Dr. Dipak D Patel is a Provost in the Dr. Subhash University, Junagadh. He did Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering on “Design and Fabrication of Solar Driven Thermodynamic Control Device for Fluid Flow in Distributed Solar Thermal Energy Systems”. He has worked in the industry for more than 6 years and possesses work experience for more than 15 years in academics. He is a life time member of Indian society of technical education and Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering. He has also worked as a coordinator of Student start up and Innovation policy promoted by Gujarat Knowledge Society.

Dr. Subhash University

What was your vision for Dr.Subhash University and how far along in implementing it?

“To provide quality education and opportunities for students on campus”

My vision is to give quality educational experiences and support services for students. It assists in successful and healthy competition or completion of students' careers. We provide opportunities to empower them. Pupils can meet challenges by actively participating in social activities. With a span of time, the progress reflected effectively in terms of overall development of stakeholders. 

What is your philosophy of leadership and describe your leadership style?

“Encourage and empower educators to have an innovator's mindset through my leadership style”

For me, leadership means providing transformation to focus on a sense of ownership and motivation. It will honor the knowledge and ability of teachers. My leadership style is to encourage and empower educators to have an innovator's mindset. I consider myself as a transformational leader and encourage staff, or students to produce successful results.

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“Non-discriminatory and quality education connects me with education sector”

Some of the factors connects me with education sector is comprehensive, unbiased, non-discriminatory and quality education. I always give the best education to students and make them aware of recent trends and technology. My passion for teaching is also forwarding me towards the education sector. 

What can an inbound student gain from studying here in your Dr.Subhash University?

“Prepare students for tough competitive exams and give several job opportunities from the campus”

We developed an education system based on pillars that support thorough theoretical knowledge. Our faculties prepare students for toughest competitive exams in the world. They get various opportunities other than mainstream options from the campus itself. 

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How do you tend to establish a healthy relationship and environment in your Dr. Subhash University?

“Gives a positive learning environment for the overall development of pupils”

Our campus gives a positive productive learning environment for students. They get educational, emotional and overall development. We provide extrinsic motivators, and healthy physical environments for pupils. These are pillars for developing powerful and faithful relationships.

What are the advantages students get after completing their study from Dr. Subhash University?

“Modern world class amenities, and a positive physical environment is available for pupils”

We offer an innovative and positive physical environment with all modern world class amenities. It helps students to strengthen the right attitude. They can strengthen educational, professional and emotional tendencies in context to the real world.

How’s the Life of the Students at Dr. Subhash University?

“Exciting opportunities, co-curricular and extra-curricular development are available for pupils”

Our campus offers students life tailored to their own tastes. This makes it easy to immerse oneself in exciting opportunities and experiences. We provide ample amounts of academic, curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular development for all. 

How your Dr. Subhash University is welcoming students of different races or economic backgrounds?

“Scholarships, awards and diverse cultural programs are provided to all students equally”

Understanding each student brings unique experiences. Diversity is exploration and incorporation of these differences leads to enrich learning. We give scholarships, awards and diverse cultural programs for students equally. 

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Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

“Never stop learning, explore new ideas and achieve your dream”

Choose your passionate area and never stop learning. Try to explore new ideas as per latest technology and achieve your dream. Follow your passion and attain a good job for a successful career.