Dr Deepshikha Kalra is a Professor and Dean at Management Education and Research Institute (MERI). She has more than 19 years of experience in academics. Before her professional stint, she completed her MBA in Marketing and Finance. She has also done a Ph.D. in Marketing. She has presented and published research papers in National and International journals and conferences. She specializes in providing consultancy in customer satisfaction and retention and is extremely keen on doing research work. 

Management Education and Research Institute

What are your roles and responsibilities towards the students?

“Empower each student who joins our institution in every sector”

As faculty, we are responsible for the holistic development of the students. We engage our students in active hands-on and creative learning. It is responsible for promoting their intrinsic motivation to learn analytical and critical thinking. 

What are the best practices offered by the department to the students?

“Case-based study, hands-on workshops and dynamic topics as part of the curriculum”

Department of management follows several good practices necessary for developing skills. These include:

  • Value-added courses like digital marketing, data analytics, corporate etiquettes etc. are introduced depending on industry demand. 
  • Students are required to attempt simulations and case studies from Harvard Business School
  • Organizing seminars, conferences, guest lectures and industrial visits are a regular feature of the department
  • Workshops on personality development and Interpersonal skills are organized.
  • All subject assignments are based on current industry trends.
  •  Weekly 3 hrs of ACUBIZ classes are conducted to develop the business acumen of students.

How does your department prepare students for Higher education?

“Special classes are conducted along with a focus on research articles and journals”

We conduct classes for preparation of various entrance exams beyond that daily 15 minutes are dedicated to newspaper quiz and academic presentations. Compulsory slot of library is imbibed in the timetable of all classes. Every student is required to present a book review and study articles from various journals.

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How do you help your student’s thrive in the current competitive environment?

“Working on students EQ and SQ are necessary ingredients to excel”

An attitude of collaborative learning, teamwork and healthy competition is developed among the students through various academic and non-academic events. We try to develop a growth mindset and work on their emotional and social intelligence. 

Do you have any extracurricular activities to enhance the skills of the students?

“The College has several student clubs and associations to become a part of”

The college has different student-centred clubs namely CSR club (Aaghaz), E-cell (Tarkash), Literary Club (WOW), Fashion Club (La Finura), Photography club (Precious Pixels), etc. These are managed by students only and weekly activities are conducted to enhance the skills of the students. Other special programs include conferences, seminars, Guest Lectures, Alumni Talk Series, ‘La kermesse’ the annual fest, and other cultural activities.

What do you see as the College’s greatest strengths?

“The technique of teaching and pedagogy lead towards industry actual requirements”

The biggest strengths of the college are its open learning environment and excellent placement record from the past 20 years. Additionally, we also have started International Exchange to give global exposure to students.

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What valuable advice would you like to the students for a prosperous career ahead?

“Enable yourself with innovative out of the box thinking to stand apart from the crowd” 

I would say just be yourself and do not try to copy others. Create your own path, be clear about your goals and then work with passion to achieve them. In today’s volatile market there is no substitute for hard work and knowledge.