Hyderabad, November 19, 2018: GITAM (Deemed to be University) Hyderabad has announced admissions process for the academic year 2019-20 in the programs of B.Tech., M.Tech., B.Pharm. and B.Arch. On this occasion, GITAM Hyderabad Pro Vice-Chancellor Prof. N.Siva Prasad has released the admission notification, in a press conference held at Hyderabad on November 17, 2018.

Applications are invited for the nine B.Tech (Aerospace, Civil, CSE, ECE, EEE, EIE, IT, Industrial & Mechanical Engineering); seven M.Tech (CAD & Manufacturing Engineering, Computer Science & Technology, Cyber Forensics & Information Security, Data Sciences, Electronics Design & Technology, Power Systems & Automation, and VLSI Design); B. Pharmacy and B. Architecture Programs.
How to apply?
Application form with instructions can be downloaded and can be submitted online at www.gitam.edu. Applications are available throughout India at selected branches of Union Bank of India, Indian Bank, and Karur Vysya Bank.
Fee concession of 100% is offered to top 10 rankers, 75% to 11-100 rankers and 50% to top 101-500 rankers of GAT-2019. The fee concession will also be provided to the rank holders in JEE Main, AP & TS EAMCET-2019 (JEE Main 100% to 1-250 rankers, 75% to 251-2500 and 50% to 2501-6000. AP & TS EAMCET 100% to 1-50, 75% to 51-500 and 50% to 501-2000 rankers) The fee concessions will be continued for the subsequent years, subject to scoring 8.5 & above CGPA every year. Merit Scholarships will be awarded to the top 2% of B.Tech. students in each department @ Rs.50,000/- per year subject to scoring 8.0 and above CGPA every year. Merit Scholarships will be provided to the candidates admitted to Aerospace Engineering, B.Pharmacy and M.Tech. students, and Teaching Assistantship to M.Tech. students is also available.
GAT-2019 Online Test
GITAM Admission Test (GAT) will be conducted for admission to UG and PG Programs in Technology, Pharmacy & Architecture disciplines. A candidate can choose a convenient test center, date and time as per his convenience. It is a 2-hour test and the students have to attempt 100 questions (Mathematics/Biology 40, Physics & Chemistry 30 each). All the questions will be in English medium and multiple choices. The positive answer carries 4 marks and the negative -1. The score will be known immediately after completing the test. Students can write the online admission test at GITAM Hyderabad Campus, Nagole, Secunderabad, Karimnagar, Khammam, Nizamabad & Warangal centers in Telangana State and also at 50 other centers across India.

Important Dates
The last date for receipt of filled-in-applications is March 30, 2019. Online Tests at different centers will be conducted from April 10 – 22, 2019. Test results which are released in the form of ranks will be announced on April 26, 2019.
Eligibility Criteria
The student should pass in the intermediate or 10+2 examination with a minimum of 60% aggregate marks (50% for B.Arch/B.Pharm.) in Mathematics/Biology, Physics & Chemistry and First Class from a recognized Central / State Board and Rank obtained in GAT-2019. Candidates seeking admission to B.Arch. the program should qualify in NATA/ JEE Main Paper 2.
Industry Ready
B. Tech programs offered by GITAM, Hyderabad are focused on creating industry ready professionals. Advanced teaching methodologies, innovative and updated curricula and the focus on 'on-the-job exposure' give students the edge to be readily deployable in their chosen field. Innovation in technology is the core of every emerging business. GITAM B.Tech students are able to push the boundaries of innovation and create newer possibilities through a synergy between knowledge in core sectors and technological application, thus becoming a valuable resource for the industries that absorb them.