Rungta Group of Institutions

Dr. Jawahar Surisetti is the Director of Rungta Group of Institutions. He is a psychologist and educationist of international repute whose 1300+ speeches, seminars, and workshops have been heard by lakhs of people around the globe. He has received innumerable accolades for his pioneering works and thoughts on various issues of strategic interest to corporates and schools as well as higher education. He is also the brand ambassador of skill development for the State of Queensland with a Ph.D. (Psychology) from the University of Washington and an Honorary Ph.D. awarded for Think! Curriculum by the University of Columbia, New York. He has been associated with the UNO for the past 13 years & has conducted several education seminars in India to resolve various school, college, youth, and corporate related issues.

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“An innate passion to improve the world of education”

The passion of being in the field of education gives me a kick. And it is not just for schools, colleges, universities, or governments; my passion has taken me to all these institutions and I have loved the challenges in each of them.

What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

“A leader takes his people along with him & leads them to success”

I have believed in taking people along, developing trust in people, giving them growth opportunities, and empowering them to grow in their circle of influence. The idea is to make people grow so that they flourish.

How does the curriculum of Rungta Group of Institutions ensure the best practice of the industry?

“A well curated & researched curriculum by industry experts”

The industry connection of Rungta Group is strengthened by innovations like Shastrarth where there is a confluence of talents from various industries from different sectors. Inputs from these industries are one of the key factors of curriculum development which automatically results in industry-ready students.

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Any insights into how your institute practises inclusivity for students of different races or economic backgrounds?

“Scholarships & personal attention to every students diverse needs”

 We are the only group that is eligible to take students of foreign origin in the state and we welcome students from African and Asian countries with separate hostels and food for them and special teachers to make them comfortable from their language to English.For the economically weaker sections, we have scholarship schemes to accommodate their financial needs.

What has been your vision for the institute and how far along in implementing that vision are you?

“A landmark institute providing education for the growing minds”

From a small single ITI to a group of institutions educating more than 20000 students, we have come a long way. But we live by the policy of “miles to go before we sleep”, so though we have achieved milestones we keep furthering them to gain new heights.

What would you like people to know about your institute they may not know?

“We practise what we preach. To innovate & excel constantly”

Rungta Group is a young group but it has taken great strides because of the unflinching efforts of the leadership and an able, stable team to implement. To the world at large, we would like to tell you that if innovation is the hotbed of development, we are the best not just in teaching innovation but practicing it too. And the students love it.

What are some of the biggest challenges you see, both for higher education in general and for the Rungta Group of Institutions specifically?

“Transitioning towards a new era of education set by NEP 2020”

For higher education, the roadmap drawn by the NEP 2020 and the ambitious goals to achieve is challenging to implement. A sudden shift from the old system to the new would require a lot of adaptability on the pasty of institutions as well as the governments.From the Rungta Group point of view, we are a young adaptable, forward-looking group and have the will and intent to grow and are in a better state to implement and be a part of the new higher ed environment. Though it’s challenging, by the very nature of our working, we have a head start.

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Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

“The new age thought process of working towards the greater good”

This current lot of youth are different from our generation. We were very selfish and just thought about ourselves and our families. My suggestion to the youth is to be enterprising, think about the community at large, be adaptable to the fast-changing society and its needs, and don’t be bogged down by the limited career choices that your parents and counselors may choose for you.