FMGE December 2022; Pass Certificates to be Issued from March 6

FMGE December 2022

New Delhi: The National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences (NBEMS) has declared that it will be issuing the pass certificates of the students who have successfully cleared the Foreign Medical Graduate Examination (FMGE) December 2022 Session from March 6.

According to the official notification, candidates will be handed over the pass certificates in person on the date and time mentioned on their respective entry slip. Students will be able to download the entry slips through the official website of NBEMS.

FMGE December 2022 Session pass certificates will be issued at the NBEMS office located in PSP Area, Sector-9, Dwarka, New Delhi till April 15, 2023. It must be noted that candidates wont be allowed entry into the office without the respective entry slip and the original documents mentioned in the information bulletin.

“The FMGE Pass certificate will be issued only on production of prescribed documents and on verification of identity, including biometrics/Face ID. The Pass Certificates shall not be issued to any authorized representative or any person other than the candidate himself/herself under any circumstances,” said an official notice from NBEMS.

"Candidates are advised to report to the NBEMS office strictly as per the assigned time slot in order to avoid any crowding. Candidates not reporting as per time slots on assigned days will have to wait for their turn depending on the availability of vacant slots. Candidates are advised to make their return journey travel arrangements by the end of the certificate collection day, considering any unforeseen issues in the verification of identity and documentation. Candidates are required to strictly observe COVID Appropriate Behaviour at the NBEMS office.

For any query, please write to NBEMS at its Communication Web Portal," the official notice further reads.

FMGE December 2022 Session: How to Download Entry Slip

Follow the step provided below to download the entry slip-

  • Go to the official website at
  • You will enter the website homepage.
  • Visit the “Public Notice” section.
  • Click on the “Distribution of FMGE (Screening Test) December 2022 Pass Certificates” option.
  • Click on the “Click here to download the entry slip” link.
  • A login portal will appear on the screen.
  • Enter your roll number and date of birth.
  • Click on the “Submit” option.
  • The FMGE Entry Slip will appear on the screen.
  • Check and download for further use.

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