Ms.Nirmala Jyothi Gade is the Secretary in Nirmala College of Pharmacy, Guntur. She is a seasoned professional with passion for continuous learning to enhance her teaching. Ms. Nirmala Jyothi Gade has done B.Pharm in Nirmala College of Pharmacy, Guntur, M. Pharm in Nirmala college of Pharmacy and PhD from Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur. With a rich experience of more than 8+ years in academics, research, teaching, training & consultancy, she is actively involved in guiding and performing research on various facets of Technologies. Ms.Nirmala Jyothi Gade has more than 8 years of experience in teaching & administration. She was authorized by 4 textbooks and attended more than 10+ Seminars in her career.

Nirmala College of Pharmacy

You have held key positions at education institutes throughout your professional career. What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“Discovering new ideas, integral learning and creative thinking connects me with the education sector”

As Education is entering into the digital era, I make sense of collecting information and data.

Education is the extent to which I teach students to enjoy learning. I adopt integral learning and creative thinking. Extracting the values from aptitudes and applying to life to discover new ideas. I don’t just teach but live practically the life I have chosen as a woman of consecrated person and Educator.

Being the Correspondent of Nirmala Pharmacy College, what is your philosophy of leadership and describe your leadership style?

“Follow integrity, honesty and Decisiveness through my leadership style”

I adopted Servant leadership and transformational leadership by being one with them. It gives all the students and staff the independence to develop curricula and be creative. This consists of our core principles, perspectives, and values. I behave with integrity, honesty and Decisiveness.

Being the Correspondent of campus, how do you strategize about the key programs and plans for the marketing and administration?

“Develop research, innovation, set goals and monthly statements for campus administration”

We set the goals, aims and objectives of the College. Practice the vision and mission of the college and encourage to inculcate the research skills. Our campus conducts monthly meetings, auditing the monthly statements and documents. We determine the Annual Budget, current strategy in research and innovation. Our campus develops an implementation schedule and action plan of the staff & students of the college.

The education systems in India and other foreign countries are structured very differently. In your experience, what can an inbound student gain from studying in your campus?

“Gain experience rather than knowledge and allow creativity through students' works”

According to me, Indian education focuses more on theory and through the education system she/he gains knowledge about everything rather than practical solely but who are reading in western culture. They gain experience rather than knowledge. Our institute emphasizes both of these which also allow creativity in the education system. We constantly evolved adopting the relevance for the future special focus on Innovation and research oriented. Nirmala education system is rooted in respect for learning and definitely more structured for discipline.

How does the curriculum of Correspondent of Nirmala Pharmacy College ensure the best practice of industry?

“Update curriculum as per recent industrial developments”

We constantly update our curriculum according to needs and existing scenario of the developments in industry. We continuously take the feedback from stakeholders for the development of the institution and mainly on research. Also, take feedback from the experts on the changes in the institutional development which will be carefully reviewed by Management board members and approved by an expert panel of the society. In fact, ours is the best institute to bring virtual reality into computer education.

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Any insights into how your campus could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?

“Provide best classroom practices, continually interact and respect others' opinions on campus”

Our institute welcomes everyone irrespective of color, caste, creed and religion. We provide a few best classroom practices welcoming guest speakers with some input sessions, organizing seminars to be good citizens or role models, communication skills, programmes and respecting the opinions and behavior of others. We experience diversity and prepare students for the diversity they will encounter the rest of their lives. Diversity experiences help break the patterns of segregation which are characterized by inclusion of everyone. Thinking that everyone is unique and equal we continually interact and include every student and staff. Hence we can heighten the learning process.

What do you think your roles and responsibilities are to the campus and students?

“Set high standards of discipline, commitment and involvement in work are my primary duties”

I should ensure that the directions from the Society are conveyed to the principal, staff and the Head of the departments properly.To set high standards of discipline, commitment and involvement in work pattern. Exhibiting sacrificial attitude and setting a model for all the staff and students. We are initiating a long term model for the institution and working towards realizing this vision/mission in close association with higher authority. Exercising financial powers as are prescribed by Management and delegates them

What do you think should be the campus top priority over the next 10 years?

“Modern technology-based education, diversity and preparing young scholars are our top priority for next year”

Certainly the environment is uncertain. Diversity in the education system in the future is quite possible as there will be plenty of technology that will be used in the education field in the future. Modern technology-based education is showing the world new hope and in the next few years the education system will be completely changed. Our priority is to prepare young scientists, research scholars, innovative thinkers in the pharmaceutical industry and to make life savers/good citizens of the country.

When you first came to campus, what was your vision and how far along in implementing that vision?

“To assess the learning style of each individual and impart the value of human beings”

My vision was to form a student to assess the learning style of each individual in the class, to know and quest for his /her aims, goals and values of human beings. I am really trying to make the student to travel towards that by implementing the realistic and practical methods along with academic research and clinical methods

What would you like people to know about Nirmala Pharmacy College they may not know?

“Discipline, moral value and multiple teaching approaches are best on our campus”

The discipline, value, moral education, and research orientation studies are provided to the students. Our morning assembly gives a good start and blessings to our day. Meeting the expectations of Vision, mission and objective of the college. Our institution offers vocational education according to the Vision and mission of the Institute. We have a dedicated entrepreneurship student’s committee, various cells specially social media cells, and a program for entrepreneurial students. Our campus adopts multiple approaches to teach our students which are practicals, field visits, expert’s speech, presentations, project works and interactive class.

What do you see as the greatest strengths of campus?

“Teamwork, Coordination and communication are our greatest strengths”

Our common strengths include teamwork, Coordination and communication. Research oriented study, excellent laboratory facilities, experienced, energetic Principal and teaching Staff as well as trained non-teaching staff, Lab Technicians and active Supportive staff. Our academic strengths include Integrity, responsibility, commitment and creativity. Formation of different cells for problem solving and excellent administration, Women grievance cell, Student counseling cell etc, are in our campus. 100% result, job placement of the students in industries, good interaction and interrelationship with National industries. We collaborated with esteemed universities and industries by MOU.

What are some of the biggest challenges you see for higher education in general and campus?

“Promote corruption free society, inclusive education and transformational approach are the biggest challenges for the education sector”

Today schools, colleges and universities face an unparalleled range of challenges and Threats. The main objective of higher education is to cultivate new & inventive ideas, transformational approach and to endorse economic growth. As the Indian educational system is globally more relevant and competitive. We need to implement some methods, promote collaboration with international institutes and industries. Our campus promotes corruption free society, differences in diversity of humanity and inclusive education. As our college is striving to get connected with top International institutes and industries, national research laboratories and research centers for excellence and clinical research. The main Challenge of our institute faces is to promote critical thinking of every student, compete with other countries in discovering new methodology in research and the image of every student / individual. 

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and aspiring students?

“Think differently, aspire to learn and never get tired”

Be always in quest for something, think differently and ideologically. We learn to live a life, always aspire to inspire, learn and live. Never get tired of doing what is right and forgive to forget. 

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What are some plans that you’re currently (or will be) designing for campus affairs and students?

“To become an autonomous campus, develop innovation, and tie with international universities”

We develop the Innovation and incubation cell for clinical research. Our campus decided to tie up with international universities and industries in the research curriculum. To become autonomous college, we become one of the deemed university

How do you tend to establish a healthy relationship and environment on campus?

“Maintaining good relationships, valuing everyone and imparting a positive environment on campus”

We value everyone in the institute and take into consideration every opinion regarding the growth of the institute. Our campus maintains good relationships and a positive learning environment.