem. With the need for newer and brighter ideas, the faculty members of IIHMR University had the vision to anticipate for such a program to empower knowledge, values and enlighten the needs of their graduates.

During the inaugural, Dr. DK Mangal, Professor, Advisor (SDGSPH), IIHMR University, congratulated the people who give it a thought to establish the prestigious collaborative program between the JHSPH, USA, and IIHMR University. He said that this prestigious program took around years to design and establish, and today, it has come out to be a successful program. Dr. Mangal further mentioned how students from different countries including India, Nepal, Bangladesh, and the Maldives have passed out from this program and are working in the field of public health.

Dr. Vinod SV, Professor and Dean Incharge of SD Gupta School of Public Health, stated that the academic session between the 2 prestigious universities - JHSPH and IIHMR University encourages the students to benefit from Johns Hopkins' accomplishment of excellence in teaching public health and IIHMR's health management track record of expertise.

Dr. Goipnath T Sambandam, State Cardio Vascular Health Officer, WHO the alumnus of the MPH program working at the world health organization (WHO) also addressed the students and highlighted how the JHSPH faculty will work with IIHMR faculty to tailor the content of JHSPH core courses to deliver core competencies of the program.

Dr. Seema Mehta, Faculty Incharge, MPH Program, IIHMR University, Jaipur, who concluded the ceremony with a vote of thanks with a message that the university since 2013, have always excelled in guiding the students with the opportunities and pioneering contributions to research, education, and training in the areas of health management and public health. The University is a national leader in these domains over the years. 

Hon’ble Governor of Rajasthan, Shri Kalraj Mishra awarded Education Excellence Award 2021 to Dr. PR Sodani, President IIHMR University


Date: October 18, 2021

Dr. P.R. Sodani, President of IIHMR University, Jaipur has been awarded with Dainik Bhaskar Education Excellence Award 2021 by Hon’ble Governor of Rajasthan, Shri Kalraj Mishra.

Dr. P.R. Sodani is a professor of Health Economics for more than 15 years and has mentored students, and research scholars and has trained faculty across India. He had demonstrated exceptional academic leadership, visioning, policy planning and strategic implementation significantly contributing to creating an organizational culture for the growth and development of the university. He had been responsible for leading and managing academics, research, training, fundraising and networking with national and international organizations throughout. Professor Sodani has been working extensively in health systems and policy, health economics and health financing.

Shri Kalraj Mishra, Hon’ble Governor of Rajasthan said, “The meaning of respect associated with teaching is respect for the tradition by which the future generations of our country are cultured. Knowledge is the only investment that gives the highest return and it is the only thing that decides the future of the country too.”

Dr. PR Sodani, President IIHMR University said, “I am humbled to receive this award and it is indeed a proud privilege to be a part of the pioneer institution which has been engaged in creating leaders for the health and development sector. The multidisciplinary faculty at IIHMR University is engaged in research for providing inputs for evidence-based policy making and program management, apart from teaching and training. IIHMR University is NAAC accredited and ranked 65th by NIRF under the ‘Management Category”.

Hon’ble Governor of Rajasthan also presented awards to 23 other educational institutions from different cities of Rajasthan on this occasion, which includes universities, colleges, schools and coaching institutes.

IIHMR University trained 90+ Master Trainers from 14 States

IIHMR University

Date: October 04, 2021

IIHMR Faculty and Trainers to train 900 CHO’s over a period of one year after the training program

IIHMR University in collaboration with NISHTHA-Jhpiego is conducting a three-day program - Training of Trainers from October 4 - October 6, 2021. These Trainers will further conduct a Leadership Certification Program for selected 900 Community Health Officers from 14 states which include Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Sikkim, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura, Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa, UP, MP, Chhattisgarh.

A total of 45 participants from 11 states, including the northeast was trained in the first cohort in September and in this second cohort again 44 participants will be trained to further train community health officers. This three-day training will cover a wide range of topics including primary health care overview, Public Health Planning and Management, Management Skills, Leadership Skills, Communication Skills, Mentorship, Supply Chain Management, Financial Management, Data Management for effective decision making, etc. for the community health officers to perform efficiently and effectively to strengthen primary health care.

Dr. PR Sodani, President, IIHMR University said Ayushman Bharat (AB) is an attempt to move from a selective approach to health care to deliver a comprehensive range of services. One of the Pillars of AB is Health and Wellness Centers (HWC) for the provision of comprehensive primary Health Care Services – a paradigm shift – in strategic training for achieving National Health Goals. The government of India has planned to have 1,50,000 HWCs and requires CHOs to lead it efficiently. IIHMR University is committed to contributing to strengthening the health system of the country. By this program, we are preparing Master Trainers from 14 states where Jhpiego is providing technical support to MoHFW/GOI and will train 900+ CHO.

By collaborating with Jhpiego and Nishtha team we are not only committed to contributing towards strengthening the health system of the country but to create leaders of tomorrow who are further committed to delivering beyond expectations. The program's main objective is to orient the would-be trainers about CHO Training Program, on the new modules and curriculum along with the new pedagogy of teaching. The module has been thoughtfully designed by IIHMR University and NISHTHA/Jhpiego team for CHOs after a detailed need assessment.

Dr. Swati Mahajan CoP NISHTHA while giving an overview of NISHTHA’s leadership Programme for Community Health officer explained how Jhpiego programs, will guide wellness, community engagement and accountability with effective mentoring.

Trainers who participated from 14 states were State Program Managers, District Program Managers, Faculty of Program Study Centers, State Consultants, and Nursing Tutors. The participants are from Jhpiego, Nursing Colleges, Health and Family Department, NHM and District Hospitals and had work experience of upto 40 years.

SD Gupta School of Public Health at IIHMR University organized a Policy Dialogue to Mitigate COVID Vaccination Hesitancy

IIHMR University COVID vaccination

Date: September 24, 2021

What can be learned from Polio Elimination in India

IIHMR University, under the aegis of SD Gupta School of Public Health, organized a Policy Dialogue to Mitigate COVID Vaccination Hesitancy. The dialogue aimed to identify the stimulants for removing COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy amongst people, understand primary reasons for vaccine hesitancy and address the hesitancy building on lessons learned from the Polio vaccine elimination program in India. 

Dr. PR Sodani, President, IIHMR University, delivering the welcome address, said, "Vaccine hesitancy is an issue we face today due to economic, financial, social, or even policy reasons. In-depth research is needed at the community level to understand vaccine hesitancy, which must be investigated. The polio eradication program has given several learnings for public health professionals which can be adopted to address the covid vaccine hesitancy. He said that the deliberations of the policy dialogue will clarify Vaccine Hesitancy and Vaccination Hesitancy." 

Dr. D.K. Mangal, Advisor, SD Gupta School of Public Health, IIHMR University, moderated the Policy dialogue. Dr. Piyusha Majumdar, Faculty SDGSPH, IIHMR University, represented Synthesis and Translation of Research and Innovations in Polio Eradication (STRIPE) as a member in India. 

Dr. S.D. Gupta, Chairman, IIHMR University, said, that "Vaccine Hesitancy is a refusal of vaccine or delay in acceptance vaccine despite the availability of vaccine services. It is majorly context-specific influenced by several factors like misinformation, conspiracy theory of anti-vaxxer, trust deficit group, vulnerable/hard to reach groups showing indifference towards the vaccine. The vaccine hesitancy issue could be effectively managed by addressing 4 As -increasing the affordability, accessibility, awareness regarding the vaccine, remove vaccine apprehensions; 3 Bs- understand the belief system, working on the structural barriers of vaccination, and change the behaviour of hesitant and 3 Cs - activities to increase vaccine confidence, innovations to remove complacency and make the vaccination process convenient and above all generating trust towards the government and health system. A robust monitoring framework led interpersonal communications could be instrumental in fastening the COVID vaccination in India.” 

Describing the Synthesis and Translation of Research and Innovations in Polio Eradication (STRIPE) Project, Dr. Anna Karlbarcyzk, Assistant Director, Johns Hopkins Centre for Global Health, USA, said, “The Synthesis and Translation of Research and Innovations from Polio Eradication (STRIPE) is a multi-phase project which aims to map, package, and disseminate knowledge from polio eradication initiatives, using an implementation science lens. STRIPE collaborates with Johns Hopkins University and seven international consortium partners in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, DRC, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, and Nigeria. Lessons have been translated and disseminated broadly via publications, dialogues, a Massive Open Online Course, and educational materials. STRIPE highlights how these lessons can be used to tackle pressing and emerging global problems, including COVID."

Dr. N.K. Arora, Chairperson NTAGI (covid 19 working group), Executive Director, Inclen Trust International, India, said, “The adult immunization has taken up in a massive state for the first time and people were not sure how will it go. It was a big challenge to vaccinate such a large population. The only platform which could address this was an IT platform. To ensure a smooth process, we switched to IT Platforms like EVIN- Electronic Vaccine inventory Network, which was built to manage vaccine supplies in different stores to maintain the supply system and the other IT portal CoWIN which made the sole mechanism by which Indians can obtain vaccines against Covid-19. The CoWIN platform can monitor vaccine supply to the last vaccination centre. The stockouts is not common. During the last two years, almost 2000+ crores have been invested in vaccine research that resulted in reliable vaccines. Currently, India is up with two vaccines, but we will have an option of 7-8 vaccines to choose from in the coming time. Now more than 62 crores of people are vaccinated, and we have complete details about them. A proactive social mobilization strategy for rebuking the rumours is undertaken proactively.”

Dr. Sanjiv Kumar, Founder Chairperson, 3D Health Leadership Foundation, Former senior advisor UNICEF, and former Executive Director NHSRC, said, "People's hesitation in taking a vaccine is not new. It was addressed during routine immunization of children and women to achieve universal child immunization in 1990 and achieve polio elimination. The factors contributing to vaccine hesitancy vary from community to community hence need to be addressed locally with community leader's engagement."

Dr. Svea Closser, Associate Professor of International Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA, said, "The Indian polio program's "107 Block Plan" was an innovative program that overcame vaccine hesitancy in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. Vaccine hesitancy in those areas was largely driven by the mismatch between frequent, well-funded polio campaigns and under-resourced health systems. The polio program broadened its scope to include various activities, from filling vacant medical officer positions to constructing latrines. Its communications strategy included information on routine immunization, oral rehydration solution, breastfeeding, and handwashing. This broader approach was key in eliminating polio from India."

Dr. Satish Kumar, Adjunct Professor, IIHMR Delhi, former Policy Advisor, NHSRC, Former State Representative UNICEF, said, "COVID 19 pandemic continues to spread. Lessons learned from Polio Eradication campaigns in India in adopting communication for development as core program implementation strategy, government ownership, technical advances in choice of vaccines, social mobilization, private partnership, and innovations in program delivery will be beneficial. Systemic issues like income, education, food and social security surrounding COVID vaccination and vaccine hesitancy must be addressed, and efforts to build an inclusive and sustainable society be pursued to mitigate the future threat of COVID like pandemics and its consequences."

Dr. Mangal, Advisor, SDGSPH, IIHMR University, who moderated the event, said, that "More than 6 billion COVID vaccines have been administered across 184 countries in the world. Until 21st Sept 2021, around 812 billion COVID vaccines have already been administered in India. The major threat to the impact of the COVID-19 vaccine in preventing disease and death is its lower uptake of Vaccines due to hesitancy. According to WHO, vaccine hesitancy is a delay in accepting or refusing the safe vaccine despite available vaccines. Vaccine hesitancy is caused due to complex and contesting factors that can vary across time, place and is also influenced by complacency and confidence. Vaccine hesitancy can be due to conspiracies and misleading information on social media." 

Dr. Sutapa Bandyopadhyay Neogi, MD, MBBS, Director, IIHMR Delhi, said that personal views and fears to logistical problems getting to vaccine sites, lack of trust, and lack of family support with being negligible awareness about the same are a few reasons for the vaccine hesitancy. While the community has lost faith in the health system, that is primarily due to the government's inability to meet the expectations of the ordinary people, especially during the 2nd wave of the COVID pandemic. Also, a lack of awareness of the process of vaccination and its registration made the situation worse. Women, primarily pregnant women, were scared to get vaccinated because of insufficient knowledge of its effects on their health and their child's health. Vaccine hesitancy mainly occurred due to the unavailability of the correct answers from reliable sources.

IIHMR University in collaboration with NISHTHA-Jhpiego

IIHMR University

Date: September 15, 2021

45 Trainers from 11 states to be trained from 13th to 15th September 2021 during the First Cohort of the TOT Program. IIHMR Faculty and Trainers to train 900 CHO’s over a period of one year after the training program IIHMR University in collaboration with NISHTHA-Jhpiego is conducting a three-day program - Training of Trainers from September 13 - September 15, 2021. These Trainers will further conduct a Leadership Certification Program for selected 900 Community Health Officers from 14 states.

A total of 45 participants from 11 states, including the northeast will be trained to further train community health officers from pan India. In the second program in the series further, 55 master trainers will be created. This three-day training will cover a wide range of topics from primary health care overview, Public Health Planning and Management, Management Skills, Leadership Skills, Communication Skills, Mentorship, Supply Chain Management, Financial Management, Data Management, and other leadership and management lessons for community health officers to perform efficiently and effectively for strengthening primary health care.

Dr . PR Sodani, President, IIHMR University said, “Training of Trainers CHO – Leadership Program has been designed to smoothen the accessibility, availability, affordability for the masses by strengthening healthcare and wellness delivery system in India. The program is developed with an understanding of the concept of Public Health and Wellness Management. He then mentioned Ayushman Bharat- the flagship program of India that has proved to be a game-changer in the health care sector. One of the major pillars of Ayushman Bharat is Health and Wellness Centre. Ayushman Bharat to increase the human resource capacity of healthcare workers and create additional infrastructure and Human resources for providing quality healthcare throughout the country. He further mentioned the necessity to improve the state of public health services by introducing Health and Wellness centres across the country in general and in rural areas in particular so that they are able to provide good healthcare at affordable prices by reducing out of the pocket expenses in India.” 

“With collaboration with Jhpiego we are not only committed to improving women’s health, reducing infant mortality, and enhancing the lives of children around the world but our main motive would be to strengthen the overall health system at affordable prices.” 

The program's main objective is to orient the would-be trainers about the CHO Training Program, on the new modules and curriculum along with the new pedagogy of teaching. The module has been thoughtfully designed by IIHMR University and NISHTHA/Jhpiego team for CHOs.

Dr. Swati Mahajan CoP NISHTHA while explaining the overview of NISHTHA’s leadership Programme for Community Health officers where they are working for strengthening the Healthcare explained how the Jhpiego program, will guide wellness community engagement and accountability with effective mentoring. The main motive of this TOT session is to provide access to health care services to everyone by strengthening already existing health care facilities in all public sector hospitals across the country including peripheral health centres, sub-centers and primary health centres. Shri Vishal Chauhan, IAS, Joint Secretary (P), MoHFW said, “Health and Wellness centre is the foundational components for this program we were able to achieve the 77000 primary health sub centres into health and wellness centres and by March 2022 1lac 10 thousand health and wellness centres which played a very critical role even during the pandemic when health industry almost collapsed. With the implementation through the Ayushman Bharat scheme aims to enhance the healthcare level in rural areas by improving the quality of service of health care professionals of primary & secondary level facilities. Also, he mentioned the National Digital Health Mission where digital health ids are generated that will connect all health practitioners under one digital platform which can be accessed by people 24 hours a day, seven days a week via any internet-enabled computer, smartphone or tablet. It's designed for different platforms to access information, products and services needed daily to stay fit and healthy. NISHTHA/Jhpiego with IIHMR will play a very crucial role in strengthening CHO leadership that will set up for positive living guided by expert advice.”

IIHMR University is committed to contributing to strengthening the health system of the country. This program will bring reward and recognition for CHO and will keep their morale high and make them effective leaders. This is a great beginning, and this program can be scalable to other states in the country.

Trainers who participated from 11 states were State Program Managers, District Program Managers, Faculty of Program Study Centres, State Consultants, and Nursing Tutors. Participants who participated were from Jhpiego, Nursing Colleges, Health and Family Department, NHM and District Hospitals. Those who participated had work experience of upto 40 years.

IIHMR University on Public Health and Mental Wellbeing discussion series: Issues, Challenges and Solutions amid Covid 19

Date: September 14, 2021

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of populations and mental health systems hastened to respond by enforcing measures such as social distancing, quarantine and isolation responding to fear, anxiety, anger, and grief by adjusting to new ways of learning and working with the uncertainty of losing jobs and family income. No age group has been spared by the effects of the uncertain situation arising out of the global pandemic and the effects of mental ill-health have manifested themselves as a spectrum of varying severity ranging from mild anxiety to the extremes of suicidal tendencies.

To address this important issue of public health concern, SD Gupta School of Public Health, IIHMR University organized a webinar titled Suicide Behaviour Prevention in COVID-19 Scenario: Creating Hope through Action. The webinar was the third under “Public Health and Mental Well Being Series” and coincided with the World Suicide Prevention Day on 10 Sep 2021.

The webinar had an array of eminent global experts from the field of public health, injury research and suicide prevention: Dr. Abdulgafoor M. Bachani, Faculty of International Health and Director, Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit, JHSPH, Baltimore, USA, Dr. Cuong Pham Viet, Director, Center for Injury Policy and Prevention Research, Hanoi School of Public Health, Hanoi, Vietnam; and Prof Rob Poole, Professor of Social Psychiatry, School of Health Sciences Co-Director, Centre for Mental Health and Society Bangor University, UK and Dr. DK Mangal, Professor and Advisor, SD Gupta School of Public Health, IIHMR University.

In his welcome address, Dr. PR Sodani, President, IIHMR University said that “Mental health and mental pressure is one of the most neglected areas of public health and suicide is a complex issue, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. There are hopes and opportunities for suicide prevention at multiple levels. IIIHMR has been engaged in a road traffic injury research project and now working towards suicide prevention and self-harm research.

Dr. Abdulgafoor M. Bachani, defined the magnitude of the problem by mentioning the types of injuries as unintentional and intentional, Out of which 3.16 million are unintentional and 1.25 million are intentional respectively. Also, non-fatal consequences cause a profound social and economic cost to families, communities and societies. An estimate of 200000 deaths due to suicide among youth 10-29 years of age occur every year. Unexpected restrictions that have occurred lead to a sense of isolation, fear and anxiety around the globe. It should be dealt with helping the youth with Global attention to suicides by introducing sustainable development goals. He explained suicide prevention strategies will require multisectoral strategies, develop and evaluate community and population-based approaches to suicide prevention, identify risk and protective factors with groups at higher risk. He also mentioned harnessing the power of big data and AI would be the first application of AI for adolescent injury and violence prevention, it has the potential to enhance knowledge and prevention strategies for adolescents injuries.

Dr. Cuong Pham Viet, while explaining the effects of individual and school-level on suicidal ideation and depression among high school students. He further mentioned the more occurrences that worsen after the COVID pandemic, increased family violence against women, children, social distancing and isolation gave more exposure to online learning leading to child mental deterioration, cyberbullying, violence. Priorities are being given to prevention and cure of COVID 19 and activities to prevent injuries and violence is not taken care of.

Prof Rob Poole believes that suicides are not inevitable and rates can be reduced. The evidence-based suicide prevention COVID-19 intervention can help reducing suicides and should be used widely by schoolteachers, school nurses and any school health care provider who has contact with adolescents to support the development of emotional resilience and behavioural competence which will promote positive emotions and reduce negative ones, especially those associated with low self-esteem as well as cognitive distortions which feed suicidal ideation. Developing positive behaviours such as physical activity provides an opportunity for preventing suicide among vulnerable children at high risk by engaging them in life.

Each suicide is a tragedy. Suicides cost billions every year. It is imperative to understand suicide behaviour in order to develop new prevention programs that are efficient, practicable and cost-effective. Over 800,000 die by suicide every year. More people die by suicide every year than are murdered, and suicide has increased 60% in 40 years. To address the increased need for mental health services during and post-pandemic, countries must establish a robust system of case registry to have the critical data without any stigma to take action further.

