Dr. P Srinivas is working as a principal of Yalamarty Pharmacy College, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. He is having 25 years of work experience. He has done PHD in Pharmaceutical Chemistry from Visakhapatnam. His vision is to produce highly knowledgeable and skilled pharmacy professionals with ethics to impart quality education and training.

Yalamarty College of Pharmacy

What is your philosophy of leadership?

“I believe in teamwork and growth of everyone”

I feel a leader’s role is to inspire and motivate the team members in the right direction and support them at every point in time. Leader should appreciate the work done by each individual.

How do you strategize the key programs for marketing and administration of your college?

“We do host various events and use television channels to make people aware about us”

In order to do the marketing and promotion of our college, we do organize national-level programs Like seminars, inter-college tournaments, quiz competitions and further publicizing about the college on national television and other platforms. 

How does the curriculum of your college ensure the best practice of industry?

“We take a regular assessment of our students and track where we need to focus more to implement the curriculum efficiently”

To ensure the best practices and demands or industry into our curricula, we constantly conduct regular quizzes and exams and also keep on checking that our students are actively taking part in this. This way we are able to verify that the students are always efficient. Apart from this, we keep ourselves updated with the latest trends and happenings in the corporate world and provide our students with the best guidance and education to ensure they are well prepared for the competition in the outside world.

What are your roles and responsibilities for the students of your college?

“To provide students with best education, guidance and opportunities”

My role is to train the students, update them with knowledge, conduct seminars as well and also host guest lectures from other visiting faculties. I also looked to improve the infrastructure of the college and include digital classes to make sure that the students are well equipped with proper resources and opportunities.

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What issues this Covid pandemic has created for the students of your college?

“Students have become irregular and this in return affects their knowledge and focus”

Due to the pandemic, students are irregular, some are attending while some are not and moreover the pandemic has become an excuse for them. In response to this, we have conducted online classes and offline classes. Overall, my observation is that students who have attended the college offline are having a better grasp of the subject than those who have taken online classes.

What makes your college unique in comparison to others?

“We are best in terms of infrastructure, students, faculties and location”

Our college has been set up with good infrastructure and we also have a good set of highly qualified faculties. Moreover, the location of our college is situated in a hilly area surrounded by nature and greenery giving the students a peaceful atmosphere. Aside from all these, the consistent results and the success of our students have made this college known.

How digital media has played a key role in the promotion of your college?

“Digital media is providing us opportunities to reach more and more audiences”

With respect to the digital platforms we are constantly publicizing on television and news channels about our college's constant success and scores of the students and the improved infrastructure all around. This way we have made good use of digital media.

What do you see as your college’s greatest strength?

“Success of our students is the main pillar of strength for us”

The students of this college have appeared in national level examinations like GPAT and have secured great ranks. Ultimately, I would say that the results of the students of this college are our core strength.

How do you establish a healthy relationship and environment in your institution?

“We all work as a team and keep an open environment to communicate”

In our college, good things and values percolate from the top management to faculty, staff and students, like the sense of belongingness, total employee involvement, responsibility towards society and the environment, this all help us to have cordial relationships, respect for each other and to maintain harmony among all the stakeholder.

What are the goals of your institute for upcoming years?

“To provide interactive Dias to students for extracurricular activities”

We are conducting National level seminars and webinars for all our students to ensure that they have a larger scope of growth. Aside from these, co-curricular activities like district games, sports and other interactive platforms will be established to see an overall growth of the college. This is the plan that we have in mind for the institution for upcoming years.

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Any suggestions that you would like to give to the current youth and aspiring students?

“Make the best use of every opportunity that comes your way and be disciplined”

In my opinion, hard work and discipline are something that youth needs to remember always. In the current age, social media and electronic media have shadowed their responsibilities and distracted them heavily from the right path. Although it is needed, there has to be a limit. This is my message to the youth.