Dr. Atul Tekade is presently Serving “Umang Geetai College of Women’s Education”, Nagpur, affiliated to SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai, as Principal (In-charge) and Assistant Professor (Full Time approved), since 1st June 2018. He obtained his B.Ed. with first-class, B.Sc. in Petrochemical Science,M.com in International Business, M.Sc. in Organic Chemistry, MBA in Marketing and Human Resource and Awarded Ph.D. on the thesis, “An Analytical Study Of Marketing Of Pesticides And Its Effect On Agri Products in Nagpur District For The Period 2000-01 to 2005-06”, Under the guidance of Dr. K. S. Kadu (M.A., M.B.A., Ph.D.) Professor & Dean Academics, Central Institute of Business Management Research & Development, Nagpur. He is In-charge of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of NAAC: “Umang Geetai College of Women’s Education,” Nagpur, Criteria in-Charge I to VII (2016-17 onwards) and Controller and Superintendent of Examinations for SNDT, since July 2018. 

Umang Geetai College of Women's Education

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the Education sector?

“Constant learning and having to upskill for the current trends”

Teaching and research are my passions. Since finishing my PhD I have been associated with the education sector. As an educator, I don’t just teach students, I also have to keep upskilling and learning the current trends.

What is your philosophy of leadership?

“Teamwork is the most important part of Leadership”

Teamwork is the Most Important for any Institute to grow, the nature of working together, and a policy of learning together and growing together. I give chances to every individual to shine to give his or her best by providing mentoring.

What can an inbound student gain from studying here in your institute?

“Inbound Students would gain a good theoretical as well as Practical concept in our institute”

Indian education focuses more on theory rather than practical. The Indian education system does not allow creativity. Whereas in foreign countries; they focus more on practical-based learning. And they allow creativity in education. Hence we always focus on the Practical based Teaching-learning Process.

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How do you make the Course Curriculum industry-oriented?

“To bridge the gap between the practical and theoretical skills of students”

The purpose of Home Science is the creation of an environment and outlook to enable learner to live a richer and more purposeful life, become future-ready and develop 21st century life skills for work, livelihood, and careers. All the domains within the home science discipline provide ample scope for professional avenues of higher education and career opportunities. They range from professions catering to various health and service institutions/agencies, educational organizations, industry and business houses of textiles, garments, food industry, teaching-learning materials, ergonomically appropriate equipment and work situations.

Any insights into how your College could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?

“We believe in Unity in Diversity”

To use references and analogies to other cultures in three lessons and assignments to help students with diverse backgrounds personally connect. Another great strategy is bringing in diverse speakers for workshops/ seminars to add varying points of view and real-life context to different subjects. Industry personnel talk is also one of the best ways to contribute to the work of real life.

What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the Institute and the students are?

“To motivate and guide students and teachers regularly”

My role is to motivate the students as well as the staff members which includes both teaching and non-teaching staff members, As well as guiding them for the betterment of their future. For the institute, my role is to develop the institute educationally and provide the best education qualities to the students with best practices. Shaping a vision of academic success for all students- for establishing a college-wide vision of commitment to high standards and the success of all students.

What do you think should be the Institute’s top priority over the next 10 years?

“To develop and provide the best infrastructure for the students with the best opportunity at our college”

We have had huge growth as we look from past 3- 4 years, recently we have opened Girls Hostel for students and applied for M.Sc. Courses and in coming years we are developing AV Hall, so as we can see we have a lot of good opportunities for students here. so we can see ourselves in the top 5 Nutrition & Dietetics and Fashion and Apparel colleges in the coming 10 years. We just have a very strong Infrastructure. So basically, Infrastructure will be up to the mark in upcoming years.

What would you like people to know about your Institute they may not know?

“Our Institute is only in Nagpur district which provides a variety of management courses”

This is the only best Institute in Nagpur district and Maharashtra for i) Nutrition & Dietetics ii) Fashion & Apparel Design and Bachelor of management course perceiving students and we have the best faculties all over from Maharashtra with lots of experience. We have quality teaching, a 3-year course in B.Sc. for i) Nutrition & Dietetics and ii) Fashion & Apparel Design and Bachelor of Management and teaching is our strength. We provide skill-oriented and practical knowledge to the students and believe in Practical knowledge.

What do you see as Umang Geetai College of Women’s Education Nagpur's greatest strengths?

“Experienced Faculty and Staff members are the greatest strengths”

We are the only SNDT, Women’s University, Mumbai affiliated college in the Nagpur district and one of the only 3 colleges in Maharashtra for providing the courses in B.Sc. for i) Nutrition & Dietetics and ii) Fashion & Apparel Design and Bachelor of Management studies. We have Experienced Faculties from all over Maharashtra. We have Active Young Staff members. We have Visionary Management and a motivated team.

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Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

“Try to find the best path to achieve goals of your life”

I just want to suggest, keep your eyes and mind open in every field. And observe things happening around you, try to find the solution to it, think of it. Never underestimate anyone in life, just try to find the best path to achieve the goals of your life. And help people around you as much as you can.

How do you tend to establish a healthy relationship and environment at your institute?

“Providing Students with industrial-oriented activities”

I would establish a healthy relationship and environment in the following ways:

  • By Motivation Students and Teachers
  • By practical Training Activities
  • By creating an atmosphere of Education and Opportunities.
  • By providing support to students and Teachers