IIHMR University Celebrates Teachers Day 2021

IIHMR University

Date: September 8, 2021

IIHMR University, Jaipur a pioneering academic institution in India Celebrated Teachers’ Day virtually to mark the birth anniversary of the great philosopher, teacher, scholar and the second President of Independent India Dr. Sarvopalli Radhakrisnan

The faculty of IIHMR University has contributed a good deal to the growth of the institute and has participated in Nation-building for the last many decades. They have served as role models for the younger generation. Their contribution has yielded rich dividends in the form of quality graduates from IIHMR University who stand stronger with the best in the world.

Dr PR Sodani, President, IIHMR University, while thanking his teachers who taught him and motivated him to reach this level also thanked his students for their love and affection and motivated them to always follow the right path and moral values in their life. Dr. Sodani believes that he is still learning be it from his students or surroundings, learning has no age limits. You keep learning things from the time you are born.

Dr SD Gupta, Chairperson, IIHMR University believes whatever you are is the contribution of the teacher. teachers are the real mentors who inspire who share the knowledge they have gained through their experience in life. Teacher nit only teaches you but also develop the core values of life. How you can be a useful citizen and how you can contribute to the growth and development of the nation and how you can contribute to the lives of the people. Teachers are the GURU – GU is the darkness RU is the light. Taking people out of the darkness to the light. The role between the teacher and the students has to be played from both sides, the student must reach out to their teacher when needed and the teacher must be willing to guide their students. Most important is to create a culture of learning.

With the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and a threat of Delta variant spreading, IIHMR University believed to cherish the auspicious occasion virtually with the teachers of the University. Hence, virtual wishes and greetings were a perfect way to realize the importance of teachers in one's life, even if you are no longer a school-college going, student. This is because teachers are the bedrock upon which your real instinct, personality and any quality education are built and they are perhaps not everybody but very few people in our lives who elate when we, their students, outdo them.

IIHMR University receives Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (SIRO) recognition by DSIR, Government of India

Date: August 5, 2021

IIHMR University is a postgraduate research university that has received prestigious recognition by the Department of Science and Industrial Research (DSIR) under the scheme on Recognition of Scientific and Industrial Research Organizations (SIROs), 1988 as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (SIRO).

Commenting on the recognition Dr. PR. Sodani, President, IIHMR University said, “I am delighted to share that the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India has recognized IIHMR University, Jaipur as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (SIRO). This recognition to IIHMR University will help achieve our mission and goal as a research University to promote and encourage scientific research activities to improve the standards of health.”

Equity in gender policies as per needs a must- experts speak on nutrition for women and children

Date: August 5, 2021

The pandemic has brutally shaken the entire ecology and its functions. To highlight the nutrition crisis that has been faced across all categories of the humanities, Saksham Sanchar organized a webinar on Fighting Nutrition Crisis in India during COVID-19, especially for women and children in India. Experts such as Dr. DK Mangal, Advisor, SD Gupta School of Public Health at IIHMR University, Dr. Sudhir Bhandari, Principal SMS, Medical College, Ms. Sangeeta Beniwal, Chairperson Rajasthan State Commission for Protection of Child Rights and Mr. Prashant Agarwal, President Narayan Seva Sansthan shared their views on the subject. Experts spoke hinting on various policies, processes and practices needed which include adequate maternal nutrition before and during pregnancy and while breastfeeding; optimal breastfeeding in the first two years of life; nutritious, diverse, safe foods in early childhood; and a healthy environment, including access to basic health, water, hygiene and sanitation services, policies based on gender equity for nutrition, policies indicated in developed and developing countries to be different and opportunities for safe physical activity.

Prashant Agarwal, President, Narayan Seva Sansthan Said, “In recent findings, UNICEF supported the nutrition services of the central and state governments for school children and adolescents in school. Also, in 2020, around 2.5 crore school children and adolescents have benefited from anemia prevention programs in India. In eradicating malnutrition from India, steps to take like food fortification, strengthening and expanding nutrition schemes for adolescent girls, panchayats play a major role in running welfare schemes in the state and providing nutrition education from school to college.”

Dr. Sangeeta Beniwal, Chairman, Rajasthan State Commission for Protection of Child Rights said, “Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot has always tried to focus on providing enough food to the very poor, and not with more funding for the existing nutrition-focused welfare programs such as the Indira Rasoi Abhiyan in the state. We all must step forward to reach out to the most affected people and spread awareness to ensure the wellbeing of all the key stakeholders, especially the poor and ignorant sections. It is important for all women to adopt a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy so that healthy women can give birth to a healthy baby.”

Highlighting the effect of the pandemic on women and children, Dr. D. K. Mangal, Advisor, Dr. SD Gupta School of Public Health at IIHMR University, said, “India bears a disproportionate burden of malnutrition and the COVID 19 pandemic in the world. Response to the pandemic has disrupted routine nutrition programs such as the ICDS and the Mid-Day Meal program. This has adversely affected the nutrition status of millions of children and women. The Continued COVID pandemic has not allowed us to streamline our nutrition interventions in India. The continued COVID pandemic has led many more women and children to suffer due to a lack of food and micronutrients. The impending threat of the third wave of the pandemic is likely to worsen the situation further. Adequate maternal nutrition before and during pregnancy and while breastfeeding; optimal breastfeeding in the first two years of life; nutritious, diverse, and safe foods in early childhood; and a healthy environment, including access to basic health, water, hygiene, and sanitation services and opportunities for safe physical activity would improve the nutritional status of women and children. Adequate coverage, continuity, and quality of nutrition interventions will enable us to realize nutrition-related sustainable development goals.

Dr. Sudhir Bhandari, Principal SMS College said, “India initially faced physical challenges during COVID-19. Over time we realized nutrition affected the lives of many where 9.3 million children would be affected by 2022 out of which 20-25% might suffer due to stunted growth. Children experiencing undernutrition are more likely to suffer from pandemic complications.

Undernutrition may cause more sickness and mortality in people due to COVID-19 & other infectious diseases, including pneumonia and various inflammatory diseases. In countries with the 1st and 2nd waves of COVID-19, obesity and non-communicable diseases have been associated with the more severe outcome of the virus. Nutrition status might impact the susceptibility due to COVID-19 and health strategies to reduce micronutrient deficiencies and undernutrition are essential. COVID-19 has had a severe effect on maternal and young children's nutritional status. We must strengthen the food security and functioning of the food supply chain to the population. We now must manage cases of acute malnutrition, accelerate micronutrient supplementation and fortification activities, strengthen school feeding and establish nutritional surveillance.”

Dr. Bhandari also added, “In the last COVID-19, almost 58 million children between the age group of 6 months to 23 months have not developed the classical eating habits. Inadequate access to health and medical services (supplements) has been important in the cause of nutritional deficiencies in women and children.”

IIHMR University confers degrees to 269 students on 7th Convocation

IIHMR University

Date: August 2, 2021

IIHMR University Jaipur conferred MBA and PhD degrees to 269 students during its 7th Convocation Ceremony, held on 30th July 2021 in virtual/hybrid mode. Known to be a premier health and research University, IIHMR University has conducted over 800 research projects and studies in health policies and programs at the national and international levels. IIHMR University conferred MBA degrees to students in Hospital and Health Management, Pharmaceutical Management and Rural Management. 9 students received their PhD degrees. Dr. Vishwa Mohan Katoch, NASI-ICMR Chair on Public Health Research Rajasthan University of Health Sciences (RUHS), Jaipur and President AII MS, Madurai was the Chief Guest of the Convocation. Dr. Sangita Reddy, Joint Managing Director, Apollo Hospitals Group and Mr. Prem Sharma, Founder and CEO DayToDay Health were the Guests of Honour. Convocation Ceremony was Presided by Dr. SD Gupta, Chairperson, IIHMR University while progress report was presented by Dr. PR Sodani, President IIHMR University.

Dr. Vishwa Mohan Katoch, NASI-ICMR Chair on Public Health Research Rajasthan University of Health Sciences (RUHS), Jaipur, delivered the Convocation address. Highlighting the broader purpose of higher education, Dr. Katoch said, “It is important for every graduate to reflect upon the purpose of education. One thing that remains to core to education, and particularly higher education, is how well you can ‘solve the problems’ in your profession, work and life for the desired improvement in the quality of life of the people. While congratulating the students on their hard-earned degrees during challenging times of COVID-19, he also urged the graduates to work dedicatedly for improving the situation in their respective domains.”

Dr. Sangita Reddy, Joint Managing Director, Apollo Hospitals Group said, “IIHMR University is an institution of great repute and has been helping the country and the world with quality individuals who have been helping to evolve the healthcare system. A COVID-19 pandemic is a generational event that has brought the healthcare sector to centre stage. This is truly a moment where every single person has thought over their relationship to health and their ability. The graduates from IIHMR University have joined the ranks today of the primary responsibility of keeping the community, the country and the world healthy. Breaking the status quo and changing the paradigm of healthcare is imperative. This generation of millennials is fully equipped to utilize science, technology, Artificial Intelligence and IoT to keep people alive, healthy and focus on prevention giving equitable access to healthcare.”

Mr. Prem Sharma, Founder and CEO DayToDay Health congratulated all future leaders to start their new journey and said, “The world economy has been changing due to technological innovations, disappearing geographical boundaries are driving industries and businesses across the world to break the current norms. Most of the world’s information we know has been created in the last 10 years and most of the jobs we do did not exist around 10 years ago. Students graduating will be a part of these revolutionary changes as the uncertainty and complexities of the business environment increased due to COVID-19. Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Management has become essential for every society and country. Rural Development is an important area for the balanced and equitable development of any country. SDG vision 2030, healthcare management and rural development are often indicated with designing and delivering effective development solutions.”

Presiding the event, the renowned public health expert and Chairperson of IIHMR University Dr. S.D. Gupta highlighted how the commitment to quality and human service has helped in shaping this unique institution in the country during the last four decades. In his address, Dr. Gupta urged students to make learning a part of their habits for their entire life. He elaborated, “you are ready to move to a career but what will help you is not the degree or acquired knowledge alone, rather it is your ability to continuously learn from experience and to serve the society.”

The Founder and Trustee of IIHMR University and many other developmental organizations, Dr. Ashok Aggarwal explained the broader purpose of establishing IIHMR nearly four decades back when hardly anyone in the country thought about healthcare from a management perspective. He added that this institution has contributed immensely to improving healthcare systems in India and beyond, which is a matter of great pride for all stakeholders. Presenting the Welcome-Address and Annual-Progress report of the University, Dr. Prahlad R. Sodani, President, IIHMR University said, “IIHMR University has carefully selected the areas in Post Graduate programs as per emerging needs of the developing world and that is the reason which makes our programs very unique.” Elaborating on the role of management learning, he added, “Challenges and opportunities are part of every learning practice, what matters is how you learn and understand and act in any given circumstances. The role of a manager is founded based on three principles Act – Implement- Learn.” He presented how the university has progressed in improving the quality and relevance of healthcare and development management education in the country. Sharing about the achievements, Dr. Sodani shared that University has been able to offer placements to almost all eligible graduating students in more than 150 organizations including Novartis, Abbott, Apollo Munich, Accenture, Deloitte, Fortis Narayana Hrudayalaya Hospitals, Shalby, GlaxoSmithKline, Zydus, Water Aid, Gujarat State Watershed Management Association (GSWMA), Rajeev Gandhi Foundation, Rajasthan Rural Livelihood Mission and many more.

This is important to note that IIHMR University has collaborations in India and abroad with various national and international organizations and universities.

IIHMR University To Confer Degrees in 7th Convocation

Date: July 30, 2021

IIHMR University, a specialized postgraduate research University shall be conferring 260 Masters’ and 07 Doctoral degrees during 7th University Convocation, scheduled to be held online on July 30, 2021 from 6.00 to 7.30 pm. Due to COVID-19, the university is organizing a second consecutive Convocation in Virtual Mode. Dr. Vishwa Mohan Katoch, President (JIPMER, Puducherry and All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Madurai) will deliver the Convocation Address as Chief Guest. Renowned public health expert Prof. (Dr.) S.D. Gupta, Chairperson IIHMR University will preside over the Convocation ceremony. Noted healthcare entrepreneur Dr. Sangita Reddy, Joint Managing Director, Apollo Hospitals Group and Mr. Prem Sharma, Founder of CEO of US based healthcare start-up Day to Day Health will address the Convocation as Guest of Honour.

Talking about the details of the event, Dr. PR Sodani, President, IIHMR University said, “I am happy to share that despite the challenges posed by COVID-19, our students performed very well on all required learning outcomes of the programmes. With the help of our strong and dedicated faculty team we could manage smooth teaching-learning, industry internship as well as placements for our graduating students while most of the activities were conducted online.” Dr. Sodani added that this year 176 students will be graduating with Master of Business Administration (MBA) degrees in Hospital and Health Management, 56 in Pharmaceuticals Management and 26 in Rural Development. Most of these students have already been placed in different organizations through campus placement.

Dr. SD Gupta, Chairman, IIHMR University said, “The unique research-focused culture of IIHMR University provides our students an opportunity to develop the skills and attitude required for effective functioning of organizations in their chosen sector. We believe that in today’s globalized world, organizations need leaders who can provide solutions to emerging challenges with dedication and service-mindset. Our more than 36 years of institutional learning helps us in continuously innovating the teaching-learning in healthcare management and development management. We work on a framework of autonomy where our world-class faculty allows the student to explore his or her talent and skills in a manner that they contribute to society.” 

The IIHMR University (erstwhile Indian Institute of Health Management Research) has been engaged in teaching, research, training, outreach and consulting in very specialized areas of healthcare management, development management and other allied fields. The University offers full-time MBA Hospital and Health Management, MBA Pharmaceutical Management and MBA Development Management (including Rural Development) programmes. In addition, the University has a research-degree programme Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) and a collaborative Master of Public Health programme (with John Hopkins University, USA). 

IIHMR University offers strong recruitment for its students in reputed organizations. Reliance Foundation, Water Aid, Vidharbha Conservation Society, State Rural Livelihood Projects, GSWMA, Abbott, Apollo Munich, Accenture, Asian Heart Institute, Arabia Holdings, Shalby Hospital, GSK- GlaxoSmithKline, Deloitte, Jindal Institute of Medical Sciences, Narayana Hrudalya Hospital, Narayan Health, Bangalore, Novartis, Care India are some of the lading campus recruiters of IIHMR graduates.

Apart from the MBA programs, IIHMR University Jaipur offers various other Skill focused programs. The PG Diploma in CSR and Sustainable Development and P.G. Diploma in Health Entrepreneurship programmes of the university are approved by University Grants Commission (UGC) under National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF). Executive Degree Programs of the university include the Master of Public Health (Executive) and Master of Hospital Administration (Executive) each for 2 years.

IIHMR University has made significant efforts in promoting entrepreneurship and business incubation through its’ Centre for Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship (CIIE). It is one of the initiatives to teach entrepreneurial skills to the people and the development of thought processes linked with societal benefits. CIIE is established to make an apparent contribution in the field of start-ups, business ventures, and intrapreneurship through its’ dedicated business incubation facility.

Bring women in the mainstream through CSR education by skill training - Sunita Meena, Addl. DCP Jaipur Nodal Officer (Nirbhaya Squad)

Date: July 13, 2021

Narayan Seva Sansthan - a charitable organization that has charitable hospitals under them in the country for differently -abled people suffering from Polio, Cerebral Palsy and by birth, hosted webinar to promote ‘CSR Education for differently abled and children’. The objective behind the webinar was to develop an understanding on the influence of COVID-19 pandemic on education and to promote social values at the nascent stage for children and students with disabilities. Amid the pandemic, many NGOs, enterprises both large and small came forward to help the underprivileged by providing free food, masks, and transport and hospital facilities.  

The webinar witnessed distinguished speakers who shared their insights Ms. Sunita Meena, Addl. DCP Jaipur Nodal Officer (Nirbhaya Squad), Dr. Goutam Sadhu, Professor IIHMR University, Adjunct Faculty, Department of International Health, Johns Hopkins University USA, Amit Kanoongo, Delivery Director & HR Head ATCS India, Prashant Agarwal, President, Narayan Seva Sansthan spoke on CSR Education for the differently-abled and children and Moderated by Rajat Gour, Digital Marketing Manager at Narayan Seva Sansthan.

Sunita Meena, Addl. DCP Jaipur Nodal Officer (Nirbhaya Squad) said, “In the midst of Corona, some companies are running many courses in collaboration with social organizations, but a consortium of such organizations should be formed to impart training at the grassroots level. Digital skill training should be organized to develop entrepreneurship among women especially young girls/women in small towns and villages to keep in mind for CSR education. Need to develop programs like teacher training especially for young women in the rural and urban. These programs should focus on teaching young women to network and honing skills to their close friends and community women.

Prashant Agarwal, President, Narayan Seva Sansthan said,“Government and leading organizations help to create an increasingly and contextually thought-provoking environment in CSR education by integrating values, skills into better career decision-making processes. Promoting sustainability, responsibility and ethics for the coming generations is the need of the hour in the covid-19 scenario. Through short term and long term programmes, the CSR education sector will boost the availability of trained professionals in the sector.” 

Amit Kanoongo, Delivery Director & HR Head, ATCS India, said, “It is important to address the prevailing challenges faced by the underprivileged and the differently-abled children who are looking to unlearn and learn today. Developing an ecosystem with fertile infrastructure is equally imperative for nurturing these children. By partnering with multiple NGO’s who work at the grass-root level, the IT consultancy focuses on education programs, skill development, annually fulfilling wishes of children belonging to rural areas, financial aid etc.

Dr Goutam Sadhu, Professor, IIHMR University and Adjunct Faculty, Department of International Health, Johns Hopkins University, USA; “As per section-135 of the company bill 2013, the corporate has spent around INR 50,000 crores in the last 4 years. They have also contributed to the PM care Fund and to the CM rehabilitation fund during the COVID-19 Pandemic period. His analysis further highlighted that maximum work under CSR cover SDG-4 SDG-1, SDG-3 and SDG-6 that is on education and skill development, Poverty Alleviation, Health care and water, sanitation and hygiene. ” 

IIHMR University (Jaipur) enrolls admission as per extended dates announced by AICTE

Date: June 29, 2021

All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) has extended the last date for the Admission for B-schools to offer admission to the new batch till August 11, 2021. IIHMR University has also extended the last date of admission to 11th August 2021 subject to the availability of seats in each MBA program. IIHMR University announced the first round of the online admission process, which is scheduled for 6th-7th July 2021. University will conduct IIHMR UMAT and GD-PI every week till 11th August to select the students who are interested to join and have applied for MBA programs at IIHMR University. 

Dr PR Sodani, President, IIHMR University said, “The pandemic outbreak has struck every aspect of public life, including education. We believe the lack of access to public transport is discouraging more students from reaching their allotted institute to confirm admissions, if shortening the enrolment window hurts the student, the university should make suitable adjustments for them. And therefore, we believe that this extension will be helpful for the students seeking admission.” Dr Sodani further added, “Keeping in mind the Government norms IIHMR University will conduct the GDPI process online ensuring safety measures.
It is worth noting that IIHMR University even in these trying times when whole world has come to a standstill is working for the enhancement of knowledge of its ever-growing dynamic future leaders. The University aim to help the students get the expertize in interdisciplinary fields of quality assurance, organizational behavior, leadership, health insurance, Big Data, etc. The programs provided by IIHMR University are for the individuals and organizations engaged in areas of health management, hospital management, pharmaceutical management, development management, Artificial Intelligence, etc. at national and international levels.

Next Level Innovations in Pharmaceutical Industry: - Genomics, Gene Editing, Artificial Intelligence, Understanding the Biology of Ageing 

Date: June 23, 2021

IIHMR University, Jaipur as a leading healthcare institution which has its prime focus in generating talent pool that contributes immensely in the health sector organized Pharma Conclave 2021 that focused on ‘Innovations in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Management’. Dr. SD Gupta, Trustee Secretary, IIHMR University, Chief Guest, Mr. Sudarshan Jain, Secretary General, Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance; Former MD, Abbott Healthcare, and Dr. P R Sodani, President, IIHMR University were the eminent speakers. The Pharma Conclave 2021 was an interaction between the industry and academia. 

