Suguna Inukonda has completed her MBA and EPBM from [IIM-C]. She has a vast experience of 10 years.

Fortune School of Business

What is the latest program that you are offering in your Institute/department in recent years?

We have been very innovative in choosing our programs, especially the specialisations. We focus on market trends, latest technologies and inventions particularly through the lens of the job market and our students' future. We are proud to announce our latest program as BCA with artificial intelligence and data science.

What are the factors that make this program the best for the students to opt for?

We follow market trends and latest innovations around the globe. This course (BCA with artificial intelligence and data science) is chosen wisely as our future is totally dependent upon artificial intelligence. To invent or innovate anything data science is the key that’s prevalent in each sector. Cryptocurrencies and its evolving trend is focussed around artificial intelligence and data science. This is just an example of one kind of sector and huge opportunities lying under.

What is your take on the New Education Policy?

New Education policy is based on 4 pillars of access, equity, quality and accountability. Being a 5+3+3+4 model, students have the opportunity to choose their field right after class 8. It has an approach towards holistic development of a child. The new age learning with respect to coding, mathematical thinking and innovative learning is on the plate for students at class 

There is an introduction to a foreign language which is making students cosmopolitan and future ready. Overall, it’s a perfect blend of conventional and traditional learning.

What are some valuable insights of the program that you are offering at your institute/dept. that align with the latest educational policy?

We are incorporating each and everything in our institute and our programs. As earlier said, our focus will always be technology and market driven programs with the aim of providing holistic development for our students.

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How does the program ensure that students are being prepared for the future post pandemic corporate culture?

Our teaching methodologies include hybrid structure with advanced level access to technology, LMS and ERP. Post pandemic corporate culture mainly relates to work from home opportunities, anytime anywhere meetings and having flexible work schedules. Our teaching structure makes our students tech savvy and appropriate for corporate culture.

What are your views on the future of education in the rapid trend of technological addition in every course curriculum?

The focus would slowly shift from theoretical approach of learning towards practical approach/in hands experience. There would be simulation labs or models to teach students. Technological advancement and curriculum inculcation would lead to western style of learning where students will be more driven towards creating rather than writing.

How do you tend to build an industry connection with a new role that is being offered by companies?

"Change is empirical and every change is for good whether the addition of new roles and creation of new hierarchies"

We try to match the industry pace with our curriculum and training, make our students future ready for new challenges and upcoming roles and liaise well with industry people and experts to sail through every notch of new developments. We participate in conferences, seminars, industrial events and fairs to promote our industry connections.

What were the challenges that you faced while inculcating the new program in your curriculum?

"I would not say it as a challenge but as an opportunity"

As we were building our program we tend to see rapid changes and add-ons in science and technology. It was an opportunity to capture the dynamics of the market and build a successful power packed program for our students. 

What are the key factors that are being considered while adding the new course?

As earlier said, our focus was on the latest technology, innovation, productivity, future and feasibility for our students/ teachers while adding a new course.

What are the new age student internships/projects that are being planned for students?

We are liaising with big industries and companies for student internships/projects. As simulation is the key for future internships, we are working towards it. We are trying to develop capstone projects, on field/on hands training/promoting freelancing opportunities for our students as a new age learning aids with respect to student internship/projects.