Prof. Priti Mankar is a professor at Umang Geetai College of Women's Education. She completed her I.T.I in Hair & Skin Care, Diploma in Dress Designing & Manufacturing, and B. Ed. Degree. She has experience of 5 years at Swa Kirantai Meghe College of Engineering & Technology Samudrapur Wardha.

Umang Geetai College of Women's Education

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“Interest and aspiration are the key factors that kept me connected to the education sector”

Yes, I have held key positions at educational institutes throughout my professional career. Attention, interest, goal setting, and level of aspiration are the factors that keep me connected with the education sector.

What can an Inbound student gain from studying here in your institute?

“Inbound Students would gain various scholarships and internships at our institute”

Compared to many of the world's finest institutions India's low cost of education is a bargain. Additionally, various scholarships, loans, and financial schemes are available to offset the cost. But it is not less expensive tuition fees which make studying in English a smart financial choice.

How do you make the Course Curriculum industry-oriented?

“To bridge the gap between the practical and theoretical skills of students”

Umang Geetai College of Women's education ensures the best practice of industry fashion designing is one of the most lucrative, appealing, glamorous, and existing career options in today's world. Our curriculum educates students about the various stages from fiber to formalize the fabric properties to enable better design skills. to aid the fabric choice as per design budget and the client to create awareness among the student the importance of management of resources both human and non-human resources.

Check Umang Geetai College of Women's Education Courses & Fees

How could your college be more welcoming to students of different areas or economic backgrounds?

“Encourage students to focus on outcome-based and project-based education”

Umang Geetai College of Women's education welcomes a student by the welcome program/event managed by the student's team. They have been organizing an event like a welcome party, PREX, students are thought to present themselves as per the requirement of the corporate world. students are motivated to participate in all management of games, event planning activity, etc.

What do you think your role and responsibilities to the institute and the student are?

“Providing students with demanding skills and becoming excellent in their field”

I think we encourage personal development via tutorial or pastoral work invigilation examination alleging staff meetings create lecture planning, preparation, and research. constant and teaching time with students checking and assessing students' work writing research proposals papers and other publications.

What would you like people to know about your institute they may not know?

“People should know that we provide students with the online development program”

Yes, I would like people to know about our institute they may not know, we prepare to advertise, make seminars, content making, social media marketing, call to action marketing, door to door marketing, etc. I think the Umang Geetai College of Women's Education is the institute's top priority.

Any suggestion you would like to give to the Cullens and the aspiring students?

“Believe in yourself and make good choices”

Many deep cultural, social, and spiritual values will benefit all students. However, I recommend two simple and basic sets of values for youth and aspiring student life: education, freedom. If you place a high value on each of these and consider them in your decision it will affect the choices you make.

Click Umang Geetai College of Women's Education Faculty

How do you tend to establish a healthy relationship and environment at your institute?

“Provide students and Teachers with interactive doubt clearing sessions”

For establishing good relations, get started early and build a positive relationship on the first day of school.Keep the communication clear, Speak their language, use humor, and teach our other strategies to get on their level. Trust Let our students make designs.