Dr. Saurabh Kumar, Dean School of Pharmaceutical Management, IIHMR University chaired the discussion in Panel-1 that focused on ‘Challenges and Future Innovative Strategies for the Pharmaceutical Industry in the Covid Era’. Panel -1 had panellists Mr. Gagan Bharadwaj, Senior Vice President – Supply Chain, Intas Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Mr. Vivek Rathod, Senior Manager, Eversana Consulting, and Dr. Tanveer Naved, Joint Head, Amity Institute of Pharmacy, Amity University, Noida. Ms. Rubina Khan, Marketing Manager, Hematology Asia Pacific, Novartis, moderated the panel discussion 1.  Panel-2 focused on ‘Current Trends in Domestic and International Pharmaceutical Market’. Panel-2 had panellists, Mr. Anand Namdeo, Brand Manager, Boehringer Ingelheim, Mr. Dinesh Pandey, Head Analytics, Pharma Ace, Mr. Priyank V. Thakkar, Co-founder, UP Pharmaceuticals, and Ms. Parul Thakur, Manager Operations, Aster Medcity. Dr. Pramod Kumar Rajput, Vertical Head and Senior Vice President, Cadila Pharmaceutical Limited chaired the session and Mr. Sudeep Pradhan, Manager, Emerging Markets and Europe, Cipla, moderated Panel discussion -2.

Dr. Saurabh Kumar, Dean School of Pharmaceutical Management, IIHMR University said, “The whole world is facing an unprecedented situation of COVID pandemic, and it is becoming imperative that we should develop the future road map so that we can prepare us for combatting a pandemic of this magnitude. Taking into consideration this conclave has been planned to bring together the academia and the industry to deliberate on the idea that how innovation and good management practices can be embedded in the areas of Pharmaceutical Sciences.  The students attending the conclave will get an opportunity to interact with industry experts, senior pharma alumni and will receive insights in the areas of Pharmaceutical Marketing, Supply Chain Management, Brand Management, Pharmaceutical Consulting and Pharma Regulations.

Dr. P.R Sodani, President, IIHMR University said, “The Pharma Conclave 2021 has been planned to discuss and deliberate on the innovation in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Management. We all know Pharmaceutical is the only industry during the time of COVID-19 which saved lives of people. The Indian Pharmaceutical industry has played a very critical role during this pandemic by coming up with lot of innovations. Despite COVID-19 being a public health challenge, the Pharmaceutical Industry has been providing a lot of insights and innovations like drug innovations in terms of technological innovations. This Conclave will be extremely useful for those who would like to pursue their careers in the Pharmaceutical Industry”. 

Chief Guest at the Pharma Conclave 2021, Mr. Sudarshan Jain, Secretary General, Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance; Former MD, Abbott Healthcare congratulated IIHMR University for selecting an interesting theme. He said, “COVID-19 has impacted and affected all of us. The second wave has been a huge challenge and I personally appreciate the outstanding contributions of all the colleagues of the Pharmaceutical Industry in this time of crisis. Even during the time of the pandemic, India has been able to maintain the supply of pharmaceuticals around the world. Covid crisis is the next opportunity and the next decade will be the decade for healthcare. The Pharmaceutical and Healthcare industry on the whole have made tremendous contributions in increasing the average life expectancy of an individual. Overall Pharmaceutical Industry has made significant contribution in vaccines, antibiotics, health and hygiene and IIHMR University is an institution which has driven the healthcare and innovation to the next level.

Mr. Jain further added that, “The Pharmaceutical industry has made progressions on bringing in vaccines for COVID-19, there has been a recent discovery of a drug for Alzheimer’s and even Obesity. There has been innovations around the world on Genomics, Artificial Intelligence, Gene Editing, Better Diagnostics, Biology of Ageing and technology will expedite the process of these innovations. Management Innovations, R&D, Drug Development, Skills and areas of biologicals would create tremendous career opportunities.” 

Dr. S.D Gupta, Chairperson and Trustee Secretary, IIHMR University said, “The decade of 2020 to 2030 will be a decade of public health because of the rise in disease burden, change in age structure and change of disease pattern to non-communicable diseases. The most important challenge is how to reach out to people and offer them access to quality healthcare at an affordable cost. Another challenge is the third wave which is anticipated and this could be transmitted also to animals. We need effective management of healthcare and, effective management of medication and pharmaceutical supplies. Building Human Resource in the Pharmaceutical Industry is important. There are multiple opportunities in R&D, Effective Management of product and its delivery all over the world. IIHMR University has produced over 4000 management graduates all over the world in various areas of consulting, research, Pharma sector.” 

Panel 1 that focused on ‘Challenges and Future Innovative Strategies for the Pharmaceutical Industry in the Covid Era’ had experts shared their views. 

Mr. Gagan Bharadwaj, Senior Vice President – Supply Chain, Intas Pharmaceuticals Ltd. shared, “The most important challenge across the globe was managing supply chain amidst COVID-19 in the Pharma sector. Cold Chain of vaccines has been a challenge for India whether these are imported or are transported within the country. The most important aspect that one needs to know before being jabbed is whether the temperature of the vaccine been maintained while it is brought from the Manufacturer to a distributor and from the distributing centre to the vaccination centre. There is a whole lot of automation that is being done on temperature monitoring systems. India needs to plan on vaccine wastages and also manage the demand and supply of these vaccines.

Mr. Vivek Rathod, Senior Manager, Eversana Consulting said, “COVID-19 definitely has offered a new ray of hope for those in the consulting industry to work remotely and changeover the outlay by bringing in a paradigm shift in the mind-set of the people.

Post Graduate Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development

Date: June 19, 2021

Launching the program for forthcoming academic session, Dr. PR Sodani, President, IIHMR University said that, “The Post Graduate Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development is an innovative and first of its’ kind work-integrated program in the country to strengthen capacity building in management of CSR and Sustainable Development.  The program aims to introduce students to the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development as well as to equip them with skills, required to independently plan and implement the CSR project initiatives in their respective settings. The program, which is in strategic industry collaboration with India CSR for better reach and relevance, is best suited for those aspiring for professional careers connected to the Evidence-based planning, implementation, and management of Rural, Rurban and Urban Development Transformation through CSR driven interventions.”

Selection Procedure: The eligible candidates will be invited for the Personal Interview (PI). The final selection of the candidate is based on his/her performance in the Personal Interview (PI)

***Note - Date of PI are subject to change as per UGC guidelines

Number of seats is limited in each program and will be filled on first come first serve basis

Program Highlights:

Upon completing this course students will be able to successfully access the need for Corporate Social Responsibility interventions under the given context by monitoring and evaluating the CSR contribution to the identified priority areas. Also the knowledge gained from this program will contribute to being able to analyze the connection between corporate strategy and CSR while developing CSR initiatives that suits company’s vision and mission thereby allowing them to lead the implementation of CSR projects independently by analyzing the complex issues confronting organizational leaders as they develop their CSR programs

People centric agendas, robust civic engagement, vibrant public private partnerships must for attaining SDGs in 21st century

Date: June 18, 2021

IIHMR University a premier institution post graduate research university invited various experts to share their views on the development sector where more than 800 participants from across India and other countries participated. IIHMR University conducted the National Conclave 2021 on Managing Post COVID Development Transitions- Challenges and Opportunities for Management Professionals. Eminent speakers such as Dr. PR Sodani, President, IIHMR University, Dr. Himadri Sinha, Prof. & Head of the Department (RM) XISS, Ranchi, Mr. Sudarshan Suchi, CEO, Save the Children India, Dr. KK Upadhyay, Chairman DNR Foundation and Former Head CSR, FICCI, Mr. Sanjay Singh, Communication 4 Development Specialist, UNICEF, MP, Dr. Diptiranjan Mahapatra, Faculty Public Policy and Strategy, IIM Sambalpur, Prof. Rahul Ghai, Dean School of Development Studies (SDS), IIHMR University, Jaipur and Dr. Goutam Sadhu, (Moderator), Professor, SDS, IIHMR University Jaipur.      

Dr. PR Sodani, President at IIHMR University said, “I am grateful to be a part of this webinar which shares the unique experience and talk about how developmental scientists of India shared their wisdom and experiences. The ultimate objective of the development sector must be focused on the benefit of all key stakeholders i. e. ultimately the society. It is a great occasion where very renowned personalities academician and practitioners come to the same platform to share their ideology and experience. He believes that each of them can learn from each other and that is only beneficial for the society. We are working with the state and central govt. with the development partners. With whatever we do in IIHMR the outcomes of the research basically work for the betterment of the community.”

He further said, “We are working very closely with the community and for the community. It is important that the projects and researches with various interventions done by the Central or State Government must be beneficial to the society on the whole. Whenever I teach our future scientists I feel that they are the key stakeholders for managing the future domain areas of our societies. We feel that whatever knowledge they gain from IIHMR University should benefit them in future. We always thrive to make our students do the remarkable jobs and they feel that the education they gained is very helpful for them and they are able to contribute significantly to benefit the society on the whole. Keeping in mind the growth of Society IIHMR has launched a first of its kind course in India of MBA in Development Management because in coming time India we need great developmental professional in the country to achieve the common National Goal.

Dr. Goutam Sadhu, Professor, IIHMR University Moderated the entire conversation and said, “COVID-19 has pushed the responsibility of worldwide institutions in the country to face the greatest challenges with indirect social and political impact. Economic downturn has greatly affected the work and medium socioeconomic status of every human. We have conducted the conference with the eminent professionals to understand how the new generation of inequalities participated to enhance capabilities, the new necessities of the 21st century. It is a challenge for all the professionals be it from development sector or healthcare sector, livelihood, consultancy, etc. To understand how to draft the future route and how management professional can gear up to face the unavoidable challenges we with the opinions of professional from across the world tried to contribute our insights to face these trying times.”

Dr. Himadri Sinha, Prof. & Head of Department (RM) XISS, Ranchi, focused on the COVID-19 responses of the development sector during Phase I and Phase II he placed his concern and pondered on to share a situation analysis on how Turkey could open tourism within 15 months of COVID-19 and how South Korea controlled COVID-19 in a short span. He also shared his insights on how privatization can revive the entire economy. 

In order to revive the sinking economy, Dr. Himadri Sinha focused on privatization and reduction of digital divide along with the promotion of freedom of expression. He elaborated by focusing on challenges and their solutions where he said, “India’s Human Development Index is 131 among 189 countries and we are at 115 in SDG in 2020 as it opposed to 113 in 2019. There must be Privatization drives that are needed to revive the economy. Professionals from the development sector can help in facilitating the revival of unorganized sectors including the agriculture sector. These professionals can also protest against Govt’s anti-NGO mindset and participate proactively in HDI and SDG target. In order to vaccinate 70% of the population by 2021, development professionals can play a large role in promoting COVID-19 responsible SBCC and vaccination drive and also create an awareness about black fungus. To overcome the digital divide, capacity building of economically weaker sections and empowering gender equality. To protect the freedom of expression and voice of protest / criticism, development professionals must promote advocacy, reconstruction of rights based approach is another challenge. Academicians have an important role to play in halting the institutional erosion.”           

Mr. Sudarshan Suchi, CEO, Save the Children India said, “COVID-19 has created multiple challenges at both the national and international level. However, it has taught great lessons to organizations to keep processes simple yet effective as most of these came crumbling down during the pandemic. It is the contributions of the people from the Development Sector who have risked their lives to keep things going. It is important people understand that professionals in the development sector have entered into the space out of their choice. It is these professionals during the time of COVID expanded attitudes in the communities to become more resilient. It is these professionals who have helped people to deal with challenges pertaining to mental health which is a social stigma. In a society where people use common bathrooms, share spaces of 6X8 rooms and share common utilities, face tremendous backlashes in the society if any one member from a family of 8 people suffered from COVID. It were the professionals of the development sector and CSR or NGO’s that came forward to help these people and create awareness to maintain continuity in the communities by making them resilient.” 

Mr. Suchi further emphasized that, “It is important to evolve methods, systems and processes by not replacing the Governmen, but by building capacities within the communities and allowing Governments to join these schemes. Capacity building programs on facilitators learning technical terms was a must during the pandemic with new jargons like Oxymeters, Oxygen concentrators, Remdevisir etc. to create awareness amongst those who aren’t aware of these jargons. We must be prepared of the most anticipated third wave which is likely to hit the rural areas.” 

Dr. Diptiranjan Mahapatra, Faculty Public Policy and Strategy, IIM Sambalpur focused on Supply Chain uncertainties and its management implications said, “Supply chain actually forms the backbone of any organization. Inspite of the pandemic, organisations have to expect disruptions atleast which are natural in nature which would include earthquakes, floods, cyber-attacks and famines at least once in four years. Industries which are manpower intensive have been mostly affected by the Pandemic. This revamps the whole system giving an opportunity for the people in the development sector to rethink and create strategies which suit the need of the hour. While this disruption has caused a lot of anguish we have been able to get around due to a strong supply chain management system in the economy.

Dr. KK Upadhyay, Chairman DNR Foundation and Former Head CSR, FICCI expressed his delight to be a part of the discussion at IIHMR University said, “CSR is the heart of any business. It was built to make employees productive, healthier and philanthropic. 17000 companies under the Company Act had to invest 2% on CSR in 2013. This led to a contribution of Rs. 13,327 crore in CSR in 2013. Lot of money has been spent to about 1 lack crores in different sectors. Last year has been very crucial and eventful. In 2019 CSR had become compulsory as per the law. There have been multiple amendments in CSR norms during COVID where related activities in the normal course of business, in R&D and even the latest CSR funds can be used to build hospitals, temporary or permanent. CSR has been the backbone for contributing to various activities and development across various segments. CSR is the bridge between what the Society wants and what it can expect. Thus the private sector, the academia and the Government Sector must come together to overcome challenges in the economy.

Mr. Sanjay Singh, Communication 4 Development Specialist, UNICEF, MP, “Adopted communication techniques are a must during the COVID-19 crisis. We must focus on Communications challenges and approaches and communication monitoring during COVID-19. Three challenges faced during COVID-19 are Social and Behavior change communication challenges, vaccine related issues and operational issues relating to communication. Social platforms must offer clear responses to all questions in relation to vaccine where most of them remain unanswered. Rural areas and Tribal areas the registration for vaccine through mobile apps is a task hence the Government has created easier methods of enrolling. One negative communication can cause a tremendous hindrance in areas especially tribal areas. Social mobilization and peer to peer communication seems missing for vaccinations. Key areas of communicating with people were to create strategies by observing people behavior. People were made aware of the ever changing guidelines through constant communications and awareness camps by the Government. The channel of communications must be channelized. Communication channels have been utilized to reduce the social stigma of mental health through social platforms and crisis communication has been managed effectively.” 

Prof Rahul Ghai, Dean - SDS, IIHMR University in his concluding remarks reiterated the importance of people centric development agendas with more robust civic engagement was need of the hour for recalibrating space for public good. For the upcoming challenges of the 21st century there was a need for complex arrangements and partnerships with private institutions and industry as co-drivers of growth for greater public good and attainment of SDG agenda.

The National Conclave 2021 on Managing Post COVID Development Transitions- Challenges and Opportunities for Management Professionals concluded by a Q&A session.


IIHMR University

Date: June 17, 2021

Be at the intersection of industry and academia at the Pharma Conclave 2021 that will focus on ‘Innovations in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Management’. The Conclave will be held on June 19, 2021.The webinar Chairperson Dr SD Gupta, Trustee Secretary IIHMR University, Chief Guest - Sudarshan Jain,  Secretary-General, IPA and Ex-MD, Abbot India Ltd and  Dr. PR Sodani, President, IIHMR University will grace the occasion.

The event will comprise two panel discussions. The first will be on ‘Challenges and Future Innovative Strategies for the Pharmaceutical Industry in the Covid Era’ and will have as panellists Mr. Gagan Bharadwaj (Senior Vice President – Supply Chain, Intas Pharmaceuticals Ltd.), Mr. Vivek Rathod (Senior Manager, Eversana Consulting), and Dr. Tanveer Naved (Joint Head, Amity Institute of Pharmacy, Amity University). Dr. Saurabh Kumar (Dean SPM, IIHMR University) will chair the discussion while Ms. Rubina Khan (Marketing Manager, Hematology – Asia Pacific, Novartis) will act as moderator.

The second panel discussion will be on ‘Current Trends in Domestic and International Pharmaceutical Market’ and will comprise speakers Mr. Anand Namdeo (Brand Manager, Boehringer Ingelheim), Mr. Dinesh Pandey (Head Analytics, Pharma Ace), Mr. Priyank V. Thakkar (Co-founder, UP Pharmaceuticals), and Ms. Parul Thakur (Manager Operations, Aster Medcity). Mr. Pramod Kumar Rajput (Vertical Head and Senior Vice President, Cadila Pharmaceutical Limited) will chair the session and Mr. Sudeep Pradhan (Manager, Emerging Markets and Europe, Cipla) will moderate it.

IIHMR University launches the first of its kind UGC NSQF Framework approved PG Diploma program in Health Entrepreneurship in India

Date: June 15, 2021

Dr. PR Sodani, President (Officiating), IIHMR University said, “IIHMR is inviting applications for Post Graduate Diploma in Health Entrepreneurship. This is first of its kind program approved By UGC under the NSQF framework. We have a niche in Health & Hospital Management with 36 years of legacy. We are very sure that participants will get benefitted out of this program and we will be able to create some innovative health startups for the country in the post pandemic era. It is a comprehensive program aims to help with strong support to graduating health start-ups at University’s Incubation centre post program. Our course curriculum has been carefully crafted which covers both the current trends and the future game changers in health and allied sector while contributing to the advancement of knowledge and the practice of entrepreneurship by supporting entrepreneurial creation and growth aspirations in key sectors, including healthcare, pharma, and development sectors.”

Dr. Sheenu Jain, Chair Centre for Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship & Program Coordinator said “Students will be taught under the guidance of multidisciplinary faculty that represents management, economics, statistics, demography, social and behavioral sciences, rural development, public health, and the pharmaceutical sector, who will facilitate fostering entrepreneurial skills’’ The guided business plan for the venture is the key outcome at the end of the course. After the program participants can immediately think about launching their ventures in the market.” 

The eligible candidates will be invited for the Personal Interview (PI). The final selection of the candidate is based on his/her performance in the Personal Interview (PI)

• Number of seats is limited in each program and will be filled on first come first serve basis

Who is it for?

An NSQF Level-8 and a UGC-approved, skill-focused, Accelerated Program for aspiring health entrepreneurs is open for any one with bachelor’s degree. Graduates from the following fields may find special interest in entrepreneurship in healthcare:

  • Health Sciences (Biology, Human Biology, Biotechnology, Biomedical Sciences, Pharmacy, Medicine, Veterinary) 

  • Business and Economics, 

  • Engineering (Biomedical, Informatics, Industrial, Telecommunications)

  • Insurance, Dental science, and Medical Administrators. Nursing

  • Medical Devices, Diagnostics

About the program:

PG Diploma in Health Entrepreneurship program at School of Development Studies, IIHMR-U is the first of its kind First of its kind program in the country approved by UGC on Skill based framework. The program fosters skill-building that inspires students to create businesses that drive economic and social value by introducing the students to new trends, technologies, and developments in the health sector that are enabling more innovation now and probably in the future.

The Health Entrepreneurship diploma program at School of Development Studies, IIHMR University enhances skills not only in business acumen in key areas but also it Emphasizes on module teaching and 70% skill focused practical learning. The training and education with flexi timings and modules are designed to expose students to the theory and practice of innovation and entrepreneurship in health care settings.

USP of the Program:

Upon completion of the Program, students will be able to analyze the idea, value proposition, team, business model, financing and execution of early-stage healthcare company and also will be able to Successfully initiate, expand, diversify a business enterprise in healthcare related areas.

One of the other main objectives of the program is to being able to craft business models that attain alignment between an entrepreneurial healthcare venture and the Six Factors that shape this sect Financing, Structure, Public Policy, Consumers, Technology, and Accountability to create a business model.

IIHMR University to Conduct Free Faculty Development Program Sponsored By AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy

Date: May 28, 2021

COVID-19 has increased the importance of digital marketing with the number of online users that have increased exponentially. Considering the growing market demand and need to train, IIHMR University shall be conducting a 5-day Faculty Development Program. The program on Digital Marketing shall be conducted online by the Centre for Incubation, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship (CIIE) at IIHMR University, Jaipur, sponsored by AICTE Training & Learning (ATAL) Academy. This Digital Marketing program will be conducted from July 26, 2021, to July 30, 2021. The faculty members of the AICTE approved institutions, research scholars, PG scholars, participants from Government, Industry (Bureaucrats/Technicians/Participants from Industry, etc.), CBSE Teachers can register free of cost for this program.

