Dr. Manvinder Singh Pahwa has been working as the Professor and Dean of Kaziranga University, Jorhat, Assam.

Kaziranga University

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

"Satisfaction and happiness associated with this field have helped me to stay connected"

I started my career as an Assistant Company Secretary, soon after my graduation and was also involved in corporate consultancy along with teaching in higher education for a sufficiently long time. But after some time, I realized that teaching makes me feel more satisfied and tranquil, as it gives us limitless opportunities to transform others life in a good way. Fortunate are those, whom God gives a chance to choose the passion as their profession and I am lucky and proud to be one of them.

Being a Dean of The Kaziranga University, what is your philosophy of leadership? 

"True leadership is all about aligning right people for work and helping them to grow simultaneously"

I firmly believe that leadership is all about understanding your superiors, subordinates and students and aligning their goals with the goals of the organization we are working for or learning with. One need not be a superior to be a leader. And there has to be an acceptability of one’s personality among all the colleagues (including superiors and subordinates), and this can happen only if there is fairness, transparency and decentralized approach in action and decisions. Hence, I also follow the same approach while working with my colleagues and management.

How do you strategize the key programs for the marketing and administration of your institute?

"By involving every stakeholder in the decision making process and connecting with others through social media"

For the purpose of enhancing our presence among our future students, we follow a decentralized approach, which involve fairness, transparency and people involvement at all the phases of decision making. And we regularly communicate with outside world using our social media handles and college website where we keep posting about our achievements and activities.

In your experience, what benefits can students gain from studying here in your college?

"We offer incentives to students for their internships and projects"

Our School of Business which comes under the umbrella of Assam Kaziranga University has designed its programme in such a way that the students not only learn but also can earn credits for their field work, projects, internships, soft skills and co-curricular activities which regularly takes place in our institute. 

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How does the curriculum of your University ensure the best practices of industry?

"It is prepared after taking inputs from people who are already part of esteemed organizations"

The curriculum of the School of Business which comes under the Assam Kaziranga University, is based on the philosophy of experimential learning. And we take inputs from industry experts, eminent academicians, current students, alumni in order to inculcate development and demands of the outside corporate world into curriculum which is revised after every 6 months to implement necessary changes. And to educate students beyond books, we offer them online/ offline certification courses which are the need of the time and help them in designing a better career for themselves.

How is your institution more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?

"We cherish their diversity by celebrating every festival and offering scholarships to them"

The Assam Kaziranga University believes in creating a dynamic, multi-cultural and multi-ethnic environment for overall development of not only Indian students but overseas students as well. Hence, we celebrate almost all the festivals with full zeal and enthusiasm and gives a strong message of Unity in Diversity. The academic ceremonies, conferences, workshops etc. are concluded with a cultural program which provides the students an opportunity to showcase and share their culture, ethnicity, religion and beliefs. We have also signed MoUs with various reputed Universities of India and abroad. And scholarships are also offered by us to EWS, SC / ST students which encourage them to join the University. Further, through our student exchange program, immersion programme etc. the agenda of development with diversity is well taken care of.

What are your roles and responsibilities for the institution and students?

"It is to make them capable and confident enough to create a good future for themselves"

Being the Professor and Dean of the Kaziranga University, my prime responsibility is to nurture our students with good care, guidance, make them capable of securing a good job in a reputed company and help them pursue career of thier own choice by providing them best learning opportunities. Apart from this, inculcating best ethical values in them so that they can contribute in society and nation growth in the best possible way is also one of my responsibilities. Lastly, making them capable to take their decisions, initiatives and help others in need is also my accountabiity.

What do you think should be the institute's top priority over the next 10 years?

"Inculcating best ethical values and technical skills in students should be our primary focus"

In my opinion the top priority of our institute in upcoming years should be on disseminating the great technical and ethical education in line with changing technologies and societal values. Our students because of this internet era have forgotten their culture and values, so we need to replenish it in them with the support of our highly qualified faculty members. In addition to this, we should update our admission process and must inculcate the personal, societal, emotional and professional profile of the student for better understanding. 

When you joined Kaziranga University, what was your vision for it and how far have you come in implementing them?

"My objective was and still is to make the institute best in India and abroad"

I joined Assam Kaziranga University as Dean, School of Business in March 2022 with an aim of making it the best business school of North-East India and along with time, I am putting all my hardwork and dedication to make it best not only in North-East India but also in the entire country.

What would you like people to know about your institute?

"We offer practical and employment oriented education along with best fun activities"

Our Kaziranga University believes and professes the approach of learning by doing. At KU-School of Business, we conduct a wide range of innovative and fun activities to help our students transform their thought process and make them behave like a true business person owning a company or enterprise of their own. In addition to this, we provide complete freedom to our students to experiment with their ideas. 

What do you see as the greatest strengths of Kaziranga University?

"The kind of transprent and trustworthy environment University has maintained is its biggest strength"

The main pillars of strengths for Kaziranga University is the openness and transparency University has maintained in college premises, its thought process and communication strategies. Because this kind of environment is simply the best for our faculty and staff to work and for our students to study. 

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What are the biggest challenges you see for higher education in general and for Kaziranga University?

"Challenges are many even at regional, cultural and economic level"

The biggest challenge in my opinion as far as Indian Higher Education is concerned is its disparities. Because even after 75 years of our independence, the field of higher education is facing inequalities throughout the country at regional, cultural and economic levels and this in return is hindering the growth of our youths and students in the country. Fortunately, congruence and consistency are amongst the strengths of The Assam Kaziranga University, due to which we are able to deliver best to our students.

Any suggestions which you would like to give to the current youth and aspiring students?

"Don't stay in your comfort zone always, keep learning and keep experimenting with your ideas"

I would like to tell my students and youths of our society to come out of their comfort zone, recognise their strengths and strive for excellence because they are the upcoming generation of our nation. Also work on your weaknesses and try your best to convert them into your strengths. Keep learning and make a career in the field which you consider as your passion. Deserve before you desire and then strive for it.