20th September 2018, Hyderabad: Ms. HimaBindu Valiveti, Research Scholar, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering under the guidance of Dr. P. Trinatha Rao, Associate Professor, has been awarded Ph.D. from GITAM Deemed to be University, Hyderabad. She will be awarded the Ph.D. degree on the 22nd October at the IX Convocation to be held in GITAM Hyderabad Campus. Her Ph.D. thesis titled, “Energy Efficient Handover Mechanism for Device to Device Communication in a Framework Based on Software Defined Networking Principles”
She worked in the Cutting-edge Technology like Software Defined Networks and Device-to-Device Modeling which will be the technology going to be used in Fifth Generation (5G) Wireless, Mobile Networks, and the Internet of Things. She developed a Software Defined Networking (SDN) Technology which manages and manipulates the existing networks for enhancing the networking and interfacing abilities. The existing Long Term Evolution/ Evolved Packet Core (LTE/ EPC) network and the Unified Radio Access Network (RAN) are programmed with the help of open interfaces to achieve scalable, flexible and build an entire network that can be connected to the backhaul with the SDN controller as the intermediate system. Mobile broadband, telephony, media delivery, and many other new applications drive the requirements and capabilities of SDN, leading way to end-to-end communication between devices.
She has also developed a new Routing algorithm, Ambience Awake algorithm which can minimize the Congestion and manipulate the existing networks for enhancing the networking and interfacing abilities. The algorithm evaluates the forwarding nodes by using Greedy Unicasting and Multicasting techniques and further imposes the metric battery life of the nodes to consider the node in the routing path. The performance of the designed framework is compared to the current LTE/EPC and SoftNet framework. The applications of the proposed work are used in 5G wireless technology and for the Internet of Things (IoT).