Dr. PR Sodani, President, IIHMR University, said, “The Faculty Development Program on Digital Marketing is free of cost and sponsored by ATAL Academy. We are happy to receive this opportunity from AICTE. Our idea is to support government’s endeavour and constantly provide new knowledge. The Digital Marketing program will include emerging digital technologies relevant to business. COVID-19 has created ample opportunities and innovations which have brought in newer scope for the health and education sector on the whole. The program will cover dynamics and latest trends in digital marketing, comprehensive digital marketing strategy and its application, hands-on experience to use new age digital tools  such as SEO, SEM, digital analytics and business strategies for popular social media handles.”

Dr. Sheenu Jain, Associate Professor - Marketing Chair, Centre for Innovation Incubation Entrepreneurship, said, “With the increased focus of organizations towards digital marketing, it is our effort to enhance skills of faculty and professionals  towards digital marketing tools. We are getting very positive response from the faculty members. The program has 200 seats out of which we have received 130 applications already. With this support from AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy we are contributing towards empowerment and skill development of faculty of higher education institutions and training and creating skilled faculty members.”

This program does not require any prior experience in digital marketing skills. Any faculty member from Management / Engineering/ Social Science or any other field who wishes to tach the course or aspire to become a digital marketing professional can attend this program. This is an experiential online course that involves lot of interaction, hands on exercises, and project. Each course will be taught with the help of case studies, live corporate examples, and general discussions. This program will help faculty to up skill and plan their growth. Interested participants are requested to register for FDP on the ATAL Academy website on or before July 10, 2021. Intimation of selection will be given by July 20, 2021.

IIHMR University awarded with ‘Career ChangeMakers Award’

IIHMR University

Date: April 20, 2021

IIHMR University, a premier healthcare and research institution, received the Career ChangeMakers Awards. The Award was conferred by CareerGuide.com under the category of Top Innovative And Skills Related Initiatives for IIHMR University’s tremendous contribution to the health sector. The University has been conducting training programs for healthcare workers, experts in the corporates, and those who have been working at the Primary healthcare centres. The Career ChangeMakers Award ceremony was conducted virtually, which witnessed Mr. Manish S. Sharma, Additional director General of Police, Dr. Sarita Sahni, Mr. Ghansham Tiwari, India Politician and Education Entrepreneur and Mr. Pranav Bhatia, Supporter of Start-up Eco System.

Dr. PR Sodani, President, IIHMR University, said, “We are happy that IIHMR University was selected for Career ChangeMakers Award 2021 in the area of Innovative Skills and Development. IIHMR University has always been a leader in higher education in Public Health, Healthcare Management, Pharmaceutical Management and Development Sector. We train professionals across the entire array of healthcare. We have developed a number of innovative programs for candidates considering to develop in the areas of healthcare (including digital health) and development.

Accepting the award in an online ceremony, the Dean (Training) of IIHMR University Prof. Shiv K. Tripathi said, “We are happy to accept this award, which is matter of great inspiration for our change-maker’s team which works hard to ensure the good outcome for all or students.” CareerGuide.coms’ Career ChangeMaker Awards witnessed awards in various categories of Visionary Educators, Top Career Development Cells, Top Technology/Online Learning Initiatives, Top Overseas Counsellors, Top Education Based Material and Content Creator, top Educators/Trainers, etc.

Dr. PR Sodani Takes Over As 4th President of IIHMR University Jaipur

IIHMR University

Date: April 16, 2021

On joining as President of IIHMR University, Dr. PR Sodani said, “It gives me immense pleasure to start the new journey as President (Vice Chancellor) of IIHMR University, which has a rich legacy in 36 years in healthcare management, education, and research.”

This is to note that Dr. Sodani has 30+ year-long experience in academics as a teacher, leader, and institution builder. At the IIHMR University Dr. Sodani has served as Officiating President (2020-21), Acting President (2017-18), Pro-President (2017-2020), and Dean Training (2010-2020). He has a strong understanding of the higher education system, research and training in the health sector.  He obtained his Ph.D. from M.L. Sukhadia University and MPH from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA. Dr. PR Sodani had been focal point for finalizing project implementation plan (PIP) for World Bank assisted Rajasthan Health Systems Development Project of five-year duration for Department of Medical and Health, Government of Rajasthan during 2002-2004.

He has supported Health Economist in conducting Cost-benefit analysis of World Bank assisted cataract blindness control programme in India for Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India during 2004. During 2017-2020, Dr. Sodani has been Principal Investigator for PMA Agile/India supported by Johns Hopkins University, USA and funded by BMGF. He has also worked in the area of food fortification and served as Project Director for Technical Support Unit for Food Fortification supported by GAIN. He teaches Health Policy and Health Care Delivery System; and Health Economics in MBA and MPH (a cooperative program with Johns Hopkins University). He has supported in designing and conducting a large number of leadership training programmes for senior executives from national and international geographies.  

Dr. Ashok Agarwal, Trustee, IIHMR said, “Dr. PR Sodani has built an extensive network with various national and international universities and organizations.  I am sure, he will nurture the core values of IIHMR, promote the development of faculty, research and other staff, and create an enabling work environment and organizational culture.

Dr. SD Gupta, Chairman, IIHMR University, “We couldn’t have thought of a better leadership for IIHMR University than Dr. Sodani. I have immense respect for Dr. Sodani who has successfully completed many assignments. I am confident that in his able leadership the University will achieve new heights across spectrum of higher education activities. I wish him the best in this endeavour.

On joining, faculty, and staff felt happiness and congratulated him for his new role.

IIHMR University Launches An Elective Course On Public Health Nutrition jointly with IIHMR Bangalore 

Date: April 14, 2021

The course is designed to impart basic understanding on public health nutrition and enhance knowledge and skills for practice. The curriculum includes public health nutrition; its role and scope in India; food and nutrition security; interactive nature of nutrition-infection-disease management; triple burden of malnutrition and nutrition policies and programs. It also integrates the key knowledge about nutrition throughout the life cycle; assessment of nutritional status and nutrition education & health promotion.

Dr. SD Gupta, Chairman, IIHMR University said, “The program shall focus on understanding nutrition related health problems, their prevention, their significance and control strategies in India. The program highlights in understanding the importance of nutrition education and promotion of public health in India.

Dr. PR Sodani, President, IIHMR University said, “The objectives of the course are to integrate basic knowledge while enhancing skills of public health nutrition among participants. The course intends to sensitize the social development sector professionals for meeting the challenges of nutrition and health.

Dr. Usha Manjunath, Director IIHMR Bangalore said, “The program has a strong focus on candidates who have done their Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Public Health, General Management, Health, Hospital, Pharmaceutical, Rural Management, Life Sciences, Social Sciences, Ayurveda, Physiotherapy & Home Science. Doctoral Students and Research Scholars are also welcomed alongwith Working Professionals from Social Development Sector.

The course mode and delivery will be based on lectures and panel discussion, quizzes, videos, hands-on exercises and reading materials and handouts shall be provided during the program. The course shall focus on 20% class participation, 35% of mid-term evaluation and 45% of end term evaluation. 

IIHMR University Announces Shri PD Agarwal Scholarship for meritorious students

Date: April 07, 2021

IIHMR University known as a premier healthcare institution has announced the grant of Shri PD Agarwal Scholarships and Freeships for the meritorious students applying for MBA Hospital and Health Management, Digital Health, Pharmaceutical Management, Rural Management and Development Management programs. 

Dr. P.R. Sodani, President, IIHMR University said, “The decision of IIHMR University to offer scholarships to meritorious students is a landmark initiative in higher education that will invest in the future of young and aspiring candidates. We have also announced tuition fee waivers to prospective students based on academic merit by allowing Free-ship to the deserving & underprivileged students.

Details of Scholarships and Freeships for all programs are given below:

  • MBA Hospital and Health Management: 

    • 15 Scholarships each amounting to Rs. 1,00,000 each student 

  • Eligibility Criteria: 

    • 65% or above aggregate marks in MBBS

    • 75% or above aggregate marks in BDS

    • 85% or above aggregate marks in any other bachelor’s degree

    • 85 percentile or above in CAT/XAT

    • 95 percentile or above in MAT/CMAT/NMAT

  • MBA Digital Health: 

    • 5 Scholarships amounting to Rs. 1,00,000 each student

  • Eligibility Criteria: 

    • 60% or above aggregate marks in MBBS

    • 70% or above aggregate marks in BDS

    • 80% or above aggregate marks in any other bachelor’s degree

    • 85 percentile or above in CAT/XAT

    • 95 percentile or above in MAT/CMAT/NMAT

  • MBA Hospital and Health Management and MBA Digital Health: 

    • Free Ship: Rs. 9.60 lacs each student 

    • 100% of Freeship available: 1 seat for SC/ST/OBC and 1 seat for EWS

    • Criteria to avail freeship: To be awarded to students based on combined merit prepared for MBA Hospital and Health Management and MBA Digital Health (including all rounds of GD PI) prepared at the time of admission

  • MBA Pharmaceutical Management:

    • 15 Scholarships each amounting to Rs. 1,00,000 each student

  • Eligibility Criteria 

    • 75% or above aggregate marks in any bachelor’s degree

    • 60 percentile or above in CAT/XAT

    • 80 percentile or above in MAT/CMAT/NMAT

    • 100% of Freeship available: 1 seat for SC/ST/OBC and 1 seat for EWS, Amount of Freeship: Rs. 8.40 lacs

    • Criteria to avail freeship: To be awarded to students based on combined merit (Including all rounds of GD PI) prepared at the time of admission

  • MBA Rural Management:

    •  15 Scholarships each amounting to Rs. 1,00,000 each student

  • Eligibility Criteria:

  • 50% or above aggregate marks in any other bachelor’s degree

  • 50 percentile or above in CAT/XAT/MAT/CMAT/NMAT

  • 100% of Freeship available: 1 seat for SC/ST/OBC and 1 seat for EWS, Amount of Freeship: Rs. 5.25 lacs

  • Criteria to avail freeship: To be awarded to students based on combined merit (including all rounds of GD PI) prepared at the time of admission

  • MBA Development Management:

    • 15 Scholarships each amounting to Rs. 1,00,000 each student

  • Eligibility Criteria: 

  • 50% or above aggregate marks in any other bachelor’s degree

  • 50 percentile or above in CAT/XAT/MAT/CMAT/NMAT

  • 100% Freeship available: 1 seat for SC/ST/OBC and 1 seat for EWS, Amount of Freeship: Rs. 5.25 lacs

  • Criteria to avail freeship: To be awarded to students based on combined merit (Including all rounds of GD PI) prepared at the time of admission

    IIHMR organizes Free online Certificate course on ‘Introduction to Human Biology and Medical Terminologies’

Date: April 03, 2021

IIHMR University, Jaipur, has announced a ten-day online free course on ‘Introduction to Human Biology and Medical Terminologies’ from 1st April 2021 to 10th April 2021. It is a 3-credit online course that is being delivered through the Microsoft Team platform. Candidates from different countries including UAE, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Nepal, Bahrain, India have registered and are actively participating in the program.

The course aims to provide information on the structure and physiological function of the human body systems to help in facilitating the understanding of health and various body functions. During the Inaugural ceremony, Dr. P.R. Sodani, President, IIHMR University said, “This program is very useful if you are associated with the Health Sector. There are a lot of terminologies that professionals need to know. The program is designed in such a way that it facilitates this important aspect very well.

This introductory course is developed to impart basic knowledge on Human Biology particularly for the aspirants of MPH, MBA (Health, Hospital, Pharmaceutical and Rural Management) programs who do not have a biology/ health/ medical background. 

Emphasizing the importance of this course, Dr S. D. Gupta, Chairperson, IIHMR University said, “It is very important in the field of Health Care to visualize cell structures and study them to reach a proper conclusion. Hence, the study of Human Biology and Knowledge of the terminology is very crucial.” The course describes cell structure and functions; anatomy and physiology of various systems in the human body and organs; commonly used terms in day-to-day work in the health system. Simple videos, diagrams, and illustrations will be used to facilitate online learning.

IIHMR University invites applications for MBA Development Management

Date: March 22, 2021

MBA Development Management is an outwardly looking globally relevant programme which  envisages an integration of the challenges of Developmental paradigm and an approach to meet these professionally. Graduates with this degree can expect good career start that leads to a wide scope for career development and skills. The graduate from MBA Development Management programme would be trained in issues germane to 21st century with the essence of a glorifying career. Students would be equipped to deal with those with knowledge in analytics, financial and human resource systems, and sustainable development approach. It’s a programme that seeks total Developmental Transformation for 21st century.

  • Program duration- 2 Years

  • Admission starts from- 17th February, 2021 

  • Last date of Submission of Application- 25th March 2021 

  • No. of seats- 30

  • Total Programme Fee – Rs. 5,25,000

  • Disciplines- Financing Inclusion, Rural Health, and Livelihood Enhancement.

  • Scholarships: Limited [erit based Scholarship available on first come first serve basis and free ships available for SC/ST/OBC and Economically weaker section (EWS)]

  • Amount of Scholarship: Rs. 1,00,000 each student and amount of free ships will be 100% fee waiver.

  • Date of IIHMR U-MAT Examination: 6th April 2021

  • Date of GD: 8th April 2021

  • Date of PI: 9th April, 2021  

  • Placements: 100% Placement assistance

  • Hostel Facility: Separate for boys and girls 

  • Career opportunities:  Development Management Program aims at preparing professionals for a challenging career in Public and Private sector, NGOs, such as Reliance Foundation, Rajasthan Rural Livelihood Mission, Rajasthan Grameen Ajieevika Vikas Parishad, Water Aid, Gujarat State Watershed Management Association (GSWMA), NHM, Govt. of Rajasthan, etc. The program focuses on contribute to Facilitating citizen engagement for accountable governance of development transformation, Managing Flagship Development Programmes of Government of India, Development Management of CSR initiatives.

Eligibility Criteria for MBA Development Management:

  • Any recognized bachelor's degree of minimum three-year duration with at least 50% marks in aggregate.

  • Candidates with CAT/ XAT/ NMAT/ MAT/ CMAT/ ATMA/ GMAT scores can also apply.

  • Candidates who do not have CAT/ XAT/ NMAT/ MAT/ CMAT/ ATMA/ GMAT scores but wish to apply for MBA Program, IIHMR University will conduct IIHMR-U MAT and GD-PI at IIHMR University, Jaipur.

  • Candidates appearing in the final year examination of the bachelor’s degree program or awaiting results of their final year examination in 2021 may also apply.

  • Working professionals with relevant work experience are encouraged to apply.

Education Loan Facility:
IIHMR University is having formal tie ups with banks for offering education loan.

IIHMR University invites Applications for MBA Digital Health

Date: March 20, 2021

IIHMR University is introducing MBA in Digital Health for the very first time. MBA (Digital Health) is an interdisciplinary master’s program in digital health, aimed to develop highly qualified experts in areas requiring interface between computer science, IT and medicine. The programme is ideally suited for applicants with a bachelor’s degree in a discipline fundamentally related to the program, such as Computer Applications, Information Technology, Computer Science, Systems engineering, B-informatics, Medicine, Pharmacy Life-Sciences. The program enables in staying at the cutting-edge of emerging health technology, including digital health, telehealth, and health automation. The program focuses on technology application and interfaces in diagnosis, treatment, patient records, training, and financial transactions. Participants will gain high-level knowledge of healthcare information systems as well as the benefits and barriers associated with digital health products.

  • Program duration- 2 Years

  • Admission starts from- 17th February, 2021 

  • Last date of Submission of Application- 25th March 2021 

  • No. of seats- 30

  • Total Programme Fee – Rs. 9,60,000

  • Disciplines- Medicine, Healthcare, Computer Science and Information Technology

  • Scholarships: Limited Merit based Scholarship available on first come first serve basis and free ships available for SC/ST/OBC and Economically weaker section (EWS)

  • Amount of Scholarship: Rs. 1,00,000 each student and amount of free ships will be 100% fee waiver.

  • Date of IIHMR U-MAT Examination: 6th April 2021

  • Date of GD: 8th April 2021

  • Date of PI: 9th April, 2021  

  • Placements: 100% Placement assistance

  • Hostel Facility: Separate for boys and girls

Career Opportunities:

Emerging health technology, including digital health, telehealth, and health automation will open the doors of global health giants including both Public and Private Sectors such as Karakinos, Napier, GE Health, Wipro Healthcare, Cerner, Genpact, National Health Mission, Ayushman Bharat etc. The program focuses on technology application and interfaces in diagnosis, treatment, patient records, training, and financial transactions. 

Eligibility Criteria for MBA Digital Health:

  • Any recognized bachelor's degree of minimum three-year duration with at least 50% marks in aggregate

  • Candidates with CAT/ XAT/ NMAT/ MAT/ CMAT/ ATMA/ GMAT scores can also apply

  • Candidates appearing in the final year examination of the bachelor’s degree program or awaiting results of their final year examination in 2021 may also apply

  • Working professionals with relevant work experience are encouraged to apply

  • Encourages students from diverse academic backgrounds of Medicine, Healthcare, Information Technology (IT), Computer Applications, Computer Science, Systems engineering, B-informatics, Medicine, Pharmacy or Life-Science for effective design and delivery.

  • A student must be successfully graduated before the date of joining

Education Loan Facility: IIHMR University is having formal tie ups with banks and other financial institutions for offering education loan.

IIHMR University Celebrates International Women Day

IIHMR University

Date: March 08, 2021

Center for Gender Studies at IIHMR University in support of International Women’s Day and its theme # ChooseToChallenge invited a renowned Gynaecologist and organised a talk on Cervical Cancer and Menstrual Hygiene Management  with women staff at all levels. 74,000 women die from Cervical Cancer in India alone. Cervical Cancer is the 2nd most affected Cancer in Indian Women a huge percentage of 27% Indian women affected by Cervical Cancer out of the Global data of 73% women affected by the same Cancer. 

Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) refers to the practice of using clean materials to absorb menstrual blood that can be changed privately, safely, hygienically, and as often as needed for the duration of the menstrual cycle. According to the Performance Monitoring for Action 2020 (PMA2020) results, only 36% of 5,084 girls and women, aged 15 to 49, in Rajasthan have everything they need to manage their menstruation. A majority of women are not able to adequately meet their MHM needs across their reproductive years. About 44% of women wash and reuse their MHM materials.
A challenged world is an alert world and from challenge comes the change but the question is “what to challenge on this International Women’s Day”. We are very far to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal 5: gender equality by 2030 in India. An essential change is required to celebrate equality with diversity. As per the 2019 SDG Gender Index scores and rankings by country, India scored 56.2 only based on five major indicators like: child, early, and forced marriage; perceptions of partner violence; legal grounds for abortion; women in parliament; and women in ministerial roles. 
Dr. Nutan Prabha Jain, Director- Center for Gender Studies (CGS), suggests that, “We need to challenge ourselves first. Challenge your stereotypes, challenge your behaviour, and conduct if you see this is a barrier in utilizing one’s potential to the maximum. Keep a copy of the Constitution of India in every Institutions and even family and value its provisions of “gender equality”. Be a good neighbour and divert the attention while gender-based violence is going on or break the silence. Create awareness of various government schemes and provisions. Be the change!
The Center for Gender Studies (CGS) has its origin in the ‘Resource Center on Women’s Health, Empowerment and Rights’ (RCWHER) that was set up in 1997 in the then IIHMR Institute in a project mode for five years with financial support. IIHMR University organized Rangoli Drawing session and Poster Presentations highlighting the theme #ChooseToChallenge with students participating actively. The students and gender champions celebrated the day by various fun activities, skits, mime, and songs. The DPHONs who are attending a training program at IIHMR University also enjoyed it. 

Inclusion of Anti-Corruption in health syllabus critical for improving health and wellbeing

IIHMR University

Date: March 05, 2021

Anti-corruption, transparency and accountability approaches to control corruption for advancement of Universal Health Coverage. We must continue an initiative program of continuing education on corruption that must go beyond universities and healthcare sectors to empower health coverage and healthcare beneficiaries. This was stated by Mr. Ramu Damodaran (Keynote Address), Head, United Nations Academic Impact, UN Headquarters, New York, at an international dialogue on “Collaborative Academic Action for Good Health and Well-Being,” which was conducted by IIHMR University. The webinar focused on possible collaborative partnerships and interventions in promoting good health and well-being. Distinguished speakers included Mr. Ramu Damodaran (Keynote Address), Dr. P. R. Sodani, President, IIHMR University, Jaipur, India, Prof. Dr. Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Provost & Chief Academic Office, Berlin School of Business & Innovation, Germany, Dr. Ganka Deniel Nyamsogoro, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), Mzumbe University, Tanzania, Mr. Milenko Gudik (UN) PRME, Anti-Poverty Working Group, Co-Chair, Serbia and Dr. Dev Tiwari, Professor & Ex Dean, University of Zululand, South Africa.

