Mr Gopal Chetri is the Vice-Principal of Oriental College Kohima, Nagaland. He has completed his Bachelors and Masters in Commerce. He is an educationist with a passion for quality education providing services. He aims to establish this college as a centre of excellence and innovation.

Oriental College Kohima

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“Every educator is driven by the feelings of being able to contribute to society’s growth”

The students are the backbone of our society and ethically educating them is highly important. Nurturing their future to take on responsibilities is a challenging task. Hence, my association with the educational institution helps me groom the students to be leaders and to take the people of our society to greater heights.

What is your philosophy of leadership?

“A collaborative and democratic approach in academic operations”

 As Principal, my philosophy of leadership is to lead from the front and monitor everyone closely. My style of leadership is task-oriented and relationship-dependent. I run the institution in a democratic way that allows everyone to put forth their opinions and suggestions.

What can an inbound student gain from studying here in your institute?

“The institution explores ever-expanding frontiers of knowledge beyond the curriculum”

The Oriental College family is a class-related institution where teachers and students’ blend together and freely express their thoughts. At the same time, moral ethos and cultural values are given importance. Quality education and extra-curricular activities are given equal priority in the college.

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How does the curriculum of Oriental College ensure the best practice of industry?

“Through continuously updated syllabus, professional teaching pedagogy, research, and training” 

Skill development programs are an integral part of our curriculum. Also, there are add-on courses introduced by the college to enhance the entrepreneurial skills of the students. An Industry-Academia meet is held annually which brings a galaxy of academicians, Alumni and industry experts to go through the curriculum.

What do you think your responsibilities to the University and the students are?

“Empowering them to become the best citizen of the country is my foremost responsibility”

 As Principal of the College, my role and responsibilities towards are to work as a liaison officer following the general guidelines issued by the university. Also, guiding university in developing policies and infrastructure for connecting teaching with industry and marketplace. 

Click Oriental College Kohima Faculty

What do you think should be the University’s top priority over the next 10 years?

“Providing skill inducing education and building curriculum according to NEP”

University should review the curriculum and taking into consideration the National Education Policy. Other priorities include:

  • Curriculum development as per industry need
  • Research and Consultancy
  • Faculty development
  • Innovative teaching methodologies
  • Internships
  • Entrepreneurship Development
  • Skill development through skill centre by the implementation of Add-on programmes

What has been your vision for the growth of this university? 

Provide state-of-the-art facilities to the students and the best curriculum to its stakeholders”

When I joined this institution, I wished to see it emerge as a college of excellence. Over the past years, in my capacity as a member of the faculty, my work has always reflected my dedication to this vision. Today, I wish to see that the institution is positioned on the global map, through its exemplary performance in academics, research, and outreach programmes.