JEE Advanced 2020: Exam to be Conducted in India Only, Cancelled in Foriegn Centres

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi has announced that JEE Advanced 2020 will not be conducted in foreign centres for this session. 

The decision made by the authorities of IIT- Delhi is in light of the current restrictions imposed on foreign travel and visa issuance. The official statement read as, “Due to the current restrictions imposed on foreign travel and visa issuance, it is decided not to conduct JEE Advanced 2020 in foreign centers. All eligible candidates staying abroad may select their preferred choices from the list of exam cities in India for taking JEE Advanced 2020.”

There have been several comments over the decision, as per Jagadeesh Kumar, dean of Academic Courses at IIT Madras, the decision may not impact the admissions but it can have an effect on global rankings of IITs.

As per the previous notification by the authorities, it has been confirmed that the JEE Advanced exam will be held on September 27, 2020. Previously, JEE Advanced Exam 2020 was postponed multiple times by the authorities due to the rising Coronavirus cases across the country.

Also Read: JEE Advanced 2020 to be conducted over two-three days, IITs to increase exam centres

However, there has been no announcement of the registration dates. The registration is likely to begin as soon as the JEE Main exam is conducted. 

As per the revised eligibility criteria, candidates who have just passed 12th standard will be eligible for admissions into IITs through JEE Advanced regardless of their secured marks. Read More

Furthermore, a big change was also announced earlier by HRD Minister Dr Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ who said that the eligibility criteria for JEE Advanced 2020 would be revised. Previously, it was necessary for the candidates to secure a minimum score of 75% in the 10+2 qualifying exam for IIT admissions.



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