Mr. Ramu Damodaran (Keynote Address), Head, United Nations Academic Impact, UN Headquarters, New York, appreciated IIHMR University for selection of the topic on Collaborative Academic Action for Good Health and Well-Being which also is the most important objective of UN and said, “When you have an absence of peace, human rights and development you cannot have well-being. We have transformed ourselves given the time to go from personal attendance to going digital and thanks to technology and management that we can do so much remotely. To look at Health and Well-being, Management does not just allow us to strategize and economize scale and care but also equips us to deal with many unexpected dangers in Public Health.”

Dr. PR Sodani, President said, “Good health and well-being has been observed as a challenge due to COVID-19. During this phase, it was important that academia must come forward to discuss the health and well-being aspects all around the world. We are delighted by the presence of Mr. Ramu Damodaran as the keynote speaker, Head, United Nations Academic Impact, UN Headquarters, New York. IIHMR University has been promoting the Public Health environment in the country. We were delighted to host this international event as it primarily focused on how to collaborate with academic institutions for the sole purpose of health and well-being.

Dr. Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Provost & Chief Academic Office, Berlin School of Business & Innovation, Germany spoke on Effective ways of knowledge transfer globally and said, “Education has transformed globally due to technology. The contemporary Healthcare Management Education must be more student-centric, must move from being passive learning to active and collaborative learning.
Prof Vinitha Guptan, Vice Chancellor Saito University College, Malaysia, speaking on how Integrating healthcare management at the undergraduate level said, “To make a significant change in healthcare we must make a change in education. For undergraduate students, there must be an implementation of Healthcare education as a co-curriculum. Education can be student-centric only when we focus on their well-being.” 

Mr. Milenko Gudik (UN) PRME, Anti-Poverty Working Group, Co-Chair, Serbia speaking on Capacity Building initiatives said, “We cannot create capacitors over time and must utilise our already existing resources to train them (capacitors) for healthcare management and for achieving SDG’s on well-being. Knowledge is disciplinary and ‘Learning how to learn’ must be a key focus.”  

Dr. Dev Tiwari, Professor & Ex Dean, University of Zululand, South Africa said, “Knowledge delivery creation and dissemination in the healthcare sector is absolutely important. Health sector does not exist in isolation, it exists with other sectors too. Healthcare workforce must not just focus on the doctors and nurses and patients, they must also understand and comprehend what is happening around the periphery of the healthcare sector.” 

Dr Macfallen .faculty Health systems management, Mzumbe University Tanzania, said, “There is a difference between healthcare development in terms of the healthcare development and equipment’s used. Innovation can be used to implement to modify to healthcare landscape and health systems. Exchange programs create a huge impact through knowledge transfer in the healthcare system.

Dr. Shiv Tripathi, Professor and Dean Training who moderated this event said, “The idea behind the University Global Coalition is to form a global platform of universities and other higher education organizations committed to working together and in partnership with the United Nations, in support of the Sustainable Development Goals both locally and globally through education, research, and service missions. The main aim of the event was to identify alternative ways to knowledge transfer for improving health sector performance across different contexts, particularly in developing and emerging economies of the Global South.
Mr. Ramu pointed out during his discussion that SDG 3 and SDG 5 collate to form SDG 4 which is Education. Healthcare and Education when worked collaboratively can mark wonders through the exchange of knowledge and implementation of innovation.

IIHMR University to train 100 Administrative Nursing Cadre for the Government of Madhya Pradesh

IIHMR University

Date:  March 01, 2021

IIHMR University has conducted multiple Management Development Programmes for the healthcare cadre both Government and privately owned institutions across various states.  The Management Training for Administrative Nursing Cadre for the Government of Madhya Pradesh will be in three phases. The first phase has trained 23 Nurses that belong to various senior and junior level hierarchies. 

Dr. PR Sodani, President, IIHMR University said, “IIHMR University’s Management Development Programmes are specialised and research based and because of this we work with many Governments and international agencies for capacity development in healthcare cadre. This Management training programme has been conducted with the aim to train nurses at different hierarchies, who are working at Government Hospitals/ Health Centres in Madhya Pradesh. The Training programme focused on behavioural and clinical skills along with experiential learning through visit to various Government facilities.

The recent pandemic has shown data facts that there was a shortage of nursing staff. According to Union health ministry data, there are just 1.7 nurses per 1,000 people in India, which is less than the WHO’s prescribed minimum of 3. Capacity building programmes during COVID-19 has been an important aspect which has been laid by the Government too. 

Dr. Shiv K Tripathi, Professor, Dean Training, IIHMR University said, “through this capacity building programme, we will be training 100 nurses from Madhya Pradesh in 3 batches. The overall aim of the training programme is to enhance management and administrative skills of nursing managers and administrators. The training is intended to create and share good understanding of different functional and behavioural competencies, required to delivering high quality and people centric nursing services.” 

Mrs. Jwala Arsey, State Consultant, Madhya Pradesh said, “We are glad that IIHMR University has given an opportunity to all the Nursing Cadre across various hierarchies from MP to be a part of this training programme. We are hopeful that all the nurses and the cadre that have been trained today shall implement what they have learnt during this training programme.

Through this Management Training, the Administrative Nursing Cadre for Government of Madhya Pradesh shall understand the emerging approaches to effectively manage nursing services. It will also help them to effectively manage the supply-chain (pharmaceutical) operations involved in planning and delivery of nursing services. The Nursing cadre will also be able to manage the professional and ethical behaviour in service delivery.  

The Management Development Programmes at IIHMR University have always been dedicated where participants learn to examine the economic, political, social, and ethical demands of top leadership and broaden their vision, navigate critical business challenges, and ignite change both personally and professionally. They gain a new perspective, actionable business strategies, and leadership development in the academically rigorous program with and experience that will impact the trajectory of their careers, providing strategic skills and connections that will last for a lifetime.

IIHMR University’s Strategic Alliance with Shalby Limited

IIHMR University

Date: February 11, 2021

IIHMR University and Shalby Academy, a division of Shalby Limited enter into a strategic alliance recently. This alliance will witness the skilling of healthcare professionals through various programs through an e-platform. The courses shall be conducted in close collaboration between IIHMR University and Shalby Academy, a division of Shalby Limited. 

Speaking about the MoU signed, Mr. Babu Thomas, Chief Human Resource Officer, Shalby Limited said, “To improvise the healthcare delivery system continuous training and continuous enhancement is very important. We are working towards the vision of the Central Government where skilling must reach out to every part of the country. IIHMR University in collaboration with the Shalby Multispecialty Hospital shall work towards training the healthcare professionals especially those who are in need of such training. Our MoU with IIHMR University is a strategic alliance where Shalby will lend its facility for offering hands-on experience to all candidates enrolling for this program.”

Dr. PR Sodani, President, IIHMR University, said, “This partnership focuses on improving the skill and competency building in the field of Healthcare Management. Both IIHMR University and Shalby Hospitals shall work together to create and disseminate knowledge which is relevant and updated.

Dr. Shiv Tripathi, Professor, Dean-Training, IIHMR University, said “The executive education programmes through this partnership will be in line with New Education Policy, focussing on flexibility and competency building.
Mr. Anubhav Sukhwani, Chief Administrative Office, Shalby Hospitals, Jaipur, was delighted by the association and said that this strategic alliance shall help to strengthen both the institutions and those who enrol in this program shall benefit as they will be trained with hands-on experience and be industry ready.

This 5-year alliance will witness course/training that will be jointly decided and reviewed by IIHMR University and Shalby. At the advent of the COVID-19 outbreak, IIHMR University recently launched the SD Gupta School of Public Health (SDG-SPH). The SDG-SPH has been launched with the objective of preparing future leaders in Public Health, providing technical and managerial support to health systems, promote Implementation Science, harness new technologies and develop a healthy workforce.  

Digital Health can be Revolutionary for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

IIHMR University

Date: February 05, 2021

Digital Health can be Revolutionary for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in India and Beyond”, said Hon’ble Governor of Rajasthan while inaugurating 25th edition of IIHMR University’s Annual Global Conference PRADANYA 2021 on theme ‘Digital Health, Sustainable Development and Wellbeing’, scheduled during 3-5 February 2021. In his online address to the conference delegates from more than 10 countries, the Hon’ble Governor stressed on need for making healthcare affordable and quality focused.

Mentioning the Digital Health Mission of the Government of India in leadership of Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, the Hon’ble Governor said, “India is on path of sustainable development, which can be further strengthened through appropriate research focused health care management initiatives involving appropriate use of right technology.” Commending the efforts of the university to organize an international event on such an important theme, the Hon’ble Governor mentioned the need for continuous improvement in healthcare services through continuous efforts in research and education in the field. 

Speaking as Guest of Honour, the former Director of Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru Padma Vibhushan Prof. G. P. Padmanabhan stressed on the need for technology-driven innovations in improving the healthcare scenario in the country. Prof. Padmanabhan said that the development efforts can only bring good results in a healthy country. The Keynote Speaker of the Conference Inaugural Session Padma Shri Dr. Chandrakant S. Pandav, Former Professor and Head, Centre for Community Medicine, AIIMS, New Delhi emphasized on the different aspects of technology-driven healthcare management for achieving the larger development goals. Linking digital health to community wellbeing and sustainability, Dr. Pandav presented the different examples of how digital health and sustainability are linked to each-other. The Chairperson of IIHMR University and globally renowned public health expert Dr. S.D. Gupta highlighted the role of emerging technologies in making healthcare affordable and reachable to masses. Dr. Gupta highlighted the future technology-driven scenario of public health in India. 

During the starting of the programme, President of IIHMR university, Dr. Prahlad Rai Sodani welcomed all the Hon’ble Governor and all the guests in the Conference. Dr. Sodani elaborated on the objectives of the 3-day international conference and shared the broader theme. In his welcome address, Dr. Sodani said, “The next decade is going to witness significant growth in Digital Health solutions. Realizing the need for integrating digital health to sustainable development, the university has initiated this dialogue as a continuous process for the future knowledge exchange on the theme.” The conference inauguration was done by online lighting of the lamp. The session was moderated by Organizing Secretary, Prof. Shiv K. Tripathi.

IIHMR University conducts webinar that reflects on Strengthening Health Systems in South East Asian Countries

Date: February 01, 2021

The year 2020 has brought everyone's attention, including the policymakers and public healthcare specialists, towards health as the pandemic brought a massive change in strengthening the entire health ecosystem. COVID-19 is not the first Pandemic experienced, in fact in the last 12 years there have been 6 disease conditions declared as Procedures Concerning Public Health Emergencies (PHEIC). Hence, there is a need for more robust public healthcare systems that reflects on health system preparedness and how we address it. Experts from India, Indonesia and Bangladesh shared their insights at a webinar conducted by SD Gupta School of Public Health at IIHMR University Jaipur on 'People, Pandemic and Public Health – Reflections for Strengthening Health Systems'. 

Eminent speakers such as Dr. Chandrakant Lahariya, National Professional Officer, WHO and the lead author of Till We Win: India's Fight Against COVID-19 Pandemic along with other panellists, Dr. Yodi Mahendradhata, Vice Dean for Research and Development, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Dr. Malabika Sarkar, Director of Research & Lead Center of Excellence for Science of Implementation and Scale-Up, Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC ) James P Grant School of Public Health, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Padma Shree recipient, Padmashree Dr. Chandrakant S. Pandav, Former Professor &Head, Centre for Community Medicine at the All-India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi shared their insights. Dr. D.K.Mangal, Dean Research, IIHMR University, moderated the session.

Dr. PR Sodani, President, IIHMR University, said, "A healthy future can only be attained by emphasizing on public policy and by putting wellbeing and health at its epicentre. One must focus on the process of gathering evidence, draw suggestions, assess the approaches, summarize and then conclude to bring out the right outcome in public health. This webinar focused on the preparedness for a future crisis, stresses on the challenges and their equivalent solutions in public health and how populations can be made healthier for future resilience. COVID-19 has given us lessons to learn how to convert the challenges into opportunities.”

Dr. Chandrakant Lahariya, National Professional Officer of World Health Organization in India and the lead author of a recently released book titled "Till We Win: India's Fight Against the COVID-19 pandemic," said, "The COVID-19 pandemic has taught us the importance of people's participation and community engagement for a healthy society, this could be seen in a case of Dharavi Mumbai. The medical care system based upon hospitals and treating the sick only is not enough. We need a strong public health system to ensure diseases are prevented and a healthy lifestyle promoted. There is a need to transform the medical care system into the healthcare system by strengthening the public health system. 1 in 8 persons in India is suffering from a mental health condition and the Pandemic has taught us to focus on this issue.

Dr. Yodi Mahendradhata, Vice Dean for Research and Development, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia said, “We need to take stock of opportunities that COVID-19 Pandemic has thrown at us. This pandemic has given us an opportunity for an equitable health system and has put this issue in the forefront. Building a strong healthcare delivery system through telemedicine and telehealth and COVID-9 has accelerated their use. This has majorly helped the healthcare workers in Indonesia with no personal involvement or virtually. There is much more attention given to the health of healthcare professionals including their mental health and well-being. Capacity building and training of healthcare professionals have increased due to the COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19 also pointed out that Health Research and innovations are no longer a luxury but are a necessity. These opportunities must be taken up and must be actioned for a better public healthcare system.” 

Speaking on the various opportunities and challenges faced during the Pandemic in Bangladesh Dr. Malabika Sarkar, Director of Research & Lead Center of Excellence for Science of Implementation and Scale-Up, Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC) James P Grant School of Public Health, Dhaka, Bangladesh said, “The COVID-19 pandemic has made the country explore opportunities and challenges as the country does not have a very structured health system. Telemedicine is an opportunity well explored by the country with a population of 165 million 162 million use mobile phones however, lack of connectivity is a big challenge. There is a great disparity in the doctor to the population ratio. 60% of the mortality in Bangladesh is due to communicable diseases. The discontinuity of maternal & child health, including non-communicable disease care, increases the vulnerable population's burden. Government is engaging the Non-Government organisation which is an opportunity. Strengthening the community clinic is important where developing primary healthcare channels are important.

Dr. Malabika expressed, the ongoing disruptions of essential health services are the most critical challenge for the health system. Dr. SD Gupta School of Public Health can focus on emerging alternative strategies such as telemedicine using phone or internet, triaging to determine priorities, and online supply of drugs indicate the human being's resilient nature.

The webinar explored that there is an urgent need for interlinking People, and Public Health and transformation of healthcare systems by working with key stakeholders. SD Gupta School of Public Health (SDG-SPH) can be instrumental to make policy interventions for better interlinking of stakeholders to bridge the gaps between education and practices of public health across the globe. 

Digital Covid Relief  Concert Series to support folk artists dons a new avatar for Episode 3

IIHMR University

Date: January 19, 2021

Makar Sankranti Mela Episode by Padharo Mhare Des, a Digital COVID Relief Concert Series initiated to support Folk Artists from Rajasthan by raising additional funds was a huge hit among the audience.

The Digital concert broadcasted its third episode, Makar Sankranti Mela, a celebration of new hope and harvest recently on its online platforms. The episode showcased performances by folk artists from various parts of Rajasthan, rivetingly strung together by a dialogue between two contemporary puppet characters, a tour operator and a millennial tourist who has had to settle for a virtual tour instead of a real one due to the pandemic. 

The fundraising concert series is an initiative of Rajasthan based singer and folk arts promoter Manesha A Agarwal’s Arpan Foundation. The series has already featured more than 125 folk artists from the remotest parts of Rajasthan. Bhajan Samrat Mr. Anoop Jalota along with Manesha A Agarwal presented Surya Mantra which mesmerised the audience.Many more folk artists featured in the Episode #3 include Bundu Khan's mellifluous melodies, Jeetu's delicate dance moves and nuances while he does some daring acts while presenting Rajasthan's popular folk dance – Bhavai, to Chari dance portraying the real strength of women with vessels of fire on their heads during dancing. 

Ms. Manesha A Agarwal, Founder, Arpan Foundation, said, “The overwhelming response to all our episodes of Padharo Mhare Des aired so far, has strengthened our resolve to take the initiative forward and help restore hope in the lives of our folk artists who are among those worst affected by the pandemic.”Further Ms. Manesha said, "I was amazed to see how our folk artists bring us joy through their singing, even while their lives have been devoid of any melody through the pandemic. While the audience has shown a lot of love and appreciation for the folk performances, I am hopeful we will also soon receive generous funds as well to help reach out to many more folk artists."

Bhajan Samrat Anoop Jalota, congratulated Ms Manesha A Agarwal for this initiative. He said, “COVID-19 has posed major challenges before folk artists, also posing a threat to the survival of their art forms. This is a great step forward to brighten their lives". The upcoming episodes will showcase more folk performances and pack in surprises. As part of the series online Quiz on folk music traditions of Rajasthan, "Reconnect with your Roots" is also underway, to raise awareness among young people.

‘Soochnapreneur’ wins World Bank Group and CES’s Global Tech Challenge Solutions for Women 2020

Date: January 16, 2020

On January 11, 2021, the World Bank Group and CES announced the winners of the Global Tech Challenge: Solutions for Women, launched at CES 2020. In the list of winners is the ‘Soochnapreneur’ (Information Entrepreneur) model from India, a solution driven by the New Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF). The other two winners of the Global Tech Challenge are Bridge for Billions and MicroMentor. 

Digital Empowerment Foundation and IIHMR University, Jaipur joined hands together to address India’s Rural Digital Gender divide in the Global Tech Challenge 2020. Winning this challenge is a testimony to joint efforts and recognition of the initiatives that have helped improve diversity and promote women empowerment.  Both DEF and IIHMR University Jaipur are committed to take this knowledge and digital partnership forward to address wider digital gaps in India and beyond. 

Congratulating the DEF-IIHMRU Joint team, Dr. P.R. Sodani, President, IIHMR University, Jaipur, said “DEF is committed to work towards addressing social and economic challenges through social and digital innovations and solutions involving critical stakeholders including women and address gender digital divide and other access related gaps. IIHMR University is proud to join hands together with them and work on the domain of social and development focused innovations.” He added that in future both the organizations will work together on creating and disseminating knowledge about meaningful innovations for social development. 

From increasing access to connectivity and information for women in rural areas to mentoring isolated female entrepreneurs, the winners of this challenge are tackling the digital gender divide on multiple fronts. The World Bank Group is pleased to work with the selected innovators so that women and girls worldwide can fully embrace the opportunities offered by digital transformation," said Boutheina Guermazi, the World Bank’s Director of Digital Development during the announcement. 

The Soochnapreneur solution is recognized for its digital based rural / community entrepreneurship drive that connects India’s rural citizens to information, rights, government entitlements and other necessary digital services. Since its creation, it has trained 25,000 rural women to further empower more than 5 million rural women in India.

We are strongly committed to the idea that connecting women to communication and information technologies will end up benefiting the development of society at large. Therefore, the prospect of scaling our innovation and reaching more is thrilling for all of us working on the Soochnapreneur program and we look forward to engaging with World Bank Group teams to create a greater impact,” said Osama Manzar, founder of the Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF), in his reaction to the announcement. 

The winning solutions are recognized for their innovative efforts in addressing the widening digital divide and internet access gaps for women and generating opportunities for them created by digital technologies, particularly during crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, when connectivity is the key. The 2020 winning solutions above, were evaluated by a panel of leading experts from Microsoft 4Afrika Initiatives, GSMA, SoftBank, the International Telecommunication Union, IBM and The Female Quotient and three winners were selected from over 1000+ applications received from around the globe. We are thrilled to receive this recognition and we believe that our success story can be scaled-up and replicated in all parts of the world, said Dr. Sheenu Jain, Associate Professor & Chair Centre for Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship, IIHMR University and team member, DEF-IIHMRU Joint team.  

