Tanmay Varshney converted IIM Sirmaur MBA with a CAT score of 93 %ile. He graduated from IHM Mumbai with 80% marks. He joined IIM Sirmaur as a fresher. Tanmay interacted with the Collegedunia Team, and shared his IIM Sirmaur MBA Admission experience. 

Tanmay Varshney

Collegedunia Team: What was your CAT percentile? Did you avail reservation benefits for IIM Sirmaur MBA Admission?

Tanmay: My CAT 2021 percentile was 93%. I am a General category candidate, so did not avail reservation benefits. 

Check IIM Sirmaur Admission 

Collegedunia Team: Describe your Pre MBA Academic Performance for Collegedunia readers?

Tanmay: Yes, I had scored 87% in my 10 boards and had a good score in 12 board exams, i.e 80%. Also, I graduated from IHM Mumbai with a percentile of i.e. 80%.

Check IIM Sirmaur CAT Cutoff

Collegedunia Team: Describe the general setting of your personal Interview.

Tanmay: The Interview was held online and there was only one panel where 3 faculties were the panellists. Each Interview session lasted for 15-17 minutes. It was a quiet casual interview. My suggestions would be to be energetic and confident throughout the interview. 

Collegedunia Team: Mention at least 5 questions that were asked in IIM Sirmaur Interview and how you responded to each of them?

Tanmay: The series of questions that were asked during the Interview are:-

Ques 1. Tell us something about yourself.

Ans1. I was already prepared for this question, and answered with a basic introduction about myself including my education, hobbies, and interests

Ques 2. You mentioned that you were from a 2 Tier city, what is a 2 tier?

Ans 2. Unfortunately I couldn’t answer the question.

Ques 3. You mentioned Nir Eyal, who is he and what book have you read?

Ans 3. I talked about what I read on his website and mentioned the book. I also told them what all I learnt from the book. 

Ques 4. Why switch from hospitality to MBA?

Ans 4. I told them that I don't want to limit my opportunities based on the sector and explore more. 

Ques 5. Name 5 Unicorns? 

Ans 5. I was able to tell them at least 4 Unicorns.

Check IIM Sirmaur Interview

Collegedunia Team: Mention any three reasons why you chose this college over other colleges which you converted.

Tanmay: My reasons for not converting to other colleges are pretty simple:

The first being the brand value of the IIM tag. The second is, it's better ROI due to low fees. And the last reason being, that the college has a long term value. 

Check IIM Sirmaur Reviews on Collegedunia.com

Collegedunia Team: What was the reason for you not converting other colleges?

Tanmay: The major reason for not converting to other colleges is the less percentile in the CAT 2021 Examination.