Dr. Rakesh Kumaar Shah is the Vice-Chancellor of Himalayiya University Dehradun, Uttarakhand. In his profound career in the academic sector, he has published multiple books and has been rewarded with multifarious honors. He now aspires to guide the students in ways that they inculcate a habit of success in themselves.
How do you tend to establish a healthy relation and environment at your university?
“Being open to disagreements and constructive criticism”
This University believes in nurturing a conducive environment where teachers and students develop healthy and positive relationships for mutual well-being. Successful university/educational institution should have the ability to maximize the learning potential of all students. I endeavor to establish these two fundamentals through good communication between management, faculty, and students, discipline, showing mutual respect and support to each other, honesty and trust, confidence built up, motivation and guidance, and by developing and honestly implementing grievance redressal systems.
What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?
“Inclusive leadership ensures a positive outcome”
My philosophy is to create conditions where students can harness their full potential. We believe in providing an environment for the students to grow physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially. We believe that teachers are morally obligated to assist students in overall development. We aim to bring an open mind and a positive attitude to students and teachers. We are a student-centric university. We believe in the universal principles of human rights and liberties with responsibilities and discipline and reject discrimination in all forms and at every level.
How will the curriculum of your university ensure the best practice of industry?
“Encouraging the research culture and monitoring the progress regularly”
As far as possible, the curriculum designed for various courses offered by the university is as per the requirements of the concerned industry. University has spelled the objectives and goals of the course. The course so provided has adequate academic flexibility suiting to the need along with the feedback system. The courses offered are well integrated with the industry interface. Himalayiya University provides clear information to the students about the syllabus, fee structure, and probable placements at the time of admission.
Check Himalayiya University Courses & Fees
Any insights into how your university could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?
“Making them feel valued, giving equal opportunities irrespective of background”
As we have a firm policy of rejecting discrimination in all forms and at every level, all are welcome to be a part of this wonderful journey with us. We believe in providing equal opportunities to the children from all walks of life and firmly believe that all children not only have a right to education but also the entitlement to be socially included in their school and/or educational system. Social inclusion is very important because all children have a right to a good education
What was your vision for the university? Has it evolved, and how far along in implementing that vision are you?
“Changing our ways and keeping up with the evolving industry whenever required”
My vision is to create an ecosystem where research and academic excellence are inbuilt in day-to-day activities and to make the university one of the finest in India. This is my vision as well as the vision of the University. Himalayiya University is a new University but we have a clear-cut roadmap for the future. To engage competent faculty with professional skills and experience who can convey the knowledge to the students. To prepare the students with relevant knowledge, skills, competence, and creativity to face future challenges. To promote the University-Industry Interface for augmenting employment opportunities for the students and scholars. These are few among the many objectives set by the university.
What are some of the biggest challenges you see, both for higher education in general and for your university specifically?
“Need to have an umbrella law for the higher education system”
One of the biggest challenges is that there is no uniform policy or rule for higher education across India. There is a need to have an umbrella law governing all higher centers of education including universities. It is the utmost responsibility of the universities to provide quality education but it is very difficult to find appropriate teachers/faculties. In the private sector, poor and unorganized governance systems also pose a challenge for the smooth running of the institution. Most of the institution doesn’t have a multidisciplinary approach to education.
Click here Himalayiya University Faculty
Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?
“Being disciplined and competing with yourself”
My suggestions to the students would be to believe in yourself, don’t get disheartened by failures, and remember, “There is Always the Next Time”. Aim high and try to achieve that. Befriend good and successful people. Learn from your mistakes. Respect your parents and teachers. Organize yourself that will help you complete your tasks on time. Set your time for studies and sleep. Manage your study space. Ask relevant questions. Stay up to date and remember, “It is never too late to start”.