Examinations a must for all Medical Students, Suggest Central Councils; MUHS yet to take a Call

While the state government of Maharashtra is pondering on cancelling all university examinations due to the pandemic, the question of examinations related to the health sciences is yet to be answered.

The Maharashtra University of Health Sciences (MUHS) has been receiving guidelines from central councils of medical education regarding this matter. The dental, nursing, and AYUSH councils have suggested conducting all examinations regardless of the year or semester. However, the Medical Council of India Board of Governors (MCI-BoG) is yet to issue guidelines for examinations pertaining to MBBS and MD.

The MCI is set to follow the trend of the other central councils, with some more relaxation for modern medical science students as they have been on the frontline during the epidemic.

The Medical Education Minister, Amit Deshmukh, said, “I have discussed this issue with MUHS vice-chancellor. The university is working on the details, but awaiting clarity from central councils so that they can act swiftly.”

What have the councils suggested to MUHS?

  • A proper examination must be given to all undergraduate and postgraduate students.
  • The universities should inform students about the examination schedule at least two to four weeks earlier.
  • If the college hospital is treating coronavirus patients, the clinical examination may be given in a nearby college hospital. Pre-clinical examinations can be given online.
  • Universities must issue mark sheets to every student.
  • The mark sheets should mention the marks procured in each subject.

Relaxation for students

  • Students will be allowed to select a nearby college as an examination centre.
  • The norm of 75% attendance may be relaxed.
  • The lockdown period can be treated as ‘deemed to be attended’ by all students.
  • No additional cost shall be borne by students as a result of the disruption in the teaching and evaluation process.
  • Postgraduate students may submit their dissertations online