"It’s a wonderful news! It is not just winning but also an opportunity to share our social innovation with the global community.  We are excited with the thought of joining hands with other like-minded innovators to scale-up our solution for the larger impact." We are glad that we are getting recognition for our scalable, innovative technological solution to empower women. We are excited to receive mentorship from world bank leaders and more thrilled to contribute towards the greater good. We feel #SheIsConnected- #WeAreConnected”, said Dr. Shiv Tripathi, Professor & Dean Training, IIHMR University, Jaipur and member of DEF-IIHMRU Joint team.  

The Global Tech Challenge has been launched by the World Bank Group, one of the largest sources of funding and knowledge for developing countries, and partnered with CES—the world’s most influential technology event—to  bridge the digital gender divide. This is supported by the World Bank’s Digital Development Practice, whose mission is to achieve connectivity for all, the challenge rewards scalable and innovative technological solutions that seek to increase digital access, skills and opportunities for women. Through the Tech Challenge every year, the World Bank Group and CES seeks to reward scalable, innovative technological solutions that seek to empower women in four areas of Platforms, Digital Skills, Online Content and Enhancing Digital Access. 

IIHMR organizes Health Next 2021- Global Health and Innovation Conference

IIHMR University

Date: January 14, 2020

As COVID-19 has taken a toll on various sectors and areas, it definitely has created an urgency to mitigate the risks that have accompanied the pandemic. To highlight the key areas of concern, challenges and the changes that were highlighted to enhance the health sector and its allied sectors, IIHMR University concluded its 2-day Health Next 2021- Global Health and Innovation Conference recently. The 2-day conference witnessed deliberation from speakers across 8 plus countries such as the USA, Germany, India, UK, Canada etc. and a participation of 40 speakers who emphasized on new solutions and strategies, where networking was curated, and key business-to-business exchanges took place. The conference was opened and addressed by the keynote speaker Mr. Naveen Jain, Ex-MD NHM & Former Secretary Skills & Entrepreneurship Secretary, Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department, Govt. of Rajasthan.  

The Health Next 2021- Global Health and Innovation Conference witnessed stalwart panellists from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Bayer, Germany, Pharmeasy, Apollo Hospitals, MedCords, Dawaa Dost, NISHTHA/ Jhpiego, Medicover Hospitals, AstraZeneca, Biopharmaceutical R&D, Gaithersburg, MD, USA , Docquity, India, Viveo Health, Ai Highway Inc, myresqr.life, TiE Global, Amity Centre for Entrepreneurship Development and Startup Oasis, Healthcare at Home India Pvt. Ltd., E4Impact Foundation, Ecoware, BOD, iKure, StanPlus/ Red Ambulances and DAYA India. 

Dr. PR Sodani, President (Officiating), Dean IIHMR University, “We think the challenges in the healthcare sector have changed and mitigating these challenges and risks have become a matter of urgency post-COVID-19. As we progress, we see the industry's magnificent efforts to innovate and keep the industry well before time. The Health Next 2021- Global Health and Innovation Conference is a great platform for not just for budding entrepreneurs but the healthcare fraternity on the whole.

Dr. Gaurav Thukral, EVP & COO, Healthcare at Home India Pvt. Ltd. said, “Affordability, Availability and Accessibility are three A’s that have always been a challenge in the healthcare sector. Despite Ayushman Bharat, there is hardly any percentage of healthcare that is State Funded.  We see that the penetration of insurance is way lesser till date where the penetration is not more than 20% when it comes to private insurance or even the state insurance. However, the National Digital Health Mission and Universal Health Coverage have played a major role in focusing on the need of insurance to reduce the out of pocket expenses of patients. The other aspect is the standardization of delivery of care where the major problem focused is the supply. Healthcare managers need to be moved from classroom training to practical training. To make the whole system more sustainable it is important to bring in the equilibrium and overcome challenges.” 

Prof. Mario Molteni, CEO at E4Impact Foundation said, “An equilibrium in public health and private health is important. In Milan we do create this equilibrium by creating a healthy competition between the public and private sector health services. We create an awareness on ease of accessibility of services as everything we do is abided by compliance. This promotes the equivalence of all services that are available in the country. We promote young enterprises to come up with business models that are exciting that allow us to overcome certain gaps with the help of these organisations.

Rhea Mazumdar, Rhea Mazumdar Singhal, CEO at Ecoware said, “India has a dense population and we do not actually have any formal waste management or waste treatment. I think when we speak of sustainability in India or any South East Asian countries we must talk of Closed looped solutions. This means what the end of the life of the product is which would help us know actually how to treat it by the end of its life cycle. Challenges that we face are a lack of innovations for closed loop solutions and measuring impact outcomes which means if you have decided to do something please measure that. This would be beneficial for the amount of health waste that is being generated each day and thus can be treated wisely.”   

Santosh Marathe, COO & Unit Head at Apollo Hospitals, “Personalised healthcare is the need of the hour. We see a paradigm shift in therapies where the Organ-specific therapies through precision medicine techniques have been adopted at the moment. Use of technology and big data is beneficial to get apt patient data which has helped us offer organ-specific therapies.
Saurabh Uboweja, Founder & Managing Partner at BOD, pointed out that “Collection of high-quality data, especially that of patients, can help you to design a treatment protocol for patients. The access of personalized healthcare is accessible to a limited few at the moment.

Shreyans Mehta, Co-Founder at MedCords, “Personalised healthcare services in the last 6 years in Rajasthan have seen a big shift. Our effort has been to create a health record for every family member who collaborated with the National Digital Health Mission. Better recording of patient healthcare data can prove to be beneficial for gathering data to offer personalized patient care. Policy related challenges faced is that a lot of Government work happens in silos. There are multiple departments within the Government where streamlining these departments is important. The use of technology in health has reduced the Government's burden where preventable measures can be taken at a good pace.

Towards the end, a conference report was presented by Dr. P. R. Sodani. At his Valedictory address, Mr. Ambi Parameshwaran, Brand Strategist/Couch Founder Brand Building concluded the session talking about his experiences.

Dr. Sheenu Jain, CIIE, & Convener GHIC Conference, IIHMR University Jaipur, said “this was a signature conference on the hottest markets and investment growth areas in digital health, healthcare. Power packed panel took a deeper look at the most important gradients that are emerging and how they are fueling a continued surge in innovation.

The Health Next 2021- Global Health and Innovation Conference offered a platform for healthcare start-ups students, alumni or people at large who have a business idea in healthcare, health tech space and want to get it nurtured at the IIHMR University’s Innovation and Incubation Center. The GHIC demonstrated the need for an all-in, must-attend health ecosystem conference where all major stakeholders shared new solutions and strategies, where networking was curated and key business-to-business exchanges took place. GHIC was unique in facilitating serious conversations among leaders about our healthcare system and innovation. Health Next 2021- Global Health and Innovation Conference. The conference focused on 5 thrust areas, Driving Innovation in New Healthcare Landscape- Post COVID-19, IoT in Health Ecosystem. 

IIHMR University Organizes Health Next 2021- Global Health & Innovation Conference

Date: January 13, 2020

While the Novel Coronavirus has toppled the economies world over, it has also changed the entire healthcare ecosystem to mitigate the crisis. With the rising toll of the Pandemic, patient care has been the core area of concern in these dire circumstances. This has pushed the entire healthcare sector to the brim of accepting and innovating for solutions to transform and modify care access points. Hence, the healthcare industry with all the Pandemic crisis has seen a paradigm shift from being more reactive to being proactive in offering innovative solutions to mitigate the risks and overcome this challenge. 

To recognize these transformations in the healthcare sector from the point of view of technological innovations and enhancement, opportunities that have been created during the time of crisis in the healthcare sector and to address the fundamental questions and challenges, IIHMR University will be organizing a virtual conclave The Health Next 2021- Global Health and Innovation Conference (GHIC) on 11th and 12th January 2021. The Health Next 2021- Global Health and Innovation Conference (GHIC) will also witness the start-ups presenting their business propositions followed by a poster presentation. Over 30 plus leading expert speakers from the industry will participate at the GHIC that will be witnessed by over 1000 participants across the globe.
The conference will witness participation from veterans from the healthcare industry from India, Canada, USA, and Germany. The Health Next 2021 – Global Health and Innovation Conference will see over 1000 individuals along with Healthcare Organizations, Institutions and Start-ups across the globe, to share their point of views on Driving Innovations in the new healthcare landscape- post-COVID, IoT transforming the Health Ecosystem, Building Sustainable Model for Healthcare, Creating Personalized Healthcare experience for every patient and how healthcare can be extended beyond hospitals. 

Dr. SD Gupta, Chairman, IIHMR University, Jaipur says, “The healthcare industry has seen a tremendous transformation during this time frame of the Pandemic. The industry has been pushed at least 5 years ahead of time which is why we see that technology now plays an important role in this transformation. Internet of Things (IoT) has been gaining a lot of traction be in the hospitals, administration of healthcare organizations or even in case of patient care, we believe that this transformation was a necessary one. The future of healthcare is purely reliant on building a sustainable model for healthcare, where people, data, information and knowledge are the vital pillars.

Dr. P R Sodani, President (Officiating), Dean IIHMR University says, “We are happy to announce the opening of The Health Next 2021 - Global Health and Innovations Conference. IIHMR University known as a Global Hub for Healthcare will see participation from Changemakers, CEO’s, Policy Makers and other significant people reshaping the healthcare industry. This conference will be a great platform for both the global healthcare and start-up community to share their views on the transformations in the healthcare industry. There is a necessity to implement, health system policies, infrastructure and services to ensure a healthy health system. The Health Next 2021- Global Health and Innovations Conference is an initiative taken by IIHMR University to bring together the entire healthcare and Health-Tech fraternity along with the start-up community under one roof to speak on challenges and transformations that have taken place in the healthcare sector after the pandemic.

Dr. Sheenu Jain, Associate Professor, Marketing and Chair, Centre for Innovation, Incubation, and Entrepreneurship (CIIE) says, “Dive headfirst into the world of technologies that are radically transforming health care. From the latest in AI and digital twinning to technologies to radically transform clinical trials, contact tracing and symptom tracking, these technologies are addressing health care’s greatest challenges for both patients, providers and overall public health. Hear from the leading experts and front-line innovators which next-gen technologies will make the greatest impact. The galaxy of speakers will deliberate on the pertinent issues for these two days from around the globe. IIHMR University has always been a pioneer in such initiatives and this year our entire focus is building and nurturing health care, health tech startup ecosystem.”

The Health Next 2021- Global Health and Innovation Conference (GHIC) will witness participation from organisations like Pharmeasy, Dawa Dost, MedCords, Docquity, Bayer, Germany, AstraZeneca, Biopharmaceutical R&D, Gaithersburg, USA, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Apollo Hospitals, Medicover Hospitals, India, Startup Oasis, Viveo Health, Stan Plus/ Red Ambulances, Ai Highway Inc, Amity Center for Entrepreneurship Development, Amity University, TiE Global, E4Impact Foundation, iKure, FMS Udaipur, IIM Ahmedabad. 

IIHMR University invites applications for PG Diploma in Health Entrepreneurship

Date: January 13, 2020

While commenting about the launch of the Post-Graduate Diploma in Healthcare Entrepreneurship, Dr. PR Sodani, President (Officiating), IIHMR University said, “IIHMR is inviting applications for Post Graduate Diploma in Health Entrepreneurship. This programme is first of its kind in the country, focusing on developing entrepreneurial competencies for healthcare sector value-chain. The programme is approved by University Grants Commission (U.G.C.), New Delhi under National Skill Qualifications Framework (N.S.Q.F.).” He added that the programme focuses on preparing a new generation of entrepreneurial talents to drive innovation and technology supported growth in this exciting sector. This program will connect students with entrepreneurs, helping them to learn directly from the practitioners.

IIHMR University in Jaipur is the leader in Health Research and Higher Management Education. The University is a leader in the public health sector with various international and national collaborations with over 36 years of experience. The organization is a ‘Global Public Health Hub’. 

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The IIHMR University has collaborations with major universities and institutions like Johns Hopkins University, USA; Chester University, UK; University of Montreal, Canada; Curtin University, Australia; and BP Koirala Institute of Public Health, Nepal.The programme will be jointly offered by the School of Development Studies and Executive Education Division of the University. Dr. Shiv K. Tripathi, Professor and Dean (Training) IHMR, highlighted that this one-year long programme is multidisciplinary in nature and nearly two-third of the programme will be delivered through students’ engagement with live industry projects. For this purpose the University has developed a partnership with India CSR, an active knowledge resource centre. He added that the programme design uniquely links the management of UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and thus, making it quite useful for those working (or interested to work) in sustainability space in companies, public sector as well as NGOs.  

Chief Minister to inaugurate COVID Relief Digital Concert Series ‘Padharo Mhare Des’

IIHMR University

Date: November 23, 2020

‘Padharo Mhare Des’ COVID Relief Concert Series is a fundraising digital concert series that will premiere on Facebook. Hon’ble Chief Minister of Rajasthan, Shri Ashok Gehlot will inaugurate the virtual concert series. This concert series is an initiative of Rajasthan based singer Manesha A Agarwal’s Arpan Foundation. The series will feature more than 70 folk artists from the remotest parts of Jodhpur, Jaisalmer and Barmer. 

Ms. Manesha A Agarwal, Founder, Arpan Foundation, said, “For months, I was at unrest because the COVID crisis had created a vacuum in the lives of folk artists.” She further added, “with the Arpan foundation and a team of entertainment and media professionals, we set out on a quest to record performances of these artists from where they live. These performances are now woven into a fundraising virtual concert series”.

Arpan Foundation has extended monetary help to all the 70 folk artists who were recorded. All the funds raised by the Foundation from the Concert Series will be given directly to the folk artists. Ms. Manesha Agarwal informed, "Arpan Foundation will independently continue to support folk artists in times to come".

Padma Bhushan, Grammy Awardee Pandit Vishwa Mohan Bhatt will give a guest performance for the first episode of the series. Renowned artists of India’s music industry, namely – Padma Shri Anup Jalota, percussionist Bickram Ghosh, Padma Shri Anwar Khan, music composer Shantanu Moitra; music composer/director, Ravi Pawar; singers, Richa Sharma, Harshdeep Kaur; Musicians, Salil Bhatt, Mame Khan, Ravinder Upadhayay to name a few, have come in support of the Concert Series, feeling deeply for the cause.IIHMR University has been supporting noble initiatives in the past and supports this cause wholeheartedly.

IIHMR University signs MoU with ‘SEARCH’ 

IIHMR University

Date: November 17, 2020

IIHMR University has entered a memorandum of Understanding with the Society for Education, Action and Research in Community Health (SEARCH) on a virtual platform today on public health research along with exchange of expertise and producing research outputs regarding public health issues related to rural and tribal population covering, national, regional, and global perspective. The MoU is for the term of five years and will be valid till the 31 December 2025.

Dr. Ashok Agarwal, Founder, Trustee, IIHMR University, said, it is indeed a great honour to work together with SEARCH.  Gadchiroli, where SEARCH is working, has shown work in the field; action research was done, and implemented. That is the real outcome of the research. Joining IIHMR and SEARCH will be complementary to each other. The learning is tremendous in Gadchiroli, and I am confident that our students and faculty will benefit from this collaboration.   

The MoU signing ceremony lasted for an hour which was moderated by Dr. Shiv Tripathi, Professor & Dean, Training, IIHMR University. The dignitaries who were a part of the session included, Dr. Ashok Agarwal, Founder, Trustee, IIHMR University, Dr. Abhay Bhang, Chairperson, SEARCH, Dr. S D Gupta, Chairperson, IIHMR University, Dr. P. R Sodani, President (Officiating), IIHMR University, & Mr. Anand Bhang, In Charge, Resource Mobilization & External Partnerships, SEARCH.

Dr. Abhay Bhang said that this collaboration has enormous potential. SEARCH works at Gadchiroli district in Maharashtra, which is a remote place.  “IIHMR’s strong background and patronage will bring young students and faculty to visit Gadchiroili, learn from reality in the field, and emerge several productive policies and programs. The students will participate in the research programs and jointly think and design research studies and programs. He said that “we are incredibly fortunate that we have found a magic lever and it is-go to the people, live amongst them and listen to them.  Going among the community and learning about public health problems, and hence policies and priorities emerge, and this approach does miracle. For the past 35 years, we are re-learning public health, and it is a very productive experience. We have the theoretical knowledge of public health. The interaction between theory and practice is exceptionally productive."

Dr. S D Gupta said that "I am delighted with the collaboration. It is a new beginning; let us demonstrate to the world that academia and those working at the grassroots level will bring more significant results and change people's lives.” He further added that IIHMR takes pride in bringing a paradigm change to the management of health systems. The MoU should lead the way for all of us to do path breaking work in the most deprived communities living in the states of Orissa, Chattisgarh, Bihar, and Rajasthan. We have an opportunity through this collaboration where young students from such areas can be identified and transformed into leaders. COVID 19 has exposed that the practical competencies needed in public health are very minimal.  As we established the new School of Public Health, our focus will be on implementation science.”

Dr. P. R Sodani, President (Officiating), IIHMR University, said that this is a historical MoU that will give us the advantage to understand the grassroots issues of public health. Our students will better understand the real problems faced in the field and how to translate these problems through the management solutions. Through this MoU, IIHMR will gain from the work of SEARCH, and our students and faculties will closely work to get field exposure. We will also work together in several research areas, and in implementing research. We will also work together on capacity development programs.

The institutional collaboration ranges from the internship opportunity provided to the students of IIHMR University and field exposure in SEARCH, the local community as well as hospital-based program and research to better understand and contribute to field-based program implementation, the involvement of IIHMR University faculty in SEARCH’s existing research projects, data analysis and writing joint research papers for publication and develop, design, and organize joint training and capacity building programs in public health areas are also a part of the agreement.

Mr. Anand Bhang, In Charge, Resource Mobilization & External Partnerships, SEARCH, said that the students of IIHMR have contributed to several of our programs at Gadchiroli in the past, including the programs report of de-addiction, literature review of our several research. Several such partnerships were already existing, and we look forward to expanding on that and engaging with the students, providing them an opportunity, and allowing them to work here in the field. It is to be noted that, SEARCH works with marginalized communities – rural, tribal, women and children – to identify their health needs and develop community empowering models of healthcare to address those. SEARCH works in the Gadchiroli in Maharashtra.

IIHMR ranks 20 among top private MBA Institutions in the Outlook-Icare India MBA rankings 2021

Date: November 10, 2020

IIHMR University, Jaipur, has been ranked 20th in the prestigious Outlook-ICARE India MBA rankings 2021 in the category-Top Private MBA Institutions across India. IIHMR University is also the 6th ranked Private B Schools in the west zone according to the rankings by Outlook-Icare. This has been declared in the popular magazine Outlook Annual Ranking of India's top private MBA Institutions under the various categories in its recent publication. 

Outlook ICARE has evaluated the strengths of IIHMR University on different scales and awarded its overall score of 76.72 for making it earn a coveted ranking among others. The current ranking considers several parameters, including Research, Employability, Faculty quality, Inclusiveness, and Diversity. 

On this occasion, Dr. P. R. Sodani, President (Officiating), IIHMR University, said this is indeed a defining moment. He added, "It is an incredibly proud moment for me to see that the institution is fulfilling its vision through sustained hard work. I wish to congratulate IIHMR students, alumnus, faculties and staff that has, over the years, put in best efforts to uphold the high quality of research, admirable standard of education and related academic commitments to provide a world-class education to our students."

NEP 2020 envisions holistic, multidisciplinary, and universal learning: Experts

Date: November 07, 2020

The India Chapter of the Humanistic Management Network (HMN) in association with IIHMR University conducted an online country-focused conference session on ‘Decoding New Education Policy 2020- The Roadmap for Inclusive Development’

Eminent Speakers included Shri K.C. Ramamurthy, Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) and Chairman, CMR Group of Institutions, Bengaluru (Chief Guest), Prof. (Dr.) Naresh Chandra Gautam, Vice-Chancellor, Mahatma Gandhi Gramodaya University, Chitrakoot (Guest of Honour ), Prof. (Dr.) Alok Rai, Vice-Chancellor, Lucknow University, Lucknow (Guest of Honour),  Prof. (Dr.) Ernst von Kimakowitz, Co-Founder, Humanistic Management Network, Prof. (Dr.) Prahlad Rai Sodani, President, IIHMR University, Jaipur, Dr. Rajeev Singh, CEO, Indian Chambers of Commerce, and Prof. (Dr.) Shiv K. Tripathi, Professor, and Dean (Training), IIHMR University, Jaipur (moderator).

