One of the well-known personalities of Chhattisgarh State, Mr. Ajay Tiwari is currently the Chairman at Mahant Laxminarayan Das College, Raipur. He imbibes an ocean of Management Skills and Knowledge and holds vast experience in the field of education from Basic School to Higher Education. He has also been a profound member of many of the Educational Societies, Colleges and Schools in the state.
What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?
“Global sharing of information and knowledge”
Information Literacy for all is the sole purpose of education. I am keenly involved in this sector as it offers several benefits personally and professionally like exchange and sharing of knowledge and ideas, exploration of talents and interaction with world-level enthusiasts. This helps make consecrated efforts towards higher learning and growth.
How do you strategize the key plans for the administration of your college?
“Governance, Leadership and Management”
The governance of the college epitomizes the vision and mission of the institution in toto. The institution has a humble, realistic and pragmatic vision of “Transforming lives and community through learning.” The institution believes in delegating responsibility not only to the faculty and staff members but in certain cases also to delegate responsibility to the students. The college Academic Council and IQAC devolve responsibility to the various committees and cells headed by Senior Faculty members to implement the decision of the college governing body in accordance with the vision and mission of the college. The strategic plans we have adopted serve as a guiding light to the institution, all set to effectively implementing operational activities strengthening inbuilt mechanisms to bring efficiency in actions. We make decisions that pave the way of the institution towards a path of sustainability and growth. The entire functioning of the college was carried out in a robust and transparent manner.
What can an inbound student gain from studying here in your college?
“Quality education, scholarships and differential learner set-up”
In accordance with directives issued by Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur and HED to all affiliated colleges, our institution has duly constituted IQAC - Internal Quality Assurance Cell. The institution also adopts holistic approval towards teaching and nonteaching staff for their empowerment through several welfare measures. More than 23% of students benefited from scholarships and free ships provided by the Government and by the institution last year. The college organizes more than 5 capability enhancement and development schemes which include Career counseling, Remedial coaching, Bridge courses, Yoga and meditation, and Personal Counseling. The institution has a transparent mechanism for timely redressal of student grievances including sexual harassment and ragging. C
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How does the curriculum of MLDC ensure the best practice of industry?
“Implementing on-time precursions and industrial visits”
The college has implemented the curriculum in a very effective and precise manner by following the academic calendar as prescribed by the university. The college prepares the academic calendar in accordance with the academic calendar of the university and also prepares timetables for the delivery of lectures within a stipulated time frame. The college also undertakes educational tours, excursions and visits to various industries in and around the city to enhance theoretical knowledge and impart practical experiences.
What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the students are?
“To make them learn and lead”
To provide value-based education at affordable cost in all programs run by the college and to pursue holistic development of the students through academic and extension activities are my responsibilities. Also, I take it as my duty to inculcate strong feelings for Gender Sensitivity, Social Obligation, National Value and Environmental concerns among the students. I instill among them a quality of leadership and service towards the neighboring community and society as well.
What would you like people to know about your college they may not know?
“Diverse attributes for best educational outcomes”
Excellence: Encouraging and promoting excellence through innovation and creativity, rigour and pragmatism.
Integrity: Being honest and ethical in all interactions, maintaining the highest ethical standards in teaching, research, public engagement and service.
Inclusiveness and Diversity: Embracing and acting on the responsibility to guarantee diversity and equity.
Responsiveness: Being receptive to individuals and communities.
Accountability: Accepting responsibility for the achievement of common goals and objectives.
Freedom and Discovery: Supporting the freedom to pursue knowledge that is based on individual and collective intelligence, curiosity, ingenuity and creativity.
Recognition: Acknowledging tangibly, all aspects of university enterprise including teaching and learning, research, scholarship, creative activity and public engagement.
Responsibility to Learners: Recognizing students as a first priority and providing the environment and support to ensure their academic and personal success.
Sustainability: Acting in a manner that is environmentally, economically and socially sustainable in administration, academic and research programs.
What do you see as Mahant Laxminarayan Das College's greatest strengths?
“An atmosphere promoting and advancing students for a better society”
We are one of the premier colleges of the city providing quality higher education to the underprivileged segment of society at an affordable cost. Encompassing a well-qualified and experienced team of peers and faculty members, we work passionately and selflessly towards the character building of the student. We emphasize significant areas of which first and foremost is Academic Excellence, Research and Development, Infrastructure which hold the key and is vital to the future of the college. The college believes in a healthy environment for students. The cross-cutting issues related to gender, environment and sustainability, human values and professional ethics are applied and followed by the college as well.
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What are some of the biggest challenges you see for higher education at MLDC?
“The needed exposure and preferential student benefits”
We need to work more on extension activities to strengthen our bond with the neighboring community, and regions. Also, right now providing computer literacy to every student who has become a part of the college is a concern for us. Also, collectively we must work to minimize the student dropout rate especially after the first and second year of graduation. To streamline the various committees and cells societies of the college so as to ensure the holistic development of students is still a challenge for us.
Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth?
“Believe in yourself and learn vividly”
Youngsters must develop a blend of knowledge and skills to attain a scientific temper. They must generate social consciousness and self-reliance that enables them to face the challenges of society. They must learn vast things to groom into dynamic and potential citizens.