Mr. Kapil Bhatia is a person with demonstrable experience in developing strategic business plans and excellent leadership skills having superior empathy to build strong relationships for this institutional group. He is a strong education professional with effective crisis management skills, outstanding analytical and problem-solving abilities, and a strong understanding of the educational field and measures of performance along with huge experience in the industry as well. Mr. Kapil Bhatia controls and oversees all the activities of this institutional group and is equally responsible for the overall success of Puran Murti Campus in the past few years along with Dr. Vijay Pal, President, Puran Murti Campus.

Puran Murti Campus

You have held key positions at education institutes throughout your professional career. What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“People also need information literacy"

My Passion towards Information literacy – In my opinion, Education is entering the digital era, where being able to read and write is simply not enough. People also need information literacy, which is the capacity to make sense of information and data. Secondly, I think that a career in the educational sector enables us to make full use of our talent i.e. Application of Talents is justified here.

The education systems in India and other foreign countries are structured very differently. In your experience, what can an inbound student gain from studying here in your institute?

"Our mode of education focuses more on theory rather than practical solely"

As our institutional group is providing multiple courses and specializations to students hence student gets better exposure here as compared to others with limited courses. It will directly make an impact on the job opportunities for our students. Our mode of education focuses more on theory rather than practicality solely.

How does the curriculum of Puran Murti Campus ensure the best practice of industry?

"Autonomous and Deemed Universities have the flexibility to include Industry Electives as a part of their curriculum"

In today’s educational system, the participation of industries in curriculum design and delivery at institutions and universities is very much essential to prepare students for employment. This will bridge the gap between the industry and institutions and will enable the students to become industry ready. While designing the curriculum, the industries, and academic institutions carefully choose the components to be included. Autonomous and Deemed Universities have the flexibility to include Industry Electives as a part of their curriculum. Well-known and popular industries design their courses as per their needs and offer them as Electives to higher-semester students.

Any insights into how your university could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?

"The key ingredients in promoting cultural diversity and awareness is to make tolerance and inclusion a priority"

One of the key ingredients in promoting cultural diversity and awareness is to make tolerance and inclusion a priority. Establishing school-wide policies that outline student and faculty conduct is one way to make it clear that discriminatory and harassing behavior is not welcome. Another way teachers can honor cultural differences is by letting students from different cultures be experts. Teaching other students about traditions, explaining the history and geography of countries and regions, and sharing cultural experiences are some ways to let these students know they are valued and welcome.

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What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the University and the students are?

"Ensuring participation in ordinary and expert discussions concerning the institute management"

I have a remarkable duty regarding the administration of the school apart from occasionally taking up teaching at my convenience. The majority of the obligations have checks to the administrative and instructional roles, Ensuring participation in ordinary and expert discussions concerning the institute management, staff appraisals, student management, and yearly reports. Analyzing marketing tips to endorse the school brand is essential in acquiring desired student enrolments and standards. Bearing a vital responsibility to incorporate normal and special education programs and examinations, resolve staff issues, support maintenance of offices and institution properties, assist administration, and oversee the arrangement of transportation for students, to operate the institution according to nearby, state, and national regulations, and also work intimately with educational communities. 

What do you think should be the University’s top priority over the next 10 years?

"Marks are gradually losing their prominence and subject knowledge is becoming a demanding aspect"

No longer can students just pass with high grades and no understanding of the subjects. Marks are gradually losing their prominence and subject knowledge is becoming a demanding aspect. Institutions, thus, need to focus on engagement and retention more than results and advancement. Without knowledge of depth, students will struggle later.

Future technology-If the idea is to get students ready for the future, then teaching present technology only will not complete the job. Along with computer programming, students must gain exposure to robotics, 3D printing, data science, cloud computing, and other such areas that are slowly taking hold. The foundation of future technology must be built in schools. 

Soft skills- Proficiency in mathematics or literature is known as a hard skill. Critical thinking, leadership, and problem-solving are placed under soft skills. At a time when recruiting companies are stressing the need for emotional intelligence, institutions of the 21st -century have to prioritize soft skills. Workshops and events are great ways to build these.

International curricula- Preparing a student for a global world cannot happen with a local curriculum. Hence the best institutions in India include a global program along with a domestic syllabus where students get the opportunity to reap the benefits of both worlds. The international curriculum needs more penetration. Big push on Skills India. Everyone agrees jobs are a problem, but nobody has given the right solution. The solution to jobs is not to give some income to everyone. It has to be solved by a big push on a whole new program for skills. There has to be a national registrar of skills connected to your Aadhar. The entire population, along with all colleges and bonafide training institutes should be added. It can only be done by institutions and schools by imparting skillful education.

When you first came to Puran Murti Campus, what was your vision for the Institution? Has it evolved, and how far along in implementing that vision are you?

"To act as the public speaker and public relations representative of the institution in ways that strengthen its profile"

To develop and execute the institution’s strategies to attain the goals of the management. Also, provide strategic advice to the seeking authorities so that they will have an accurate view of the market and the institution’s future. And, prepare and implement comprehensive business plans to facilitate achievement by planning cost-effective operations and development activities. Ensure institutions policies and legal guidelines are communicated all the way from the top down in the institution and that they are followed at all times. Oversee the institution’s financial performance, investments, and other business ventures. Even, delegate responsibilities and supervise the work of executives providing guidance and motivation to drive maximum performance. To read all submitted reports by lower rank managers to reward performance, prevent issues, and resolve problems.

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What would you like people to know about your university they may not know?

I would recommend my institution on the following grounds: Laboratories and Instruments, Overall Infrastructure and Facilities, Hostel facility, Updated Curriculum, Academic Support, Extra-curricular activities, Internship and Job Opportunities, and Student-Faculty Ratio. Below are a few points to explain about campus:-

Strong knowledge base for engineering: Demonstrate proficiency in mathematics, science, and fundamentals of engineering. In-depth knowledge of the field of study: Sufficient breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding of engineering subjects in respective fields. Problem-solving skills: Ability to identify, devise, analyze, and solve problems. Investigate Engineering problems: Ability to conduct investigations of problems by methods that include appropriate experiments, analysis, interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to reach valid conclusions. Designing solutions: Demonstrate efficacy in designing solutions for complex, engineering problems and design systems, components, or processes that meet specified needs with due attention to economic, environmental, cultural, societal, and global considerations. Utilize Modern Tools: Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools. Individual and team work: An ability to work independently and as part of a team. Interpersonal and Communication skills: Ability to communicate engineering concepts precisely and effectively, not only with engineers but also with the community at large. Such ability includes reading, writing, speaking, and listening, and the ability to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, and to give and effectively respond to clear instructions.