Dr Sangram Singh Surana is the Director at Dr Anushka Vidhi Mahavidyalaya, Udaipur. He has completed his LL.B, LL.M and Ph.D. from renowned Universities. Since the initiation of this College, he has been very actively associated with its development as a centre of excellence. During his active professional tenure, he guided many PG and Ph.D. students in their research. He held positions such as Post Graduate Head, Director Students Union, Convener Legal Ad Committee, Controller of MBA entrance examination, Dean Faculty of Law, Principal of Law College and many others.
What is your philosophy of leadership?
“To emphasize team spirit and empower others efficiently and effectively”
Leadership for me is not just exercising power and authority. It is about accomplishing the objectives and goals of the college by playing a responsible role in the organization. I believe in a democratic leadership style in which all the team members are equally involved in all the decisions and activities. As a leader, I give credit to all my teammates for the success and consider failure as a black mark on my work.
How do you plan the administration strategies of your college?
“With the help of an excellent group of administration members and structured syllabus”
Higher education is competitive and evolving at the same time. With time warranted curricula, we help our students in a dynamic teaching-learning process. We possess an effective delivery mechanism, state of the art infrastructure, fully upgraded faculty, most modern facilities for extra-curricular activities and a very congenial learning environment.
What can an inbound student gain from studying here in your college?
“In-house courtroom discussions and various seminars for students better learning”
We practice the amalgamation of classroom learning with practical knowledge. It is implemented through several Court visits, mock court, field visits, rural camps and case studies. We believe that ‘Education is not the learning of facts but the training of the mind to think.’
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How does the curriculum of Dr Anushka Vidhi Mahavidyalaya ensure the best practice of industry?
“The curriculum is updated frequently keeping the pace with the changing needs of Industry”
Anushka Law College is an established Law College as per the guidelines and norms of the Bar Council of India. It is affiliated with the reputed State College- Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar Law College Jaipur (Rajasthan). The College has a well-stated policy to update the curricula regularly through a transparent system for revision.
What do you think should be the College’s top priority over the next 10 years?
“To become a renowned global centre of learning in the Faculty of Law”
Apart from ongoing Undergraduate, postgraduate, integrated and Diploma teaching programmes, we wish to start new teaching programmes to raise the status of the college. Also, our priority is to develop the College as a Centre of continued research in areas related to law.
What are some of the biggest challenges for higher education?
“Switching from offline to online mode of education and the infrastructure required posed as a hurdle initially”
The global pandemic has transformed the mode of learning in all branches of studies. In India, we could manage to continue our educational activities from the very bottom level to the highest level. The spirit of online learning expressed by our learning community was enhanced in this difficult time. Setting up the infrastructure and technology to provide online learning resources has been quite encouraging.
What are some plans that you’re currently designing for students' benefit?
“Efforts towards innovations in learning and practice of Law are underway”
The College aims to establish a centre of excellence for research in Law. Also, the enrollment of international students for a research degree in Law can help our students to develop a cross country experience. It widens their knowledge and helps them to get international placement opportunities.
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How do you tend to establish a healthy environment in your college?
“An increased involvement of all the stakeholders in the development of the College”
Students need a culture of learning and creativity with mentoring and support for their career while faculty members need empowerment. We have developed a culture of excellence, co-operation and respect among all stakeholders. The faculty members are included in all the major decisions and strategy development.