Dr Kalyan Kumar Sen is presently working as the Principal at Gupta College Of Technology and Sciences, Asansol. Having 36 years of experience in industry and teaching, he has published around 80 research papers in several well-renowned, peer reviewed journals and has also penned several book chapters, has edited two internationally published books in pharmaceutical sciences and has co-authored one book in pharmacy. A life member of various professional bodies including APTI, ISTE and ISCA, Dr. Sen is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of PharmaSciTech, an international publication of Trinity Trust.

Gupta College Of Technology and Sciences

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“The value of constant learning and solving challenges”

With years of great experience in the education sector, I have started to understand the education system, its challenges and also the joy of learning and teaching. I realize that education is fundamental to the development and growth of mankind. As head of the institute, I am regularly facing new challenges, trying to understand the problem of the young generation and simultaneously I am finding new approaches for the solution of those challenges.

What is your philosophy of leadership?

“Strengthening individuals, delegating tasks”

Honestly, I do not consider myself as a leader, rather I consider myself as one of the team members, performing my duties and responsibilities. My way of doing my job is simple and straight. First, I try to understand the strengths of my individual team members and communicate with them individually or in groups to inspire them to take challenges. This helps them to learn the job as well as accept new things. I delegate tasks amongst the team members and regularly involve and motivate them by working hands-on myself.

How do you guide your students to survive in a highly competitive scenario?

“Inculcating value based learning approaches and latest development in the field”

Pharmaceutical industry is a knowledge based industry where everyday a new knowledge is generated. The pharmaceutical Industries are also growing very fast with inclusion of new knowledge and innovation. Now artificial intelligence, machine learning are used in drug discovery, formulation development, manufacturing, marketing and so on. So teachers have to be well acquainted with this knowledge and help the students to learn all these new developments in the profession. So we are always arranging workshops, seminars and guest lecturers for teachers and students for updating their knowledge. Besides this, myself and my team always discuss both formally and informally with the students to clear their doubts, and provide the information about the recent development in pharmacy. We also use a project based learning system to gain additional knowledge.

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What would you like people to know about your college they may not know?

“Extensive facilities, experienced faculty and equipped laboratories”

Our enthusiastic and well-esteemed faculty members in various disciplines are innovative in their teaching approaches and expose the students to cutting edge thinking and hands-on experiences in pharmaceutical research. We at GCTS have equipped ourselves with excellent infrastructure, innovative methods of teaching, modern scientific techniques and an interactive team of faculty members with vision and proficiency in their field to embark on this knowledge revolution. We provide maximum support in terms of modern laboratory equipment and library books to the students. We have 18 well equipped modernized laboratories with sophisticated instruments like Zetasizer, HPLC (isocratic and gradient), FTIR, UV, NIBP, Plethysmometer, lyophilizer, fluorescent spectrophotometer and many more. Moreover, our alumni are also frequently visiting and taking lectures for the benefit of the students.

How do you enhance the skills and expose students to real world challenges?

“Activities for all round development of students”

A holistic perspective of education for any student would only be with the development of his/her intellectual, emotional, social, physical, artistic, creative and spiritual potentials. So along with their regular studies, students are also involved in lots of co-curricular, cultural and sports activities. We have a strong NSS unit. That helps them to understand their social responsibilities. We have established Photography Club, Music Club, Institutional Innovation Club, Entrepreneurship Club and Sports Club. Students join these clubs and organize several programmes, seminars, competitions and exhibitions to nurture themselves holistically along with their studies.

What do you think your roles and responsibilities towards the students are?

“Creating healthy environments and assisting them to achieve their goals”

As a principal, I am accountable to certify that students are achieving, which has key implications for maintaining efficient working conditions in college. I am also accountable for establishing working conditions that help the success of students, realizing that teachers make the most difference in student achievement. In order for students to be successful in academics, they need a good learning atmosphere that meets their expectations by providing resources and support by teachers to assist them in improving instruction and increasing student’s achievements.

What do you see as your college’s greatest strengths?

“Knowledgeable faculty and quality placement cell”

Our college has a positive reputation in the external community and is well known to the country due our vast alumni force, their sincerity and dedication to the job. Well-experienced and young energetic faculty and staff help to fulfil the college mission, and proactive student support are our greatest strengths. We possess a healthy shared governance and high tech amenities to nourish students with quality education approaches. We have a very strong placement cell as well that grooms the students and arrange on-campus and off-campus interviews to prepare them for the marketplace. 

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What are the diverse approaches you bring in to train the students?

“Several sessions of practical learning and industry integration”

A professional education should focus on its practical utility and the needs of the society. Professional education system must also be enriched with continuous research and innovation. We provide excellent pharmaceutical education and research to improve the healthcare needs of our community and technological aspects of industries. We have introduced several approaches for continuous development of students via seminars, conferences, industrial tours, grooming classes and so on. Each semester students are assigned project works to enhance their thinking capability and problem solving skills. We conduct additional theory or practical classes apart from their university syllabus to equip them along with present requirements and current industry trends. We conduct short term courses on thrust areas by experienced teachers.