Shri K.C. Ramamurthy said that this session focuses on decoding new education policy, which will help understand the policy and prepare all Indian stakeholders in India for its effective implementation.  The NEP has been fully developed and taken shape after nationwide consultation to align our education system to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The NEP 2020 will give the country's educators a robust system for quality education at all levels, which will help enhance the employability and skills of Indian youth. We will all have to work collectively to implement the policy to ensure that we change the system of mere degree providing institutions with a skill of attitude shaping a vibrant education system.

Dr. P. R. Sodani welcomed the speakers and said that the policy's objective is to transform the Indian education system. The policy has come up with many dimensions. This panel will discuss these dimensions in broad light, including the quality of education in India, accessibility of education to the students, types of opportunities at the international level, etc. IIHMR has taken the lead to deliberate and discuss the new education policy as an agenda.

Dr. Naresh Chandra Gautam said, “NEP 2020 is a policy that has given a basket of alternatives to the students. It has given a roadmap for future education for holistic development. The policy has introduced the credit bank system, which will make a student more responsive. As educationists, we must provide a roadmap to the higher education system to meet the challenges in the NEP.  We must have a good capacity building program to address the challenges for a multidisciplinary faculty. We must redefine the syllabus addressing the challenge of introducing the well-developed technology to the courses.”  

Dr. Alok Rai defined NEP 2020 as based on the 'LIFES' model where 'L' stands for life coaching approach for holistic development, 'I' stands for Internationalisation of education system. The letter 'F' stands for flexibility, yet another trait that our NEP aims upon. Flexibility in terms of the ability for students to move from one program to another program interdisciplinary approach. The fourth aspect- E stands for employability. In the NEP, the implementation aspect of the knowledge has been emphasized. The Fifth is the 'S' part, which is the significant structural change that has been forced in the country's Higher education. 

Ms. Radha Rani Sharma, Dean, Management Development Institute (MDI), gave a brief on the education policies which were significant in the past. She touched upon the universalization of pre-primary education, which is very important for building for education, which implies every child should receive three years of pre-primary education. An exciting part included in this policy is that a 360-degree holistic progress card will be maintained for a child throughout education.    

Prof. Jyoti Rana, Dean, Skill Faculty of Management Studies & Research, Shri Vishwakarma Skill University, Haryana, spoke about the challenges of skill education.  She stressed that one of the crucial challenges in skill education is the less adaptability of skill education in our education system. However, NEP has highlighted the importance of skill education and how to incorporate skill education at various levels.  There is a strong need that this skill development should be looked at with a different perspective.

Mr. D. P. Singh,  Advisor, Amazon Web Services said that NEP 2020 spells out many educationists' vision and is very much aligned to SDGs. The policy aims to undertake significant reforms, deputing integrity in the systems. He emphasized that the use of technology can help in improving the quality and access of education in India.

Rajiv Singh, CEO, Indian Chamber of Commerce, Kolkata, gave away the valedictory speech. Mr. Singh said that NEP is a path-breaking policy that pragmatically addresses the Indian education system's issues in the past. It addresses early childhood teaching in the mother tongue, reducing the curriculum, is very flexible, and focuses on vocational training. Implementing such reforms may have some challenges.

Dr. Indu Rao, Professor and Director-ASC, VIT University, Mr. Pooran Chandra Pandey, India Representative, Climate Scorecard (USA), New Delhi, Mr. Murad Ali, Representative, Sports University, were a part of the webinar and shared their insights on the NEP 2020. Dr. Shiv Tripathi moderated the session and said that all the panellists have given different dimensions on NEP 2020 and they covered all major aspects of the policy.

First Regional Workshop on ‘The Role of Vaccine Demand’

Date: November 04, 2020

First regional workshop on “The Role of Demand for Vaccines” was conducted by IIHMR University, Jaipur recently. The workshop was organized as the partial fulfilment of the ongoing online courses on Vaccine Economics for COVID-19 jointly conducted by John Hopkins University School of Public Health, Baltimore, USA and IIHMR University, Jaipur recently. 259 participants from around the globe registered for this online course, out of which 41 were from India. The workshop was attended by 23 participants from eminent health and allied organizations including Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, State Ministry, WHO, UNDP, UNICEF, Tata Trust, Clinton Health Access Initiative and IIT Kharagpur. The workshop was chaired by Dr. P. R. Sodani, President, IIHMR University Jaipur. The moderator was Dr. Sunil Rajpal, Assistant Professor, IIHMR University, Jaipur.

The focus of workshop was to discuss the intricacies pertaining to the factors determining demand for vaccines, particularly in the Indian context. With the outbreak of COVID-19, identifying the patterns of demand for vaccines is critical to effectively strategize and ensure larger coverage, and benefits across the heterogenous landscape of the country. The participants from diverse professional background provided their valuable inputs regarding how cost and expected benefits of vaccines, government interventions towards communication and media can play a pivotal role in escalating vaccine demand. Dr. Pankaj Somani from National Program Officer UNDP stated “Increasing and maintaining vaccination uptake is vital for vaccines to achieve their success. Addressing low vaccination requires an adequate understanding of the determinants of the problem, tailored evidence-based strategies to improve uptake, and monitoring and evaluation to determine the impact and sustainability of the interventions”. 

Further, Dr. Sunil Rajpal pressed on the contextual issues related to the demand of vaccine economics in India. “Externalities and the higher extent of government interventions makes the vaccine economics a distinct domain which assumes further policy salience and an exclusive focus especially in the current times of pandemic” said Dr. Sunil Rajpal, Assistant professor, IIHMR University, Jaipur. At the end of the session, Dr. P R Sodani in detail elaborated on the several multifaceted issues of vaccine economics in India such as Types of externalities, Contagion levels of disease, Individual and Community level behaviour, Cultural beliefs, and Socioeconomic backgrounds. “With the vast and diverse geography of India along with second highest population base, a comprehensive understanding on demand patterns for vaccine is crucial for effective resource allocation and equitable distribution” said Dr. P R Sodani, President, IIHMR University, Jaipur. 

The IIHMR University, Jaipur has conducted five such capacity building workshops in India during 2017-2019 benefitting 85 programme managers and policy makers from Bangladesh, Ghana, India Malaysia, Myanmar, Sierra Leone and Sri Lanka.

IIHMR University to conduct Masterclass on ‘Healthcare Strategy’ and online student Meet

Date: October 26, 2020

IIHMR University, in collaboration with faculty and students of Department of Health Services, University of Washington, is conducting a Masterclass/Global expert talk on ‘Healthcare Strategy’ followed by online student meet. This is an innovative series, particularly for Health Management students. The student can benefit from collaborative knowledge exchange and expert opinion sharing. The meet will allow them to take their learning to the next level by interacting online and learning from the best.

The Masterclass, which will have Dr. Suzanne J. Wood, Department of Health Services, University of Washington, Seattle WA, as the speaker, will be attended by 75 students from IIHMR University and 25 from the University of Washington. Dr. P. R. Sodani, President (Officiating), IIHMR University, will present the welcome address. Dr. Shiv Tripathi Professor and Dean, Training, IIHMR University, will moderate the session. 2 student representatives of each university will also get an opportunity to moderate the Masterclass.

IIHMR University virtually inaugurates the 8th Cohort of Master of Public Health Program 

IIHMR University

Date: October 16, 2020

IIHMR University virtually inaugurated its 8th Cohort of the prestigious international postgraduate degree program, Master of Public Health (MPH), in cooperation with Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (JHSPH), Baltimore, USA, for the session 2020-22. During the inaugural, Dr. Ashok Agarwal, Founder trustee, IIHMR, congratulated the people behind establishing the prestigious collaborative program between the JHSPH, USA, and IIHMR University. He said that this prestigious program took around five years to develop and design, and today, it has come out to be a successful program. We get many applications indicating their interest and preference for this program, but we can select a very few for this unique course. 

During the launch, Dr. SD Gupta, Chairperson, IIHMR University, also the Chief Guest of the program, said, “It is the people's farsightedness from JHSPH and IIHMR University to develop such a program. He said," JSPH is the no. 1 in Public Health globally, and IIHMR is the top institute in health management. It is the union of the two institutions that resulted in bringing out a new MPH program and public health core competencies focused on management. This program was started to help the students of the Southeast Asian region, as the students of this part of the world should also get an opportunity for a quality public health program. The need for public health is never so much needed as now. The public health competencies are required, and it's high time to realize that public health as a discipline has a significant role to play during the pandemic in improving health standards."

Professor Maire Diener-West Chair, Master of Public Health Program, Johns Hopkins, Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA, conveyed her wishes to the students of Cohort 8. She said, “ I am proud of this program as this represents the best of both the universities in terms of partnerships to empower graduates, for the necessary skills and competencies in public health but also special expertise and knowledge in health management.” She further said that she is glad that the people behind IIHMR could have the vision to anticipate the need for such a program.”

Dr. P. R.  Sodani, President (Officiating), IIHMR University, welcomed the students of the cohort program. He said, "Apart from teaching, we are engaged with JHSPH in various research, training, and capacity building programs as well. IIHMR is also collaboratively working with JHSPH on TVV-Teaching Vaccine Economics globally. IIHMR University has already initiated a course in Vaccine economics this year.Dr. Felicity Turner, Director, International and Continuing Education, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA, said that this is an incredibly exciting time for public health students globally and the interest of the current students in public health is more necessary.

Earlier, in the program, Dr. Seema Mehta, Chairperson, MPH Program, Associate Professor (IIHMR University, Jaipur), Adjunct Professor (JHSPH, USA), welcomed the dignitaries and the students. She said that since 2013, almost 58 students of countries including India, Nepal, Bangladesh, and the Maldives have passed out from this program and are working in the field of public health. Later, the faculty introduced to the new students and alumni an opportunity to interact. The session was moderated by Sidharth Srivastava, Student, MPH Cohort 7. 

The 2-year full-time MPH program aims to develop students' competencies in core areas of public health and management besides developing multi-disciplinary skills among them. The collaboration between the JHSPH and IIHMR University empowers the students to benefit from Johns Hopkins' track record of excellence in teaching public health and IIHMR's health management expertise. 

Experts discuss Mental Health during COVID 19 Era from the Public Health Perspectives

IIHMR University

Date: October 15, 2020

Given the magnitude of the mental health issues and the sparse availability of specialists in mental health care across the country, IIHMR University conducted a webinar on “Mental Health in COVID 19 Era: Public Health Perspectives’.The eminent speakers included Dr. Vimal Kumar Sharma, MD, Ph.D., Professor of Global Mental Health Research, Division of Population Health, School of Health Sciences, University of Manchester, UK; Dr. Chandrakant S Pandav,  Former Professor and Head of the Department, Centre for Community Medicine, AIIMS and Member, National Council for India Nutritional Challenges, POSHAN ABHIYAN, South West Delhi, Dr. Sowmya Krishna, Consultant Psychiatrist, Co-Founder, and Head of General Psychiatric Services, The Green Oak Initiative, lead Psychiatrist, Hank Nunn Institute, Bengaluru Dr. Paola Andrea Tejada, MD, Ph.D., Faculty of Health and Social Care, University of Chester. The session was chaired by Dr. S D Gupta, Chairperson, IIHMR University and Dr. Neetu Purohit, Associate Professor (Clinical Psychology) IIHMR University moderated the session.

Dr. Vimal Sharma, discussed the impact of COVID 19 on overall mental health issues. There is a substantial increase in anxiety, substance abuse, post-traumatic stress disorder, and complex grief and suicide. Those hospitalized are at a greater risk of depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. “The situation has brought focus on the role of social environment and spiritual aspects also. To manage the mental health crisis in COVID 19 era, we need to train general health workers in mental health and raise awareness and skills in detecting mental disorders and develop a sustainable support system using technology so that general health workers can manage mental health problems as well with the advice and guidance of mental health specialists.” He strongly recommended that we have to make the government and higher authorities aware of keeping a certain amount of funds allocated to deal with mental health disorders. We need to train frontline workers, community health professionals in essential aspects of mental health, the use of online services to assess the scope of mental health problems. 

Dr. S.D. Gupta said that there are many studies on the magnitude of mental illness. However, we never realized it as a grave problem. It is not only a psychological issue but also a public health issue. At first, we need to make people aware of mental disorders and ensure availability and accessibility of care services. We need to integrate public health with mental health. We have enough lessons from various studies and we do not require prevalence surveys but need to expand services by developing implementation standards with the proper use of technology. GMHAT is one assessment tool, but we should move a step further and develop a service delivery mechanism to reach out to the people. There is a need to develop guidelines for Screening and Basic management of Mental health ailments at Health and Wellness Centre and this has to be taken as priority under the banner of Dr S D Gupta School of Public Health, IIHMR. 

Dr. Sowmya Krishna, said, “COVID 19 has bought the technology at the forefront. People used to talk about the advantages of technology in assessing mental health. In the last six months, we have seen that access to mental health services by people have gone up considerably due to technology. The mental health workforce in India is 0.3 psychiatrists per 100,000 population. Thus, the use of technology can play an essential role in bridging the gaps in helping people assess mental health services better. More than 6oo mental health-related apps are floating globally but very few offer the overall assessment of individual mental health. She recommended the Global Mental Health Application Technology (GMHAT) assessment tool that looks at all aspects of mental health and allows us to contextualize, which is available in five languages, including English, Hindi, Marathi, Spanish and Arabic.

Dr. Paola Andrea Tejada said, “the significant psychological impact of health emergencies caused by the coronavirus is seen in the high rates of stress and anxiety. As measures like quarantine have emerged, self-harm and suicidal behaviors are also expected to increase. There is an urgent need for adequate training of primary care staff to develop their skills to detect mental health disorders. The primary health staff can be trained in a few days with other health packages as a part of the local training system.

Dr. Chandrakant S. Pandav, said, “This is the twentieth pandemic in human history. Corona is very easy to treat, but we need the right information. People have a stigma due to distorted information, important for pandemic is fear of pandemic. That is where the mental health services have a role to play. We should talk about wellbeing and not just health.”

Dr. Neetu Purohit moderated the session and said that mental health has got increased attention due to pandemic, but the disorder was always present. As per the national Mental Health Survey, 2017, in India, 1 person out of 7 people has a mental health disorder and almost 150 million people in India are in need of mental health services but less than 30 million seek the services. Multiple reasons spanning from unawareness to stigma, to non-availability of services and dearth of mental health experts could be the reasons for this treatment gap. COVID 19 has brought the mental health issues at the forefront and needs to be integrated with public health for ensuring better availability and accessibility of mental health services.  

IIHMR announces ‘S D Gupta School of Public Health’ launch on its 36th Foundation Day

IIHMR Jaipur

Date: October 07, 2020

The Indian Institute of Health Management Research (IIHMR) made a big announcement by declaring that it will soon launch a new School of Public Health - ‘S D Gupta School of Public Health’ in IIHMR University, Jaipur. Dr. Ashok Agarwal, Founder Trustee, IIHMR, announced this during its 36th Foundation Day celebration through an online platform, witnessed by all faculty, staff, and students of IIHMR. Dr. S.D. Gupta, who is the Trustee Secretary of Indian Institute of Health Management Research, and Chairperson of IIHMR University, is a renowned public health specialist and has given a new shape to the practice of public health in India, said Dr. Agarwal.

Remembering the institute's initial foundation years, Dr. Agarwal said, "36 years back we were trying to set up a new and different vision. I found a group of bright academicians who believed in my vision, and today IIHMR has three campuses in Jaipur, Bangalore and Delhi. The strength of IIHMR has been its faculty members. We have already done 800+ research studies and 3000 students' dissertations which is a significant contribution. Most of our graduates are dealing with COVID 19 as frontline workers, which makes us feel proud."

Dr. Gupta said, "When we started initially, we were the only organization to undertake research policy and program management research. Our contribution has been immense in many research programs. The institute has closely worked with the Government of India and other state governments in the management and execution of national health programs including the HIV control program, Immunization program and Blindness control program. We started with research and later added capacity building of mid-career professionals and policymakers as one of the major components." Reminiscing the people behind this institute's formation, including Dr. Ashok Agarwal, Dr. Gupta said, “Dr. Rameshwar Sharma, Dr. G. Girdhar, Dr. Udai Pareek, Dr. Rishikesh Maru, and Sh. M L Mehta has been the pillar of strength and their leadership has guided the institution to this level today.”

Dr. P. R. Sodani, President (Officiating), IIHMR University, welcomed the guests and spoke about the institute's vision and history and its courses in the present day. Dr. Sodani said, "We have successfully executed 35 years of excellence. Today we have created leadership in the domain area of health management in the country and globally. The institute was set up with a different vision. The country had many hospitals, but the hospitals' management remained a critical issue. There was an urgent need for an institute like IIHMR during that time. Even during COVID 19, it has been observed that the management of public health services is highly required. Initially, the institute's focus was research. Therefore, the initial years of IIHMR were spent in conducting research. Today we have created a space in the country as a renowned health management organization."

Initially, the program commenced with a small video displaying the history of IIHMR. The students of IIHMR University performed a much-awaited cultural program and song dedicated to the institute. The program was coordinated by Dr. Veena N Sarkar, Assistant Professor, IIHMR University, and a vote of thanks was extended by Dr. Deepti Sharma, Associate Professor, IIHMR University.

Experts Discuss the Role of NEP in Achieving UN Sustainable Development Goals

IIHMR University

Date: October 07, 2020

Exploring ways to incorporate and align Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with the New Education Policy(NEP), IIHMR University, Jaipur,  conducted a webinar on "Decoding New Education Policy 2020: Role of National Education Policy in Achieving UN Sustainable Development Goals." The Webinar was first in the recently launched IIHMR Webinar Series on ‘Decoding NEP 2020’.  Eminent speakers participated in the webinar, including Dr. V N Rajasekhanran Pillai, (Former Vice-Chairman, University Grants Commission, India), Vice Chancellor, Somaiya Vidyavihar University, Mumbai; Dr. Rajesh Tandon, UNESCO Chair and Founder, PRIA, New Delhi; Mr. Pooran Chandra Pandey, Resident Representative, Climate Scorecard (USA), New Delhi; Dr. Sanjay Zodpey, Vice President, Public Health Foundation of India, Director, Indian Institute of Public Health, Delhi; and Dr. W. Chandbabu Singh, Registrar, Manipur Central University, Manipur. Dr. S.D Gupta, Chairperson, IIHMR University, chaired the session and Dr. P.R. Sodani addressed the experts and gave a brief on NEP. 

Dr. S D Gupta said that in 2015 UN came with SDG's and most of the goals are targeted to be achieved by 2030. NEP 2020 is genuinely transformative. We all are aware of the education system right from the primary level to higher education. We expanded hugely in India in higher education, including vocational that we lost sight of education quality. The higher education institutions got the raw product beyond repair, which was challenging to transform due to the lack of quality. The SDG 4 aligns with the NEP 2020, ensuring inclusive, adequate, quality education and lifelong learning opportunities. The policy is transformative and gives a free hand to the higher education institutions and gives autonomy to refine, define, and redesign curriculum, which helps grow and develop skills. It is high time to prepare the young generation to be global citizens. The NEP gives a significant opportunity for quality and affordable education and accessibility to lifelong learning, which can bring a transformation in the Indian education system.

Dr. Rajesh Tandon said that we have 17 SDGs, and among them, the top 5 SDG's cannot be addressed separately. SDGs must be implemented and addressed locally and must be approached holistically. One cannot address health without looking at poverty, nutrition, water, education and gender status. All factors are intervened. Socially responsible higher education integrates teaching and research to multidisciplinary locally integrated approaches with teaching, learning, research and producing knowledge. It is the cumulative effect of locally achieved SDGs that the nation as a whole can achieve SDGs. The current curriculum needs modification. It should be more disciplinary and integrated. Get the students to study engagingly in their communities and interact locally. We should foster social responsibility and community engagement in Higher education institutions. The institutions need to contribute to the generation of knowledge for achieving SDGs in a different context. SDGs' achievement requires finding new solutions to various socio-economic challenges and new knowledge will be essential to achieve this.

