Dr. Manoj Maurya is the Head of Education Department at Bharti College. He started his professional career in 1999 and has 15 years of teaching experience. His areas of interest are educational research, education technology and environmental studies. He has done an M.A. in Sociology and Hindi, M.Ed., P.G.D.C.A. (AISECT), B.Ed., M.A. in History and B.A. as part of his educational qualifications. He has published various research papers in numerous reputed National and International Journals and has also attended multiple conferences and workshops.

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What are your roles and responsibilities?

“To proffer best growth opportunities to students and teachers”

Being the department head, I have to ensure that my staff is provided with appropriate opportunities to fulfill their academic potential and while teaching our students. I also have to look after the overall development and growth of our students, and for this, I coordinate with internal and external teams to arrange various kinds of learning activities for our students.

What keeps you connected with the education sector?

“Constructive learning and growth which comes with this field”

My positive experiences with the education and teaching field always keep me motivated. Teaching and guiding students and youths is actually a two-way process because it not only help you to spread your knowledge among young minds but also makes you learn new thing about this ever-growing world. And I am and will always be grateful for this profession, as educating students to help me to contribute towards society and ultimately in nation-building.

What extracurricular activities are organized in college to enhance the skills of the students?

“All types of activities from volunteering programs to fun tasks are conducted”

As we all know that extracurricular activities provide a channel for reinforcing the lessons learned in the classroom, offering students the opportunity to apply academic skills in a real-world context, and are thus considered part of a well-rounded education. Therefore, we conduct various kinds of learning and fun activities with the support of our college communities, which include clubs, college bulletin, newspapers, music groups, student councils, debate teams, theater, volunteering programs, sports and youth groups.

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How does your college prepare students for this competitive world?

“By inculcating right values and education at right time”

As educators, we constantly strive to prepare our students for the real world that exists around them. We teach them how to read, write, and calculate. Then, of course, there are the less tangible skills we teach; such as how to work in a team, think critically, and be curious about the things they encounter each day.

How do you bring in a practical and industry-oriented approach towards subjects?

“I do use the method of co-curricular subjects studies”

To enforce a practical and industry-oriented approach in our teaching, I use the concept of co-curricular subjects where students learn about crucial concepts of personality development, career guidance, health and physical education, information and communication technology and NCC. This kind of methodology helps me to prepare my students for future challenges they might face in the corporate world.

What are the approaches you bring in apart from curriculum to teach students?

“I adjust my teaching technique and communication techniques as required”

I use a few specific interventions such as maintaining a healthy and cordial relationship with my students, preparing them and simultaneously adjusting my way of inculcating best education and values in them, managing sensory stimulation, changing communication strategies, providing prompts and cues, using a teacher, review, and reteach process and developing social skills to teach them apart from curriculum.

What would you like people to know about your institute?

“We do have the best infrastructure, faculties and education quality”

I would like to tell you that our college is equipped with all the facilities and growing opportunities for students. Classes are less with modern technologies and we offer the best education in our whole area. We also put emphasis on the happiness of our students by maintaining a positive and engaging environment.

What do you see as the greatest strengths of Bharti College?

“Everyone who is associated with us makes us strong”

Our college does have a well-trained, research-oriented, experienced, dedicated and energetic teaching faculty, supportive non-teaching and laboratory staff, excellent and well-maintained infrastructure, good teaching and learning environment supported by the prolific library, smart classrooms and well-equipped laboratories. All these make us strong and resilient.

What are some of the biggest challenges you see for higher education in general?

“This digital era is impacting traditional education a lot”

In a future of unprecedented society, education is crucial to managing the challenges ahead. With more automated, digitized and fluid job markets, today’s higher education systems are quickly becoming incompatible with the future we are looking towards. Education models need to reflect the demand for lifelong learning to cope with the technological and social changes brought by the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Skills and not degrees may be the reality of the future. 

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Any suggestions which you would like to give to the current youth and aspiring students?

“Choose your own path to follow your passion”

Since the future belongs to our younger generations, hence I would suggest them to think before they act. Develop strong networking with some bright minds. Also do not be a blind follower but make your own path of struggles and success. Lastly, be emotionally and ethically strong.