Cresta School of Management, Science and Arts

Mr. Sambhav Shah is the CEO at Cresta School of Management, Science and Art, Mysore. He has spent a considerable amount of time understanding contemporary learning methods of education by interacting with dozens of renowned colleges, including the IIMs, Flame University and O.P Jindal University, in his mission to create a holistic & well-rounded educational atmosphere at CRESTA. His real-world experience as a director in numerous businesses has developed within him practical insight into the process of entrepreneurship. Additionally, Mr. Sambhav has represented Indian Joins on a global platform through the Jain International Trade Organization in the USA and exchanged ideas and values with JAINA (Jains of the USA). A devout believer in formal education, he graduated with a GFMB PG degree from S.P Jain in addition to attending and hosting numerous courses and workshops across the country.

Delivery of quality education is dependent on strong skill sets in business, communication, network and passion

I am a third generation entrepreneur of a family whose business range from automobile dealerships to wholesale distributions of various products, this gives me the business acumen that is required to make sure every student of Cresta becomes a change maker through enterprise. My education is another factor that keeps me on top of changes in education. I have completed my masters in family business from SP Jain school of Global management, i have travelled more than 20 world institutes in india and US understanding and connecting academicians from across the spectrum. 

It is the mindset which matters the most for an effective leadership

Leadership for me is only about contribution. The more I am able to enrich the lives of the students, faculty and parents of our students, the better I feel. Leadership requires skills, but more importantly it requires a mindset of giving, and that is exactly what we train everyone at cresta to start practising. 

We ensure to reach out to the right set of people who can get benefitted via our platform

Marketing of the institution at Cresta is defined as ‘ we should reach out to people who need us as our fundamental duty, and find with them a fit that can uplift or contribute to students' career’ We use mediums of print and online to boost our presence in the market. 

Check Cresta School of Management, Science and Arts Courses & Fees

The best learning happens with the holistic approach towards students

I have learnt from the best institutions in the world, and found that learning happens inside the classroom and outside the classroom. The Cresta model is that of 20 hour certifications, industrial visits, expert talks, inspirational trips and internships. 

I have personally not come across any institution that has come up with this formula and followed it thoroughly, at Cresta, a student’s life revolves around these activities, 

The curriculum is designed to prepare students for the industry 

The Cresta curriculum is made in a way that it makes sure that a student is empowered with choice, by trying various things like entrepreneurship, CA, CS, communications, Digital marketing and many more things, in the end of three years at cresta, a student has 100 ways to become a leader. 

There are multiple verticals where in students require intervention to help them prosper

I arrive at the campus every day at 9am with only one intention, to teach them something new through my faculty, or make them experience something new through my network. At times, I become the motivator for a dull student or a friend for a student who needs one, and at times the person who keeps pulling them back to the right path. In addition to that, administrative responsibilities are always there. 

The vision is to produce effective leaders of tomorrow who can contribute towards the development of the nation

The Vision of changing this world one student at a time is what keeps us on track. It has evolved in a way that Cresta no more feels like an institution; it feels like a movement. A movement to make our young minds capable of living a happy, free spirits, focused and non-fearing life, which will in turn make them contributors to their families, societies and the country. 

We make sure to hire faculty who are trained individuals with a background in the industrial segment 

Other than the fact that the institute has so many ivs, certificate courses etc, the institute only hires faculty who have experience in running a business or have worked in the industry for a minimum of 5 years. It is to ensure that they bridge the gap between the books and realities of business. 

Click here Cresta School of Management, Science and Arts Faculty

We are on a mission to produce job creators to empower and develop our country

India is in dire need of job creators, and the only way the economy is going to improve is by starting small businesses serving the community. The potential of running a bakery around your house is far higher than working for an MNC in another country.