Dr. P. R. Sodani, Officiating President, IIHMR University, said that SDG has a long-lasting effect on the country's development and growth. When we talk about education, the quality of education is the critical pillar for the growth and development of any geography and society. If the quality of education is strong, we will produce an adequate workforce for the country and contribute to its national income. The NEP 2020 has some great ideas, including access to education, quality education, and affordable education. There are many features, and our government wants to accomplish this. We can create a new India by NEP 202. The thematic issues include a multidisciplinary approach, internationalization, exit or entry system and credit bank. IIHMR University is taking the lead to discuss all these thematic issues separately and the challenges it brings with its execution.

Dr. V N Rajasekhanran Pillai, said that it is for enhancing the quality of life and life management systems when it comes to education.  It is essential to understand the context of knowledge and skills. The purpose of education is to provide knowledge, and if we have meaningful education, we should apply it to society. The context of higher education institutions was different from the present. So, we cannot apply the same context to the present time. NEP has many forward-looking ideas. Meaningful engagement with society or employment is the gross success ratio. When it talks about world-class universities, it talks about such universities' characteristics, which is excellence in teaching and research. Higher education institutions should be given complete freedom through a regulatory body that can stop any administrative or political interference.  

Dr. Sanjay Zodpey shared that the NEP 2020 is for the advancement of SDG4 in the country. The contribution of education in enhancing health is essential. For achieving this, the policy should have a multidisciplinary perspective. It should adopt a systems approach that should have linkages between education and the job market. The implementation of such an approach requires ground-breaking reforms. The country's health professional education is fragmented and outdated. Our education and work competencies do not match, with poor teamwork and narrow technical focus. This is the main reason for producing ill-equipped graduates. NEP 2020 should focus on redesigning institutional reforms for higher professional education. We must focus on transformative learning. We must move from informative to formative learning and then from formative to transformative learning.

Mr. Pooran Chandra Pandey added that the SDGs could be laid down in the societal, economic and environment bucket. All three factors are equally important for the accomplishment and execution of SDGs. Through NEP 2020, the government of India envisions changing the whole paradigm to something very harmonious. Mr. Pandey emphasized that higher education has special role beyond SDG4, as it drives the capacity building and knowledge development for remaining SDGs. 

Dr. W. Chandbabu Singh shared his insights on NEP 2020 and shared that the rest of the sixteen SDGs fail without quality education. NEP initiatives are focused on teaching, research, engagement and campus operations. We must change the teaching and learning process and the entire pedagogy needs to transform.

In the beginning, Dr. P. R. Sodani, Officiating President, IIHMR University, gave a brief introduction on the topic and its relevance. The Webinar was moderated by Dr. Shiv Tripathi, Professor and Dean (Training), IIHMR University.

IIHMR to celebrate 36th Foundation Day

Date: October 05, 2020

Indian Institute of Health Management and Research, a premier health management institute of the country, is celebrating its 36th Foundation day on 5th October 2020. This year, due to CVID 19, the program will be held virtually, which will stretch for one hour. The students, staff, and faculty members of the institution will connect through an online platform to celebrate the much-awaited program. 

Dr. S. D. Gupta, Trusty Secretary, Indian Institute of Health Management and Research will address the students and members of IIHMR through an online platform. A ‘Welcome Act’ will be presented by the students of the institution. Dr. P. R Sodani, President (Officiating), IIHMR University, will give a welcome address. A much-awaited cultural program will follow this. The students from all three schools, across streams, will perform in this annual cultural event.

NIRF Ranking announced; IIHMR University, Jaipur in top 1% management institutes of India


Date: June 12, 2020

IIHMR University, Jaipur, has been in the top 1% management institute in India, reveals the Union Minister of Human Resource Development (HRD) Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank while announcing NIRF (National Institute Ranking Framework) in New Delhi, Today. The rankings for India's best universities and institutions were to be released in April but got delayed due to the ongoing coronavirus crisis.

IIHMR University is now the first private institute from Rajasthan in this category to achieve this milestone. The university got 65th Rank in the category of management institutes, which was 72nd last year. The number of Indian institutes registered for the NIRF ranking this year has increased from 20 percent as compared to last year, where 6300 management institutes applied for this ranking in 2020. Apart from IIHMR University, the only institution which could make in top 75 in the management category from Rajasthan, is IIM Udaipur. Many institutions from Rajasthan who were there in last year's ranking, could not make it to the top 75 list of institutions this year.

Announcing the achievement, Dr. Pankaj Gupta, President, IIHMR University, said, "This is indeed a great achievement for the institute. This is the true acknowledgement for the sincere efforts of team IIHMR University who are continuously working even during this pandemic. As these rankings are expected to act as a guide to students looking for higher educational institutions in India, IIHMR will surely be the first choice of students who are aspiring for a career in Healthcare, Pharma, and Rural management. We thank our Recruiters, Alumni, Students, Faculty, and Staff and all other stakeholders for making this possible”

IIHMR being a pioneer institute in Public Health and Management, is continuously conducting a series of webinars during COVID-19 on topics of Healthcare Management, Rural Development, Pharmaceutical Management, and other related issues to create awareness and update students with the current situations across the world. 

IIHMR University to address Webinar on Post COVID Career Prospects 

IIHMR University

Date: May 14, 2020

IIHMR University is doing a  Webinar  on: Post COVID Career Prospects for Rural Management / Development Professionals.This webinar is a key activity where you can help us with having more numbers of registrations. This will certainly increase the conversion. See how you can use it well in generating some RM applications for IIHMR University.

The challenge posed by the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic is severe, but this challenge must be perceived as an opportunity to develop and strengthen rural infrastructure, create employment opportunities in rural areas and facilitate diversification of rural livelihoods. There is an urgent need for scaling up of programs like the rural jobs scheme but with adequate safeguards to ensure relief for those seeking employment in current times. The government must turn the challenge presented by the spread of COVID-19 into an opportunity for development and strengthening of rural infrastructure and housing, creation of employment opportunities in rural areas and facilitation, and diversification of rural livelihoods. 

 A mass movement of daily wage workers to their villages is the reality of the time. It is a truth that rural setups are not enough to provide jobs and financial stability. Post-COVID, the state must build grassroots infrastructure so that the villages can provide lucrative employment through agroforestry, trees, biodiversity, and nature-based economy. Rural development needs a new impetus so that the youth are encouraged to stay in their villages. Agriculture cannot be the only focus area. Development of agroforestry, horticulture, fisheries, animal husbandry, and allied sectors is the need of the hour.

The speakers will include Mr. Hitendra Singh, Program Lead, HRD & Social Development, Jharkhand State Livelihood Promotion Society (JSLPS); Prof. Rahul Ghai, Associate Professor, Dean, School of Development Studies, IIHMR University, Jaipur; & Dr. Rajiv Ranjan, Associate Professor, School of Development Studies, IIHMR University, Jaipur.

The Webinar will address the following points:

•Career prospects and work opportunities in Government Rural Development Agencies post COVID-19;

•Flagship development program’s relating to livelihoods, education, health, water and sanitation;

•Role of cooperatives and producer organizations, Non-Government Development Organizations, Agribusiness Organizations, and public foundations post COVID-19;

•Role of National and International donors engaged in promoting rural development;

• How Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Divisions are engaged in promoting sustainable and inclusive development.

IIHMR University to Address Mental Health and Well Being via Webinar

IIHMR: Premier Institution in Hospital and Health, Health Information, Pharmaceutical and Rural Management

Date: May 06, 2020

People around the world are facing increasing mental health issues during the COVID-19 pandemic. Physical distancing and isolation measures, the closure of schools and workplaces, are particularly challenging. Among much global health, economic and societal disruptions, the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak has forced millions to isolate physically. Combine that with extensive news coverage on the pandemic and an unknown future, and it's no wonder that anxiety is on the rise.It is natural for each of us to feel stress, anxiety, fear, and loneliness during this time. Even though we have self-isolated ourselves in a safe environment and have access to resources to ensure our well-being, we have experienced a feeling of stress during this time. The consequences of COVID-19 on our mental health and psychological well-being are very crucial for future development. Thus, IIHMR is organizing a Webinar on Unseen Epidemic: Addressing Mental Health and Well Being.

The webinar will bring industry experts together.The global wellness and mindfulness experts participating in the webinar include Dr. Pankaj Gupta, President, IIHMR University; Dr. Usha Manjunath, Director IIHMR Bangalore; Dr. Shankar Das, Director, IIHMR Delhi; and Prof Nusrat Husain, Mental Health Expert from the University of Manchester, UK.

The experts will respond to questions about managing anxiety, and stress. They will talk about the seen and unseen impacts of the pandemic on our mental health. They will share specific tools and resources we can adopt to promote wellbeing for ourselves and others in our community. Also how it is an opportunity for young changemakers to play a vital role in disseminating fact-based information on COVID-19 and promoting mental health.

Students can click here to register for the webinar 

Webinar-Covid19 Pandemic: Protection for Health work force


Date: April 06, 2020

The pressure on the global health care workforce continues to deepen. The potentially overwhelming burden of illnesses that stresses health system capacity increases the pressure and at the same time, the adverse effects on health care workers, including the risk of infection also adds on to this pressure. Doctors, nurses, carers and paramedics around the world are facing an unprecedented workload in overstretched health facilities, and with no end in sight. They are working in stressful and frightening work environments, not just because the virus is little understood, but because in most settings they are under-protected, overworked and themselves vulnerable to infection.

To ensure minimal risk of infection when treating patients with COVID-19, the CDC recommends the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) including a gown, gloves, and either an N95 respirator plus a face shield/goggles or a powered, air-purifying respirator (PAPR).To discuss more on the  protection of health work force,  a panel of experts from IIHMR University, Jaipur will be hosting a webinar. The panel of experts include Dr SD Gupta, Chairman, IIHMR University, M.D. (Preventive & Social Medicine), Ph.D. (Epidemiology), and  Dr. DK Mangal, Dean, Research, IIHMR University, MD (Preventive and Social Medicine), Fellow, Indian Public Health Association.

We must do everything to support health workers who, despite their own well-founded fears, are stepping directly into COVID-19’s path to aid the afflicted and help halt the virus’s spread. The heroism, dedication and selflessness of medical staff allow the rest of us a degree of reassurance that we will overcome this virus.

50 American Delegates attended the International Conclave on Ethical Leadership at IIHMR University

IIHMR: Premier Institution in Hospital and Health

Date: February 1, 2020

As many as 50 American delegates apart from others participated in the International Conclave on Ethical Leadership and Values organized by IIHMR University on 29 January 2020. The Master Trainer & Chief Guest of Honor of the conclave was Gurudev Shri Amritji, Founder & Spiritual Director, Amrit Yoga Institute, Florida. Apart from him, the other dignitaries included Shri. Kamini Devi (Ph.D.), Executive Director, Amrit Yoga Institute, Florida; Prof. (Dr.) Sanjeev P. Sahni, Principal Director, OP Jindal Global University; Dr. Bhimaraya Metri, Director, IIM Tiruchirappalli; and Dr. Pankaj Gupta, President, IIHMR University. During the Conclave, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between IIHMR University and Amrit Yoga Institute, Florida, USA. The MoU will enhance its “Wellness & Health” educational programs for the benefit of both the institutions, which will include joint training and exchange programs, among others.

Gurudev Shri Amritji led an energizing session for the students and delegates on ‘Happiness and Bliss’, and Love & Relationships. Amritji also touched on yoga as a modification of the mind and its essence as a spiritual discipline. He said that “spirituality is important to bring a balance, both inside and outside. Yoga doesn't begin with physical exercise but begins with meditation. The ultimate integration of oneness is Yoga which is a spiritual discipline. Spirituality treats the causes while science has given the means to treat, and does not address the causes.

Dr. Pankaj Gupta, President, IIHMR University, spoke on ‘Swabhav to Swadharma’ in which he underlined the objectives of life. He said that "the source of happiness is within us and we need to find your happiness. We must learn to give and not demand. Nobody can complete you, but we are complete on our own. He defined unconditional love as natural and self-sufficient."

Shri. Kamini Devi (Ph.D.), Executive Director, Amrit Yoga Institute, Florida, took a workshop on Stress Management’ for the students. She said that “When tension and relaxation are out of balance, it creates illness. Our body is designed to bear the stress for 60-90 seconds but the tension we create in our mind stays with us for a longer period. Things are not creating stress but resistance to things causes stress. We should bring ourselves back from resistance to acceptance. To control stress, we practice mindfulness or meditation.” 

Prof. (Dr.) Sanjeev P. Sahni, Principal Director, OP Jindal Global University, led a stimulating session and said that "99% of what we learn in our childhood comes from our parents. Our beliefs, judgment, opinions, and morality together form our attitude. Our success or failure depends on the attitude we have. Touching on the Conclave’s theme, he underlined that ethical leadership is defined by our treatment of others."Dr. Bhimaraya Metri, who was a part of the event, emphasized the importance of unlearning, upskilling and reskilling to keep up with the changing industry environment. He also underlined how future leadership will transition to contextual leadership. 

Post the sessions, Rajasthani Folk Dance was presented by Babu Khan and Group, who performed ‘Padharo Mahare Des’, Bhawai, Chari, and Kalbeliya dance performance amongst the guests. The program concluded with a gala dinner.

IIHMR University launches 6th Certificate Program in Rural Livelihood

IIHMR University

Date: December 17, 2019

IIHMR University has launched ‘The 6th Certificate Program in Rural Livelihood’ (CPRL). Almost 30 students from the tribal populations have enrolled in the program. The CPRL program is one of the unique landmark initiatives towards capacity building of Tribal Rural Professionals, that’s delivered on a joint collaborative approach of the Bharat Rural Livelihoods Foundation (BRLF) & School of Development Studies (SDS) at IIHMR University.

This joint initiative seeks to combine appropriate knowledge and skills for existing and aspiring rural professionals who would potentially engage at sub-district levels in the rural development sector, through Government Institutions, Elected Representatives of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs), NGOs, Independent Initiatives, etc. The candidates who are members of ST, DNT, NT communities will be trained by 16 knowledge partners and will be provided with a mandate to support intervention projects, with an emphasis on field-based learning pedagogy. This shall provide an opportunity to undergo a sharply defined, practice-enriched teaching-learning experience. The initiative will cover different domains of rural livelihoods in the sector across the Central Indian tribal belt. 

As part of this capacity building initiative, the “Learning Modules” focus on a gamut of skills at IIHMR University including Soft Skills/ Life Skills (QUEST Alliance);  Functional IT skills (DEF); Functional English Language Skills (QUEST Alliance); Tribal Histories, Indigenous Knowledge System; Culture and Socio-political Identities (Bhasha Research) and various core “Thematic Modules” at individual field sites, and much more.

Biennial Meet of SEAPHEIN concludes in Jaipur


Date: November 15, 2019

The 3-day annual session of ‘South East Asia Public Health Education Institutions Network’ (SEAPEIN) concluded in Jaipur. This session was hosted by IIHMR University from November 13 – 15, 2019. The 9th Annual Meeting saw the presence of more than 50 public health experts from 8 member countries of WHO-SERO including India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Indonesia.

On the concluding day of the convention, about 12 MoUs on Public Health Education was signed between educational institutions of 8 member countries of WHO-SERO. The objective of these MoUs was to include student and faculty exchange program including training programs among institutions. Dr. S. D. Gupta, President, and Chairman, IIHMR University, Jaipur, was awarded the ‘Lifetime Award’ for his significant contribution to the public health sector.

The session covered several issues related to public health education, among which Dr. Anna Kalbusraki, Assistant Director, John Hopkins Center for Global Health, JHU, USA, spoke about Implementation Science. She shared her reflection “Most of us are already making use of Implementation Science without sharing the clear language”. She explained basic concepts of the science using the ‘Who’, ‘What’ and ‘How’ of UHC are relatable with that of implementation sciences, and about the different dimensions of outcome measures.

Dr. Piyusha Majumdar, Associate Prof., IIHMR U shared her experiences of ‘Synthesis and Translation of Research and Innovation in Polio Eradication (STRIPE)’ an ongoing Implementation Science Project at IIHMR, Jaipur. She explained the methodology and challenges faced during the project and set an example in front of the SEAPHEIN group members.

Dr. Jai Prakash Narain, Global Health International Advisor Former Director, Communicable Diseases WHO,  Regional Office for Southeast Asia (SEARO), New Delhi, stated various facts and figures on this Unfished agenda of Millennium Development Goals. He said, “It’s no longer a disease of poor people or poor countries”. He emphasized the fact that globally due to NCDs 100 million and in India, about 60 million people pushed close to or below the poverty line.

IIHMR University Jaipur known for its sole focus on health systems management and also its recognition for contributions in healthcare and related sectors brings together about 7 WHO-SEARO member countries through this International Conference on “Leveraging SEAPHEIN to Promote Universal Health Coverage and Achieving Sustainable Development Goals by 2030”.

IIHMR University organizes Alumni Meet at Delhi

IIHMR University Alumni Meet

Date: November 11, 2019

IIHMR University hosted its alumni meet at Indian Habitat Centre, New Delhi recently. As many as 100 alumni witnessed the meet. On the occasion, a poster on ‘Centre for Excellence & Block Chain Technology’ was also launched by the dignitaries including Ms. Shikha Mehra, Founder & CEO, Mainchain Research and Consulting, Dr. Pankaj Gupta, President, IIHMR U, and Dr. S.D Gupta, Chairman, IIHMR U. 

The meet was organized with the objective of reconnecting with the former students and reigniting memories while sharing institutional developments in the process and acknowledging their contribution to their field of work. Nostalgia filled the room as the students reconnected with their peers, and interacted in person, especially at the age of social media where personal touch has taken a backseat against the digital world.

Dr. S D Gupta, Chairman, IIHMR University, said "I recall the days we started this path-breaking program in India. I did not know at that time what I know now. And now that I see the products, I feel overwhelmed with nostalgia. From the founding class to the 21st Batch, it is unbelievable how far we have come." He further urged the alumni that whatever they have gained in terms of knowledge, it is the right time to consider giving and sharing it.  

Dr. Pankaj Gupta, President IIHMR said “This is your institute and we are very proud of each one of you. This year itself we had 60 alumni come to the university to interact with our current students across various industry interfaces and topics. We tried to have chapter meets, homecomings, etc. An Institute is only as great as great are its alumni. We are trying to bring your university as close to you as we can- and we promise, we will be there for you, throughout your journey. Your success is our success- in every sense of the word."

Another objective of the meet was to notify the students that IIHMR University will soon launch the ‘Centre for Excellence & Block Chain Technology’ along with Mainchain Research and Consulting.

IIHMR University organizes its 35th Foundation Day

Date: October 4, 2019

IIHMR University is set to celebrate its 35th Foundation day on October 5, 2019. Apart from the much-awaited cultural program and alumni meet, the University will utilize the prestigious occasion to desensitize and wake young minds up to the perils of Diabetes. India is in a precarious situation as the rise of Non-communicable diseases such as diabetes are pushing the nation’s complete health goals far behind.

A talk on ‘Demystifying Diabetes- From Debility to Cure’ will be held at the campus with eminent panellist such as Dr. Sudhir Bhandari, Senior professor of Medicine, Principal & controller at SMS, Medical College & Hospital, Jaipur, India, Dr. Sailesh Lodha, Senior Consultant and In-charge, Department of Diabetes and Endocrine Sciences, Eternal hospital, (A Mount Sinai Hospital affiliate), Mr. Peeyush Jain, Co-Founder at TrueCover, and Prof. Sanjeev Sharma, Director, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur will discuss extensively on the pitfalls that diabetes is creating for Indian healthcare.

This is not the first time for IIHMR to set an inspiring figure for all educational bodies to follow, as it is an extension of its tryst in improving the nation’s health scenario to be in par with its global counterparts. An interesting address by Dr. Pankaj Gupta (President, IIHMR-U), PhD, CMA, Fulbright Fellow, PCL (Harvard) will pep up the audience while the esteemed Chief Guest Mr. Bhupesh Daheria, CEO, Aegis School of Data Science I Founder - mUni, Big Data Factory, Data Science Congress, Bell Award, Edutech Congress, will throw light on how data science is transforming healthcare.

The cultural program promises to be a feast to watch! The students from all three schools, across streams, will come together to perform in this annual cultural event. The event will culminate in a grand party that everyone on campus looks forward to all year round.