Dr. Yulendra Kumar Rajput is working as the Principal of Agrasen Mahavidyalaya. He is having 12 years of teaching experience and 12 years as a Principal. He completed his graduation in B.Com, followed by Masters in M.Com. He has also completed his PhD in Commerce. He is very passionate and dedicated to his work.

Agrasen Mahavidyalaya Raipur

What is the functioning of your institute?

“We do offer multiple graduate and post-graduate courses to our students”

Our college has various kinds of functioning which include B.com, BBA, BCA, BSE, M.com, PGDC, PGD Yoga and many more. In total, we have 11 courses in our college for students and we have properly certified teachers to teach our students. Students are provided an open environment to ask questions and have doubts related to their subjects.

Which growth opportunities are available for the students at your institute?

“Training sessions and programs to keep a close eye about their interests”

We do organize seminars and internships for our students. We take care of the growth of our students in various forms, such as providing different educational activities, different learnings, so that they get everything they want. We also observe very keenly student’s interests and passion so that we can provide the proper guidance, learning path and growth opportunities. 

What basic facilities are provided by the college provided to the students?

“We do provide various sports facilities and learning opportunities to them”

We don’t have hostel facilities right now, but we have sports facilities here for the students, we have a very huge ground and also various games, which includes both indoor as well as outdoor games. Students can make their own choice of games they want to play, as sports are very important for a student’s growth. 

Check Agrasen Mahavidyalaya Raipur Courses & Fees

What are the goals of your Institute for the upcoming years?

“To strengthen the present educative system and bring best business value for college”

Our future goals are to educate more students and make them independent by providing placements and all kinds of supports they need in their studies. Our goal is also to create a healthy environment among students and teachers so that every student helps their friends; they can teach each other some good things.

What makes your institute unique in comparison to others?

“Providing education and growth opportunities to our students”

Our college environment is very cooperative, clean, warm and happy, which is there in very few colleges in our area. We provide them opportunities to think about what they want to choose; we help them in choosing better career opportunities by providing them proper education which includes practical learning on top.

What are some of the greatest strengths of this institute?

“Our faculty and students are the main pillars of our institute”

We put conscious efforts towards developing a holistic and multidisciplinary education system. Optimal learning environments and support for students are the backbones of the philosophy of the institute. Motivated, energized and capable faculties are the cause for our consistent progress. Each stakeholder of the Institute, directly or indirectly, contributes to the growth of the institute making it strong to sustain in this competitive environment.

Click Agrasen Mahavidyalaya Raipur Faculty

Any suggestions you would like to give to current youth and generation?

“Stay focused and learn a single skill at a time”

I would suggest every student choose a single field and focus on that, one should decide in the beginning what they are passionate about, so it becomes very easy to achieve goals. I would also suggest them to work hard and be always on time as the time factor is always important in everyone’s life.