Ms. Preeti Shimal is an Assistant Professor of DD College, Dehradun. He did M.Com and M.Ed. He gained the best teacher achievement certificate from the Ministry of HRD on the stellar performance of students in the SSC Examination. He held a position as PGT commerce in CBSE schools for 12 years. He has teaching experience of more than 5 years.

DD College

How does the curriculum of DD College ensure industrial practice?

“Attract industrialists to campus and implement programs based on industry”

My opinion is that making the course curriculum industry-oriented is a big challenge. The highly experienced industrialist has more knowledge than a pure academician. Academicians are following theory whereas Industrialists are to invent a product. Institutions are sending the students and staff to visit an Industry to gather knowledge. Campus develop the system to attract industrialists to visit colleges to gather knowledge. We would like to see university programs able to keep up with the needs of the industry. It is a challenge at the university level for faculty. Objectives of education in university differ from the industry. The concerns of the industry address the current need. I think that collaboration in curriculum development may be limited. It is always good to provide internship programs that allow students to be aware of current development in the industry. We can encourage students on more industrial internships, in commerce-related fields, computer science, agriculture. Moreover, we send students to related companies for industrial experience. The seminars, workshops, and faculty development programs are periodically conducted. Hence, a curriculum designed as an industry- oriented by the university provides a better platform for the students. 

How do you guide students to survive in a competitive scenario?

“Elevating students' skills and exploring them in the real world”

Students in the classroom need to study hard to settle in life. Each student develops hard work to attain good marks. Creating interest in the subject, engaging them to follow class seriously, asking them questions in between, conducting quizzes, class tests, and giving prizes improve competitive spirit in students. Encourage the students to learn, perform, and compete in their way. Most teachers are role models to students. Teachers can demonstrate to students education seriously. It helps improve their life in the future. A student needs to know goals, objectives, Strengths, Weaknesses, be resourceful and take actual actions to compete in the outside world. The student has to write the tests and attend viva-voce examinations. However, the competitive and intellectual spirits of students can be improved by interaction, individual interests and special abilities and focus attention on interests. I think rather than encouraging competition among students better encourages self-development. We should teach them how to collaborate and complement each other to be able to survive in this fast-paced era.

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Any suggestions do you like to give to aspiring students?

“Believe in yourself and choose the passionate area”

Our role is to motivate and direct students in the right direction. students should believe in themselves. Skills like communication, teamwork, critical thinking, and flexibility are vital for work and life. Do something You Are Passionate About. It takes great determination to keep on going when the odds are stacked against you. Remember that grades count. High grades can make all the difference in landing the ideal job or getting into the institution of your choice. Networking is crucial. Get to know a wide range of people like faculty, staff, and students. Honesty is the best policy. Take responsibility for yourself. To strive in today's rapidly changing world, young people need a blend of skills. 

What do you think is the top priority of DD College over the next 10 years?

“Raise scientific and technical knowledge among students through industrial projects”

The campus emphasizes disseminating knowledge among students through seminars, exhibitions, discussions, debates, and training in Industrial Projects. We welcome students of different religions, cultures, sections especially weaker sections with no bias. The top priority over the next 10 years is to enhance scientific and technical knowledge among students. It provides research activities, industrial projects, and top-class education to learners. We plan on investing in more research facilities and an adaptable brand strategy. We evaluate current programs and get regular reviews. Our goal is to continue to provide a high-quality education at a competitive price. 

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How do you strategize plans for the marketing and administration of DD college?

“Identify Goals, prioritize, assess need, required resources, and refine Ideas to build a strategy”

To prepare online and offline modes for the Marketing and Administration for the campus. Marketing plans are a success for an organization. College marketing plans outline why we are doing it. Validating vital decisions is crucial for gaining support for the plan. It ensures to move forward with positive progress. Moreover, It is essential to identify Goals, prioritize, assess needs, required resources, and refine Ideas to build a strategy. Hence, it helps to assess success.