Rubika Narnaware is working as a Lecturer and Head of Department in Umang Geetai College of Women’s Education. She has done multiple internships and full time jobs in various hospitals. She knows English, Hindi and Marathi language. She is also skilled in MS-CIT.

Umang Geetai College of Women's Education

What keeps you connected with the education sector?

“Inspiration to help students learning and growing through education”

I have held key positions at educational institutes throughout our professional career because I love teaching students and helping them grow, and interest, goal setting and level of aspiration are the factors that keep me connected with the education sector.

What is your philosophy of leadership?

“I believe in converting problem into opportunities”

While working in Umang College I gained a lot of experience on how to deal with different types of situations and students. Here in the college, students usually don’t come to college on Saturday due to half day. I somehow convinced them to come to college on Saturday and they used to come every Saturday. From this experience, I can conclude that I have a leadership quality.

How can students benefit from studying in your institute?

“Believe in yourself and be more patient”

We ensure how to generate interest in study for students, how to do proper study, methods to claim your mind and how to be lively and focused while studying. 

How is your college more welcoming to students of different areas or economic backgrounds?

“We strive to provide best education to any students irrespective of their background”

We welcome students by organizing events like welcome party, PREX. Students are thought to present themselves as per requirement of the corporate world and they are motivated to participate in all management activities, games, event planning activity etc.

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What are your accountabilities towards the students?

“To provide the best education in best possible way”

Here, the answer can be so easy or either hard, because being a professor I can say that it’s easy to obey the commands of the Principal, director and management. But, when It comes to student end, it can be hard. So we can’t predict exactly what comes in our way while teaching.

What is your institute's top priority over the next 10 years?

“To develop college in business skills”

Our teaching institute should definitely go higher. Because we have taken so much effort and the rural girls have got the opportunity to change their world. I am so happy that ma'am has given such a wonderful course to students.

What’s unique about your institute?

“Our teaching style and innovative environment for students”

Well management, good staff, humbled and kindly nature Director who has ability to help the students. Yes, I would like to mention that we do advertising, seminars, content making, social media marketing, call to action marketing, door to door marketing etc.

What do you see as your college's greatest strength?

“Our professors and students are our greatest strength”

Higher productivity is the need of the hour in this competitive world. In this context we provide clearly-defined advantages by developing prospective global managers’ characteristics of leadership, positive mind-set, ability to lead cross-cultural teams as transformation agents along with highly result-oriented Managers and Technocrats.

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Any suggestions you would like to give for the aspiring students?

“Be more patient and give your best always”

Life is so nice, be loyal to yourself with work & aim. Do not waste time on unnecessary things. There are many deep cultural, social and spiritual values that will benefit all students; however, I recommend three simple and basic sets of values for youth and aspiring student life: education, freedom. If you place a high value on each of these and consider them in your decision it will affect the choices you make.